Sana Commerce expands its business further from Medellin to the rest of the world

“This is not our arrival, but a blast off into an exciting new future. The great success over the last years and the rapid growth in business functions serving now multiple regions has proved that we can do a lot … Read More

Smart City Technology & The Digital Opportunity in Medellín

The Agency for Cooperation and In- vestment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area (ACI Medellín) pro- motes cooperative and collaborative alliances to strengthen the development of Medellín and its surrounding areas. ACI Medellín is particularly active in the knowledge sharing … Read More

The Mayor’s Office of Medellín and Linkedin – Microsoft will award 25,000 training fellowships for 4.0 industries

Thanks to an alliance between the Mayor’s Office of Medellín and LinkedIn-Microsoft, 25,000 training fellowships on topics related to 4.0 Industries, will be delivered to citizens through the Talent Industry program that seeks to develop the skills of the city’s … Read More

FreshWorks, a Canadian technology Company, opens their first international office in Colombia

With a projection of investment in Colombia of close to a million dollars by 2023, FreshWorks Studio opens its software development and digital solutions office in Medellín. This Canadian company which began operations in Medellin in January 2022, with most … Read More

