Investment Opportunities Offered by Medellín and the Region will be Presented in Madrid – ACI Medellín

On Tuesday, October 18, Madrid will host ACI Medellín’s event called Why Medellín? Supported by ProColombia and its commercial office in Madrid, the event will be held in the Villahermosa room of the Intercontinental Hotel between 9:00 am and 11:00 am.

Spanish entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to hear directly from ACI Medellín and Procolombia, the investment opportunities offered by Medellín.

The Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area – ACI Medellín, throughout its 15 years of work has become a key player in the internationalization process of the city. In this space, the agency will present the strategies and components that make Medellín an attractive destination for business and foreign investment to Spanish investors and entrepreneurs.

Due to its high economic performance and productive structure, Medellín is one of the most important cities in Latin America in terms of investment. It contributes 7.3% to the country’s GDP, and stands out for its strong inter-institutional relations between academia, the business sector and government.

Mr. Alejandro Mateo, Information Development Director of the Spanish software company Konecta, states: “the high technical level of the engineers of Medellín and the decisive support of the Mayor in the processes of innovation are the reasons why we settled our company in the city since June 2016.”

“In ACI Medellín, we are constantly working to make international investors aware of the possibilities offered by the city and consider it as a key destination for their business. The events Why Medellín? are a fundamental strategy in positioning the city in the international economic environment,” says Sergio Escobar, Director of ACI Medellín.

If you are in Madrid, register [ here ] to participate in the event and see why Medellín is an attractive economic environment for the development of your business.

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Medellín will show US Entrepreneurs its Investment Opportunities

On Thursday, October 12 between noon and 1:30 pm, the Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area – ACI Medellín, will be at the StartUp Week 2017 in Austin, Texas. In the Wall E Room of Capital Factory, officers of the agency will talk about the best practices and investment opportunities of Medellín.

Austin, Texas, welcomes thousands of entrepreneurs in the southern United States.

ACI Medellín and ProColombia have set a meeting called ” Options for Expanding into Latin America,” to be attended by Fred Fred Schmidt, Director of International Affairs of Capital Factory; Paola Andrea Caballeros Rosas, Senior Professional of ACI Medellín; Alejandro Suarez, lawyer and entrepreneur from Austin, board member of TX / MX -a business organization that helps companies expand their operations in both directions across the Texas-Mexico border; and Matthew Fiedler, co-founder / CTO of Re: 3D -a printer company launched through Startup Chile.

First, US entrepreneurs and businessmen will learn about the expansion opportunities of the Latin American market, and then, they will be able to do a networking session and enjoy Colombian gastronomy during lunch.

Capital Factory

Texas is the State with the highest startups rates in the United States. More than 100,000 entrepreneurs, programmers and designers hold face-to-face or virtual meetings, attend to classes and work together toward strenghtening new ideas and projects that benefit the city and the rest of the United States.

Capital Factory knows the best entrepreneurs in Texas and brings them together with investors, employees, mentors and clients.

Austin StartUp Week

For five days, the “StartUp Week” will bring together the most innovative enterprises in the world. In this event, various activities of free access will show visitors from all around the world the advantages offered by the capital of Texas. Learn more [ Here ]

Click [ here ] to register  »

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Medellín asume el reto de ser una ciudad más incluyente y equitativa

Medellín Joined UNESCO’s Global Learning Network

Medellín joined UNESCO’s Global Network of Learning Cities, thanks to an articulated strategy which places education as an axis to achieve great social transformations. This membership, awarded for the first time to a Colombian city, will allow us to share our knowledge with other capitals of the world and to promote public strategies for development.

During the Third International Conference of the Cities of Learning, held in Cork, Ireland, Mayor Federico Gutierrez Zuluaga highlighted Medellín’s plan by 2030 which has been kept regardless the changes in government. “This plan was developed with universities and the private sector to reduce inequality.”

Being part of this network, reinforces the city’s commitment to fulfill the Sustainable Development Objectives adopted by the UN through actions that, in 70%, depend directly on the Development Plan. One of the most important is to guarantee children and adolescents’ access to education.

“By providing our children and young people with education, we are also giving them the ability to dream, to think that they can get as high as they want,” he said, explaining that education helps reduce hunger, poverty, gender gaps and generates economic progress.


UNESCO’s Global Network of Learning Cities highlighted the importance of programs such as Buen Comienzo, which currently serves 74,042 children between 0 and 5 years old. Likewise, they praised the initiative “We Count on You at School,” which has identified 1,600 children who have deserted the education system and helped them to return.

“I have toured around neighborhoods and streets so that our children and young people do not stop studying. We did a door-to-door job and we will continue to do it,” said the Mayor.

In terms of higher education, the mayor of Medellín highlighted the delivery, through Sapiencia, of 2,842 scholarships and credits for training of young people in relevant programs, to facilitate access to the labor world.

Source: Mayor of Medellín (September 18)

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Histórica visita del Papa Francisco a Medellín

Pope Francis’ Historical Mass in Medellín

Medellín experienced an historic event this Saturday, September 9, when more than one million people from various parts of the city, the country and the world gathered at Olaya Herrera Airport to listen to Pope Francis during the Holy Mass.

Before the ceremony, Pope Francis apologized by his delay arriving to the city due to climate conditions during the morning that forced him to move by land and not by helicopter as it was planned.

“I would like to thank you for having waited for me for long hours in the rain,” said Pope Francisco, before starting the ceremony.

In his sermon, he said that the Church is going through a time of renewal which should not generate fear, it renews itself in faith. He added that this renewal is a sacrifice: “The Church is not a customs office, it wants to welcome everybody.”

3,500 ministers of communion, 3,500 young volunteers and about 2,500 priests attended this mass; and over 600,000 communion breads were delivered.

The choir Cantante Domino Cánticum Novum and Selection of Ministers of the Liturgical Singing Archdiocese of Medellín, integrated by 300 people, set the mood during the Eucharist.

Se instalaron 20 sagrarios, cada uno con 150 copones atendidos por los servidores de la Sagrada Comunión. 6,240 people among deacons, candidates for the permanent diaconate and extraordinary ministers of the parishes belonging to the Archdiocese of Medellin and the surrounding dioceses, were involved in this ceremony. They were in charge of delivering the communion bread to the attendees and were supported by 3,000 young people from the Youth Ministry.

The Mayor of Medellín had a special location for about 100 inmates, a delegation of 100 people with hearing disabilities accompanied by 10 sign language interpreters and 300 people with different health problems.

At the end of the ceremony, the Archbishop of Medellin, Ricardo Tobón Restrepo, gave Pope Francisco a replica of the Virgin of Candelaria, and said: “This is a show of our appreciation and gratitude, an image of Our Lady of Candelaria, the benevolent mother who has accompanied the Church since its beginnings in the Valley of Aburra.

The image of the Virgin of Candelaria, patroness of the Archdiocese of Medellin, accompanied the Holy Mass. This image has been venerated for centuries in the Church of Candelaria, located in Berrío Park. It was painted in Spain and donated by Queen Regent Mariana of Austria and her son Charles II.

Another important symbol was the Christ placed on the stage, donated by the Government of Antioquia, and will be part of a new parish which will be built honoring the visit of Pope Francis to Medellín.

After the mass at the Olaya Herrera, the Holy Father went to the Conciliar Seminary of Medellín to take a break. Later, he held a meeting with seminarians and trainers.

Source: Mayor of Medellín

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Fiesta del Libro en Medellín

Brazil Invited to the Book and Culture Fest in Medellín

The eleventh Book and Culture Fest of Medellín opens its doors to the world at the Botanic Garden until Sunday, this September 17. People will enjoy the best literature of this year’s special guest, Brazil.

More than 34,000 national and foreign expected visitors will have the opportunity to see why culture in Medellín continues to position itself in the international arena as one of the most important aspects of the city. Culture generates a transformative capacity, appropriation of urbanized spaces and social opportunities in the city.

Fiesta del Libro en Medellín

The Book Fest is free and will involve all citizens in different activities such as concerts, book launches, exhibitions and talks.

Brazil, the first country invited to the Book Fest in Medellín, will have an important exhibition of Brazilian culture, cuisine, music and literature; and it will be supported by Brazilian artists and government representatives.

“It is a great privilege for Brazil to be the first country invited to the Book Fest. We consider this an act of friendship. Also, it is a happy coincidence this year’s theme is “identities,” since it gives us the opportunity to share the great cultural wealth of our country. Once again, this will be an opportunity to thank Medellín,” said Julio Glinternick, Brazilian Ambassador to Colombia.

Fiesta del Libro en Medellín

“The presence of Brazil sets a very important precedent in this event’s history because they bring a library with 8,000 volumes, a city has never had this quantity of books in a Book Fest. On the other hand, Brazil is a very rich country in children’s and youth literature; two Brazilian winners of the Hans Christian Andersen Prize, considered the Nobel Prize for children’s literature, will be present at the event: Roger Mello and Ana María Machado. In addition, Brazil will have an important artistic representation with 8 large-format groups. “The Brazilian gastronomy, can be enjoyed in the Patio de las Azaleas with the program “Cooking with Words”, said Diego Aristizábal, Director of the Book Fest.

“A country like Brazil enriches The Book Fest with its music, literature, writers, food. It opens a great opportunity for the people of Medellin to know and reach to this great country. We do not always have the opportunity to have such wide variety and so close. I hope many citizens have the opportunity to know and enjoy it, “ said Sergio Escobar, Director of ACI Medellín.


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Medellín will Host SAHIC’s in 2018

Medellín will host the most important event on investment in tourism and hotel industry in Latin America, SAHIC 2018. This is a wonderful opportunity for the development of this industry, not only in the city but also in Colombia, allowing locals and foreigners to explore new businesses, build relations and increase the development of the sector.

The previous versions of the event have summoned the bests in the hotel and tourism service in one place, allowing the participation of more than 300 executives and presidents of the principal hotel chains around the world.

“I am happy for this announcement. I thank SAHIC for having chosen Medellin as the host for next year edition! It will be a great opportunity for the hotel industry and local and national tourism, to access spaces and make relationships that allow them to understand the new dynamics of the market and make connections with key players for a better and faster development of tourism and hotels in Colombia,” said Sergio Escobar, Director of ACI Medellín.

In the video: Arturo García Rosa, President and Founder of “South American Hotel and Tourism Investment Conference” SAHIC, makes the official announcement of the event in Medellín.

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Invierta en Medellín

Brazilian Entrepreneurs are Interested in Investing in Medellín

The Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area, ACI Medellín arrived in Belo Horizonte, Sao Paulo and Florianopolis to discuss investment with Brazilian businessmen.

A meeting was held in each city, attracting approximately 100 entrepreneurs interested in investing in Medellín.

On August 22, 23 and 24, ACI Medellín held 3 meetings called: “Why Medellín?” in Belo Horizonte, Sao Paulo and Florianopolis. Brazilian entrepreneurs were told the reasons why Medellín is an attractive destination for investment.

These meetings, supported by Procolombia and its commercial office in Sao Paulo, were attended by various trade associations in Brazil and Brazilian entrepreneurs representing the manufacturing, metal-mechanic, technology, infrastructure and services sectors who were interested in expanding their businesses in Medellín.

Also, on August 23 and supported by the Consulate of Colombia in Sao Paulo, a meeting with members of the Network Sos Paisa living in this city was held. During this meeting, the characteristics of the program and how people from Antioquia living abroad can participate in the development of the city and the region were presented.

“These events of ACI Medellín denominated ‘Why Medellín?’ are a new way to approach the meaning of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area as investment destinations” said Executive Director of ACI Medellín, Sergio Escobar.

Why Medellín in Florianopolis.
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Sinopsis and memories of the Medellín lab

From May 29 to June 2, 2017, the city held the first Medellín Lab, whose main objective is to share the Security and Coexistence Local Management Model of Medellín. The Model and its transversal axes were first approached by knowing, visiting and interacting with the institutions, programs, structures and groups that are directly involved on it.

The exercise offered a comprehensive approach to the city in relation to Medellín’s Security and Coexistence Public Policy. The principal objective of visiting these programs and projects is to demonstrate how each of them is coherently articulated and makes part of the Model. Therefore, to carry out the Medellín Lab linked to the Model, ACI Medellín identified structures and programs in representative locations of the city where security and coexistence issues have been relevant. The contact with local key players was essential on this process.

During this experience, participants had the opportunity to learn about Medellín’s obstacles and success stories in terms of security and coexistence; they could share their own experiences and generate two-way exchanges, as well as valuable learning and engagements.

This exercise was organized by the World Bank, USAID, the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities Network, the Mayor of Medellín and ACI Medellín. The event was attended by representatives of the United States, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Saint Lucia, Guyana, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Uruguay and Colombia.

The following is a brief chronological summary of the activities, reflections, discussions, lessons learned and experiences lived during the 5 days of Medellín Lab.


Click on the image to download »

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Papa en Medellín

From Medellín, Pope Francis will Send a Message to the World

The visit of Pope Francis is part of a tour around four cities in Colombia – Bogotá, Villavicencio, Cartagena and Medellín, which will take place between September 6 and 10.

This is the third time a Pope steps on Colombian soil. The first was Paul VI on 1968 and the second was John Paul II on 1986.

Thousands of believing Catholics from countries like Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Mexico, El Salvador and the United States are expected to arrive in the city.

It has been 31 years after the last time a Supreme Pontiff visited Medellín. The next time will be on Saturday, September 9 when Francisco – first Latin American Pope, arrives in the city.

The Pope will send a message of strength and transformation from a city that used to live in fear and violence but, today, has moved on from that violent past and is currently working to grow. The presence of Pope Francis in Medellín makes the world sees us as a growing and transforming city.

The Pope’s visit will leave an economic revenue of about 22 million dollars and a hotel occupancy of 90%. Also 3,500 international journalists are expected to cover this event internationally.

“Pope Francis’ visit to Medellín represents a step forward in the city’s internationalization. No doubt, thousands of visitors from all over the world will arrive in Medellín to see him, this is an opportunity for the inhabitants show how beautiful this city is; how hard workers and kind are they.” Said Sergio Escobar, CEO ACI Medellín.

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Krzysztof Penderecki visita Medellín

Master Krzysztof Penderecki Visits Medellín

The renowned Polish classical composer and orchestra conductor Krzysztof Penderecki will visit Medellín for the first time to offer a concert along with the Philharmonic Orchestra this Friday, September 8 at 8 pm in the Metropolitan Theatre.

The Polish master is the most important living composer in the actual world. He has been awarded with recognitions such as the Grand Prix of Art by the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia (1966); the Prize of Italy and the Gold Medal of Sibelius (1967); UNESCO-International Music Council Music Prize (1993); Cannes Prize to the “Live Composer of the Year” (2000) and the Prince of Asturias Award for the Arts 2001, among others.

The experience and worldwide recognition of the Polish musician make his presence a recognition to the talent of the musicians of the city and enrich the cultural offer of Medellín. Thus, allowing to create new opportunities for international exchange in the city.

His visit, is part of his South-American tour and is an important cultural reference for the internationalization of Medellín and Antioquia, in a time when thousands of visitors are arriving in the city due to the visit of Pope Francisco.

He will lead a discussion the same day of the concert at 7:00 pm. After that, Master Penderecki will perform F. Mendelssohn’s Symphony No. 4 and his Symphony No. 2, entitled Christmas.

“The presence of Krysztof Penderecki in Medellín makes the world more interested in the talent, creativity and artistic capacity of our city. The fact that this important composer is eager to lead a great concert and contribute his knowledge to the musical development of Medellín is a true honor” said Sergio Escobar, Director of ACI Medellín.

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Medellín, nuevo integrante de la red WAIPA

Medellín, the new member of WAIPA

Since August 2017, the city is part of WAIPA, one of the most powerful investment networks in the world.

WAIPA was created in 1995 by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development for investment promotion.

Medellín made official its entrance to the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies, WAIPA, on last July 2017 at the “Executive Training Meeting on Foreign Direct Investment” held in Istanbul, Turkey.

WAIPA is a non-governmental organization with more than 170 members in 130 countries. It establishes networks for knowledge exchange with investment promotion agencies through activities such as:

  • Researching investment strategies to carry out work agendas with entrepreneurs that generate results for development.
  • Incentives and investment attraction.
  • Evolution, impact and permanence of foreign investment.

“Being part of this network represents a unique opportunity to strengthen our relationship with key players in global investment, knowledge management and access to information that will allow us to improve our strategies of resources attraction and the quality of life of the inhabitants of Medellín and Antioquia,” said Sergio Escobar, CEO of ACI Medellín.

To learn more about the WAIPA network click here:

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Tres expresidentes de América Latina se dieron cita en la ACI Medellín

Three Latin American Former Presidents Met at ACI Medellín

Former presidents of Bolivia, Uruguay and Guatemala visited ACI Medellín to expand their knowledge on investment and cooperation in Medellín.

The three former leaders described ACI Medellín as an innovative institution and a model to be replicated in other countries around the continent.

ACI Medellín told the former presidents of Guatemala, Álvaro Colom Ceballos; Bolivia, Carlos D. Mesa Gisbert and Uruguay, Luis Alberto Lacalle its mission and functions. They had the opportunity to ask and learn about the strategic projects of the current municipal administration like the Strategic Plan of the City Center and the construction of the tram of the 80th avenue.

Subsequently, they continued their tour around the city: Starting on the Metro, Ayacucho’s Tramway and the Metrocable Line H to Villa Sierra station. This, brought them closer to the physical interventions of the city. They spoke with the people and understood the impact of these works in the life and development of Medellín.

“I know Medellín since 1994 and today, I found a city totally transformed, evolved and modern. I was impressed by the intervention in the upper parts of the city, the Metro and the cable cars. It is a living city that is going through a transformation process; Also, it is an example to other cities in political and community leadership,” said Álvaro Colom Ceballos, former President of Guatemala.

“Medellín is like the ‘city of the future’ ” because it works for being civilized, productive, modern and safe. I am very happy for having visited the city and I would love that my country and Montevideo were enthusiastic to learn from Medellín,” said Luis Alberto Lacalle, former President of Uruguay.

“Perhaps the most appropriate word for Medellín is ‘kind.’ It is a city will receive you with such spirit and such warmth. Medellín is a city that shows itself as an international example, a friendly city that grows by understanding the fundamental needs of its people,” said former President of Bolivia, Carlos D. Mesa Gisbert.

“It is an honor for ACI Medellín to receive the three former presidents, and to share with them its concept of the city under the light of the Latin American reality and what is happening in their respective countries. A very enriching experience that gives us a different vision from each of their points of view and leadership.” said Sergio Escobar, CEO of ACI Medellín.

The former presidents arrived in the city at the invitation of the Council of Medellín to participate in the “National Meeting of Councilors” held on Monday, August 14 and where each one presented a paper from his experience as Presidents.

Expresidentes de Uruguay, Guatemala y Bolivia
Former Presidents with the ACI Medellín’s management team.
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Miami y Medellín impulsan la innovación

An Agreement Between Medellín and Miami to Promote Innovation

A Memorandum of Understanding signed between Medellin’s Ruta N and the Cambridge Innovation Center Miami (CIC Miami) will create a connection between the companies located in The Sun City and the capital of Antioquia to exchange experiences, practices, resources and knowledge and to facilitate the expansion and growth of entrepreneurship linked to both institutions.

Miami is currently leading the new business activity in the United States, ranking in first place among the 40 largest metropolitan areas of the North American nation, in which there is a need to support and strengthen entrepreneurship, which represent two thirds of all businesses in the world today, according to the Family Firm Institute of that country.

Medellin, in turn, has turned out to be Colombia’s innovation capital, thanks to the social and economic transformation of the last two decades, becoming a world benchmark of urban planning, which has given rise to a new vision of business in the development of financial and IT services, leveraged in business and business ecosystems, such as Ruta N, with national and foreign companies.

Ruta N has partnered with the University of Miami and its Center for Computational Science to connect in innovation activities based on e-Science, Big Data and Intelligent Cities, by strengthening the capacities through efforts by both cities. This new association will allow entrepreneurs and innovators to access valuable information in Colombia and the United States, as well as provide strategic connections with local clients, capital, human resources and expert advice, thus facilitating their entry and expansion in both markets by promoting new investment and business opportunities.

Colombia has set out to tackle the challenge of doubling its investment in science, technology and innovation activities, to promote the country’s technological development, meeting the needs of its production apparatus and contributing to the improvement of social indicators. The objective is to go from today’s 0.5% to 1% of the GDP in 2018 in Innovation activities. This means increasing the flow of resources to COP 8.8 billion.  In the case of Medellin, the idea is to go from 1.82 to 3.0 of the GDP by 2021.  Initiatives such as the agreement between Miami and Medellin contribute to the development of the sector, of its local projection, our goals in Colombia and in the United States.

According to Natalia Martínez-Kalínina, leader of the Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC Miami), this alliance opens a new stage of collaboration. “To us, it is crucial to establish tangible and bidirectional bridges of cooperation between the region’s innovation centers. Miami can contribute real value as the isthmus of the hemisphere and connecting point with the United States. In turn, Medellin has stood out as a pacesetter, not only in Colombia, but in Latin America, due to the effort placed into bringing together and training the entrepreneurial talent. As such, we are very excited to have the opportunity to work together in order to facilitate the exchange, training and collaboration of entrepreneurs, investors, institutions, et al in our respective cities.”

As stated by Alejandro Franco, Executive Director of Ruta N, “working with the Cambridge Innovation Center and Miami’s business ecosystem is vital for the consolidation of Medellin as an innovation hub. This agreement facilitates the arrival of new companies in our Innovation District and the establishment of our local startups in Miami. We have continued working to connect Medellin to the world and the world to Medellin.

In turn, to highlight the coordination effort between the entities for the development of innovation, Sergio Escobar, the Executive Director of ACI Medellin said: “to the ACI Medellin, as a Cooperation and Investment agency, it is important to promote this type of inter-institutional alliances that contribute to strengthening local initiatives as the city’s strategy for innovation and entrepreneurship. Through these ties of cooperation which we are weaving between Medellin and the world, we have an impact on the quality of life of our people and, in this particular case, we are increasing opportunities for local entrepreneurs by facilitating their access to such an important market, as that of the United States, and to an ecosystem of innovation as relevant as Miami’s one, in addition to continuing to strengthen the arrival of foreign enterprises in the city to carry out high-value-added activities, thus increasingly strengthening initiatives such as the Innovation District of Medellin. We are grateful to the CIC Miami for trusting in Medellin, and we are confident that this alliance will bring mutual benefits, especially in the projection for both cities as increasingly dynamic innovation centers interconnected with the world.”

Through ProColombia, the entity that has been working together with Ruta N, the CIC Miami and ACI Medellin to facilitate meetings, and the spokesmanship of its President, Felipe Jaramillo, “this agreement signed between the CIC and Ruta N is focused on the objectives of fostering the transfer of technology and knowledge, promoting the arrival of greater foreign investment and advertising Medellin’s potential as an innovation destination for US entrepreneurship and an opportunity of growth for Colombian startups on the largest market in the world.


CIC Miami opened its doors in October 2016, and it is the fifth site of expansion of the company operating in Cambridge, Boston, Miami, Rotterdam and St. Louis. With the view to uniting the country’s second largest healthcare district with the rest of Miami’s innovation corridor, CIC facilitates collective work, has flexible offices and laboratory spaces with programming, counseling and community-building initiatives.

CIC Miami works hand-in-hand with the University of Miami in the creation of an innovation district called Converge and in the implementation of multiple strategies for the development of Miami, including a shared research laboratory for the region.

With the objective of making Miami and Wynwood the Alexandria of the modern Western Hemisphere, CIC has set out to build a collaborative, inclusive and value-added gravitational center, strongly focused on what it will take to make Miami a true regional hub.


Ruta N is a corporation created by the Medellin City Hall, TIGO, UNE and EPM in 2011 to boost the city’s innovation ecosystem by promoting the development of innovative technology-based companies, thus increasing the competitiveness of the city and the region. The Ruta N corporation, which is financed with public finds, not only promotes the development of companies operating in Medellin (Colombia’s second largest city), but it also works with the public and private sectors to foster innovation, support entrepreneurs and provide technological training for youth.


Founded in 2002, the Cooperation and Investment Agency of Medellin and the Metropolitan Area (ACI Medellin) is the entity responsible for finding different organizations and allies at the international level to foster the development of the region through two tools: foreign direct investment and international cooperation. The ACI Medellin supports this Memorandum of Understanding by providing Canadian companies with legal and operational guidance in Medellin, industry context and key local connections, thus facilitating their easy entry and growth thereof on the Colombian market.


ProColombia is the organization tasked with the commercial promotion of non-traditional exports, international tourism, Foreign Investment in Colombia and the Colombia Country Brand. Through our national and international network of offices, we provide comprehensive consultancy and support to local entrepreneurs through services aimed at facilitating the design and implementation of their internationalization strategies, striving to generate, develop and finalize business opportunities.


Source: Cambridge Innovation Center Miami

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Firma protocolaria acuerdo FAO - Alcaldía para Modelo de Comercio Local

The Mayor of Medellín and FAO Signed an Agreement to Improve Local Market

The mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez, and the representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to Colombia, Rafael Zavala Gómez del Campo, will sign an international partnership agreement to work jointly for the consolidation of a Local Market Model that promotes the economic development of agricultural production in the capital of Antioquia.  The municipal administration will invest 370 million pesos in the first stage of this project.

During the next ten months, FAO will tour the five townships of Medellín in order to understand the logistic distribution and commercialization of the products cultivated by our farmers, with the objective of proposing a model that permits direct and fair commerce for producers, and access to local products for consumers. This will promote a rapprochement between the urban city and the rural city, bridging the social gaps that currently persist.

In addition, this model will analyze the institutional offer implemented by the municipal administration in the rural areas of Medellín, to establish methodologies that improve the processes and articulates the strategies to strengthen the growth and development of inhabitants of the rural areas Medellín.

The Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area, has accompanied the consolidation of this agreement that opens the doors of the capital of Antioquia to implement food security experiences that are articulated with the international models implemented by the Organization of the United Nations.

Informative context

The construction of the Local Market Model is part of the Development Plan “Medellín counts on you” on its challenge 6.6: Medellín recognizes the importance of its rural territory, led by the Townships Management, which contributes to the fulfillment of FAO’s Food for the Cities strategy.

The city has a rural territory that occupies more than 70% of its extension. It is inhabited by peasants who make a living from growing fruits and vegetables. The creation of a model that allows a consolidation of the local commerce in the city will also promote an increase in the income of these farmers and the permanence in time of this economic sector.


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The Flowers Fest Reaches the World

The ” China Global Television Network,” the largest in the world by its number of viewers, visited Medellín during the Flower Fest 60th and published a note on its portal highlighting the international projection of the flower market and the impact of this event.

The Silleteros Parade continues to be a very attractive event for international visitors. It is not just one of the most beautiful traditions of Antioquia´s culture, but also opens Medellín to the world. This could be one of the most important events at a national and international level.

Reaching China with this event, is one step closer to the internationalization of Medellín and Antioquia as a destination for investment and cooperation. [ Click here ] to read the article.

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Fundación Probono y ACI Medellín

ProBono Foundation and ACI Medellín Will Share Knowledge with Local NGOs

On August 22, 2017, Probono Foundation will talk to representatives of NGOs in Antioquia during ACI Medellín Lectures.

This is the third ACI Medellín Lecture in 2017. The first one was on peace and post-conflict issues and the second addressed to alternative communication channels.

As part of its strategy to strengthen and establish cooperation relationships with local allies, ACI Medellín will hold the third ACI Medellín Lecture “Exchange system for donations and resources from abroad,” next Tuesday, August 22 at 8:00 am in the auditorium Plaza de la Libertad (Carrera 54 # 42 -188).

This time, ProBono Foundation will join ACI Medellín’s and will talk about exchange rate regime network. “The representatives of NGOs attending the talk will know the process of legalizing resources arriving from international cooperation to Colombia,” said Juan Esteban Sosa, Regional Coordinator of the Foundation.


The event is open to the public and requires prior registration online [ Click here ]


About ProBono Foundation

ProBono Colombia Foundation is a private, non-profit organization that links those who do not have the resources to access quality legal advice and a team of lawyers from different entities willing to offer their services free of charge. The Foundation has 50 members in Colombia and 7 of them are in Antioquia (Grupo Argos, Bancolombia, Correa Merino & Co. Abogados, Rodríguez Azuero Contexto Legal, Agudelo Peláez Abogados, Ariza & Marín Abogados y Uribe Henao Abogados). Since 2009 and to date, ProBono has received more than 3000 requests for legal assistance.

About ACI Medellín Lectures

The ACI Medellín Lectures are a strategy to strengthen relationships with local allies. These academic events are focused on critical issues for the internationalization process of Medellín and the region. They are based on matters that contribute to the implementation of investment and cooperation projects .Also, they are aimed at public officials, undergraduate and postgraduate students, teachers, NGO representatives and entrepreneurs.

Fundación Probono y ACI Medellín

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ACI Medellín, a case study for the World Bank

The World Bank advised ACI Medellín in the development of new methodologies for knowledge management, reception of international delegations and the design of new investment and cooperation projects.

ACI Medellín implemented the methodologies and lessons learned from the World Bank in the Medellin Lab, held from May 29 to June 2.

In 2015, ACI Medellín participated in the II Conference of Knowledge Hubs in Seoul, Korea, it was there where the opportunity to work with the World Bank was born. The Agency would receive support and advice through a program called Organizational Knowledge Exchange Sharing, OKS.

ACI Medellín has improved its capacity to share and exchange knowledge with other governments by implementing the methodologies provided by the Bank. Its goal is to develop programs and projects that strengthen its management and allow a significant impact on the quality of life of Medellín’s inhabitants. The comprehensive model of local management of security and coexistence is one of the outcomes from this works and is made up by 6 key elements:

– Shared leadership between the public and the private (alliances).

– Social innovation.

– Resilience.

– Sense of belonging.

– Involvement of communities.

– Continuity of city programs and projects.


The acquired knowledge helped ACI Medellín to set up the Medellín Lab. It is a laboratory of city experiences in which participants can witness the reality of Medellín, its social and physical transformation through activities and visits to various places.

One of the results of this first laboratory is the knowledge provided to leaders and representatives of international governments, which will be applied it in their territories.

“During the Medellín Lab, the city became a laboratory of experiences linked to the recovery and evolution of the community, to its resilient capacity. That is the essence of this laboratory, the creation of opportunities to share and experience the reality of Medellín” said Sergio Escobar, CEO of ACI Medellín.

Learn more [ Click here ]

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Inexmoda Acknowledges ACI Medellín

During the opening ceremony of Colombiamoda 2017, Inexmoda publicly acknowledged ACI Medellín for its 15 years of investment and cooperation promotion in Medellín and the region.

National, regional and local authorities applauded the achievements of the Agency and encouraged it to continue working for the city and the region.

Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia; María Claudia Lacotoure, Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism; Carlos Eduardo Botero, Director of Inexmoda; Luis Pérez Gutiérrez, Governor of Antioquia and Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga, Mayor of Medellín inaugurated Colombiamoda 2017.

“We are very happy to receive this recognition. It is the outcome of a team work which has generated major achievements in cooperation and investment issues in the city. This encourage us to work harder for the internationalization and economic development of the city” said CEO of ACI Medellín, Sergio Escobar.

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Medellín tendrá Política de Desarrollo Económico para mejorar la calidad de vida

An Economic Development Policy to Improve Quality of Life

The Mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga; The President of the Municipal Council, Jesús Aníbal Echeverri, and the Executive President of Medellín’s Chamber of Commerce, Lina Vélez de Nicholls, presented an Economic Development Policy to increase employment rates and improve income levels.

An Economic Development Policy must improve quality of life, increase employment rates and generate opportunities to access education, said mayor, Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga, who also expects 24,000 companies to be formalized in Medellín in the next four years. During the event, Chile was highlighted as an example for its success in designing and implementing this type of development policies.

In Medellín, three different administrative units have overseen the Economic Development: The Administrative Department of Planning, the Secretary of Social Development and the Secretary of Citizen Culture. But, in 2012, the creation of the Secretary of Economic Development aligned and integrated all efforts in this matter.

After the implementation of this Policy, the Mayor also expects an improvement of the Multidimensional Living Conditions Index, Medellín’s GDP per capita and the GINI index.

Medellín has 48 agreements and municipal decrees related to local economic development issues which need to be integrated into a single public policy to make the more efficient and coordinated.

Audio of the mayor Federico Gutierrez addressing the subject:

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Feria de las Flores de Medellín

The Flowers Fest Honors the 60 Anniversary of the Silleteros Parade

From July 28 until August 8, the most important festival of Antioquia takes over the city: The Flowers Fair 2017. This fair celebrates its essence around the Silleteros* parade, which represents the collective spirit of our cultural expressions with a diverse exhibition of orchids, birds, flowers and bonsais; the festival of trovas*; concerts; and tours in Santa Elena. The Fair is the seal that best translates Antioquia’s energy and the vocation of Paisas* as hosts of Medellín.

This year we celebrate is the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Silleteros parade; a tradition as noble and beautiful as the elaboration of silletas* especially made for this event. The Silleteros Parade has been a ritual for the last six decades, and began with a score of exhibitors that marched from Plaza de Cisneros and toured around the center of Medellín.

The Silleteros tradition was born in the village of Santa Elena. It is a ritual nourished by local families who have tried to transmit the life of the Silleta from generation to generation – such as the Atehortúa, Londoño, Grisales, Zapata, Grajales and Alzate family. The Silleteros Parade started 60 years ago with 20 silleteros, and has grown to as many as 500 silleteros and up to 600 children who participate every year.

The figure of the Silletero goes back to colonial times and was common in other countries with similar geographical conditions to our mountainous valley. The use of saddle made it possible to transport goods, but with the construction of new roads and highways, this job disappeared. However, the Silleteros parade in Antioquia has been preserved as a cultural treasure that shows our people´s talent, skills, and creativity.

This year, the Silleteros Parade will be held on Monday, August 7; and will have a two-kilometer tour and the participation of 16 Silleteros that have been pioneers of this tradition; 404 adults; 50 young people; and 30 children. There is no doubt this will be a tribute to our history and the wealth of our Silletero tradition.

*Silleta: A flower saddle that weights between 90 to 120 kilos

*Silletero: A person who manufactures and carries flower saddles

*Paisa: A person born in Antioquia

*Trova: A simple rhyming song that is used to express personal experience

More info»

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Empresa estadounidense Demand Frontier

Demand Frontier Has Arrived in Medellín to Stay

These are projects that become stronger and settle in in the city thanks to a joint work between people and organizations that believe in Medellín. ACI Medellín is a partner in the opening of the new Demand Frontier office. Congratulations!

Demand Frontier is a US digital marketing and IT solutions company. It arrived in Medellín for the professionalism and training of Colombian talent. Ruta N’s Landing program made its arrival easier and has helped to continue its expansion with new offices in the city.


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ACI Medellín Supports F-AIR Colombia

The most dynamic economic sectors in Medellín have helped to position it abroad. For this reason, the Mayor of Medellín, through ACI Medellín, supports fairs such as F-AIR Colombia, an event that energizes the economy of the city.

Due to the wide variety of investment opportunities, the creation of new businesses, the consolidation of alliances and the knowledge exchange promoted by international fairs, the city considers these events as fundamental strategies for economic growth and to develop new projects.

To strengthen the internationalization of the city and the region, ACI Medellín offers advice to organizers of national and international business fairs. These events are a good opportunity for Medellín to gain greater visibility and to boost the development of strategic economic sectors.

The Agency has advised fairs and events that contribute to position the city as an ideal destination for business and foreign investment since 2005.

In 2016, Medellín Mayor’s Office was linked by ACI Medellín to 11 business fairs: Shape Latam, LACEA, WAITRO, Expoagrofuturo, Congreso de Logística, Expotransporte, Expocamacol, Tecnnova, Colombiamoda, Feria de las dos Ruedas and Colombiatex.

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O Globo de Brasil, destaca a la ciudad de Medellín en un reportaje sobre Colombia

Brazilian O Globo Highlights Medellín in an Article About Colombia

Brazil most important journalism agency, O Globo, published an article about Colombia and Medellín has a prominent position on it. The article highlighting the city’s resilience capacity and its condition of solidarity towards adversity, making a reference to what happened with the football team Chapecoense.

A tour around Colombia highlighting aspects such as geographical and natural diversity, the political process of change our country is going through and the ability of its people to contribute with their talent to build a positive and powerful reality to continue growing and be better.

Undoubtedly, this documentary shows the reality of Colombia from the perspective of our brother country: Brazil. We invite you to watch it!

O Globo de Brasil, destaca a la ciudad de Medellín en un reportaje sobre Colombia
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Cafe de Colombia

90 Years Growing Coffee for the World

The National Federation of Coffee Growers’ 90 birthday is a milestone for the history of Antioquia and Colombia. Our department produces an excellent export coffee consumed by millions of people around the world. Its characteristic flavor and aroma put it on the top as a unique product.

Thousands of coffee families committed to delivering the best coffee in the world are behind this production process.

This is the opportunity to congratulate the National Federation of Coffee Growers, founded in Medellín on June 27, 1927, for its 90 years of service and the dissemination of the coffee culture. Its work has been decisive for the economic development of Colombia.

“ACI Medellín has supported the Federation and today, congratulate it for its 90 years. We praise the First World Forum of Coffee Producers, which we perceive as a terrific opportunity to open spaces for dialogue around fundamental issues for the coffee sector, such as: sustainable production, environmental impact and social development of coffee families,” said Sergio Escobar, ACI Medellín’s CEO.

Congratulations, National Federation of Coffee Growers!

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ACI Medellín Has Managed USD $ 1,629 Million in Foreign Investment During its 15 Years of Existence

USD 83 million on international cooperation

The Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area, ACI Medellín, held the Forum for Cooperation and Investment during the commemoration of its 15 years of work this last June 7. A large group of businessmen and diplomatic representatives from 10 countries attended the forum. The mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga, and the Governor of Antioquia, Luis Pérez Gutiérrez, lead the opening act.

The event dealt with issues related to innovation, the value of cooperation, investment promotion agencies, Multilatinas as a driving force for national and international economy, the case of success of France as investor in Medellín, among others.

The French ambassador to Colombia, Jean-Marc Laforet, emphasized his experience with the different visits he has had with French business delegations and the excellent outcomes they had been.

On the other hand, Christian Daes, Tecnoglass’ COO, sent a message to the entrepreneurs and businessmen of the country, in which he invited to have determination and persistence; a call to overcome difficulties and continue to advance.

Eugenio Prieto, Director of the Metropolitan Area, congratulated ACI Medellín for the spirit it has built on international cooperation, showing the capacity and resilience of the inhabitants of the Aburrá Valley and Antioquia.

Another representative group of assistants and personalities from national and international organizations, attended the event and joined the agency in commemorating its first 15 years of existence. This event succeeded in the debating and the exhibiting the most important ideas to continue strengthening ties with the world to improve development and the quality of life of the inhabitants of the city and the department.

You will find a wide record of testimonies and photos in our social networks: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.



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Por qué Medellín en San Pablo
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Cooperación Medellín - Francia

Paris Continues to Support Medellín on Its Human Mobility Tasks

After officials of the Mayor’s Office and the Council of Medellín visited Paris in January 2017 to participate in the first phase of the project “Urban Dialogue Paris – Medellín: for sustainable mobility,”  the second phase of the project starts with the visit of officials from the Mayor’s Office of Paris, the International Relations and Mobility Directorates and the Parisian Urbanism Workshop (APUR).

The presentations of Human Mobility experiences in both cities and field visits to tactical urbanism experiences, as in the case of the activations for sustainable mobility in the Playa Avenue, are contemplated.

ACI Medellín held dialogues with Adré-Marie Bourlon , Head of the Paris Mission in Medellín, about the cooperation process between both cities. Mr. Bourlon is an urban planner with more than 30 years of experience and is APUR’s current Deputy Director. He has directed large urban operations such as Bercy, Paris Rive Gauche and Paris Nord Est, Public Bicycles (Velib) and the Public Electric Car System (Autolib).

Why are you interested in Medellín?

“My relations with Colombia are from about 10 years ago. I have worked and advised cities like Bogota and Barranquilla. I even participated in the Plan BIO 20-30 with Medellín through the University EAFIT. This is not my first visit to the city. On this occasion, I have come with colleagues from the Mobility and International Relations Directorates from the Mayor of Paris, to continue this process of dialogue between both cities around human mobility.

Which positive aspects do you highlight from Medellín’s mobility?

“Perhaps Medellín has the best experience in public transport intermodality from Latin America since the city has Metro, Metrocable, Metro Plus and the new tram. It is also worth mention that, unlike ours, Medellín has the capacity to develop projects in a very brief time, as was the case of the Public Bicycle System. In Paris, it took three years for the system to be in operation and in Medellín the process has been progressive, but faster. “

Paris is a world benchmark in urbanism and mobility, what could Medellín learn from Paris in this matter?

“I believe that Medellín could learn from Paris:

  • Favoring the pedestrian and ensuring the connection of people with public transport, such as access to the Metro.
  • Management of public parking and control of public space.
  • The provision of more environmentally friendly means of transport that prevent pollution.
  • Use of soil recovery instruments.”

What’s next in the process of cooperation between Medellín and Paris?

“The project finishes this stage with our visit. However, the next step is the search for resources to finance projects in Medellín with the help of the French Government through the French Development Agency – AFD. We will hold a meeting with the Embassy of France in Colombia to examine these possibilities.

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XII Congreso Mundial Metrópolis

Due to its innovation and resilience, Medellín was invited to the XII Metropolis World Congress

The XII Metropolis World Congress (World Association of the Major Metropolises) was held in Montreal, Canada between June 19 and 22. Its central topic was “Global Challenges: Metropolis in Action.”

Medellín, an active member of the international network, was represented by the ACI Medellín’s Deputy Director of Knowledge Management, Maria Luisa Zapata Trujillo in the panel “Cities in Action: Urban Innovation and Local Implementation of Global Agendas with co-moderators from Berlin (Germany), Surabaya (Indonesia), Brussels (Belgium), Bristol (UK) and Guangzhou (China).

The panel discussed issues related to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and the active commitment of the authorities to reach them by the year 2030.The dialogue was developed around lessons learned in urbanism and innovation, and how cities can learn from these processes of change and evolution. In this sense, Medellín highlighted issues related to city transformation, innovation and resilience.

Through ACI Medellín, the capital of Antioquia has been part of Metropolis since 2013. This fact has given the city the possibility to share Medellín’s work on innovation, urban and metropolitan development in different scenarios of the network.

Being a member of Metropolis has allowed Medellín to promote its best government practices, to exchange experiences with other cities, to participate in international events, to access publications and to position its social and urban transformation in the international arena. Which has made it grow as a city and show its good management.

Good news for all municipalities in the metropolitan area is the ratification of the membership of the Metropolitan Area as an active member of the Network by the Metropolis Council.

About Metropolis

Metropolis, (World Association of the Major Metropolises), is a worldwide network of large cities and metropolitan areas, with about 140 members and 30 years of history. Metropolis serves as a node and platform for cities to unite, share and address various local and global issues.

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Contraloría General de Medellín

General Comptroller of Medellin nominated for the United Nations Public Service Award

The Comptroller General of Medellín is nominated for the United Nations Public Service Award of 2017 (UNPSA) under the category “Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in the public service” thanks to the Scholar Comptrollership initiative, which encourages young people to participate and commit to their institutions, the environment and their city.

“This nomination fills me with pride because I feel like the Scholar Comptrollership Program is helping educate people with values, commitment and willingness so that our children and young people set an example in all the scenarios where they have an impact,” said Patricia Bonilla Sandoval, comptroller general of Medellín.

With the Scholar Comptrollership Program, the Comptroller General of Medellín contributes to raising awareness regarding the principles of responsibility, legality and transparency for the proper planning and use of public resources. Currently, there are more than 290 school comptrollers in the educational institutions of Medellín committed to the construction of a responsible educational community with the proper use of resources and the environment.

The awards ceremony will take place at the United Nations Day of Public Function on June 22 and 23, 2017 in The Hague, Netherlands. The nomination involves intervention in the United Nations Services Forum and the Innovation Fair to extend the experience of the Scholar Comptrollers to other participating countries. The event is jointly organized by the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA).

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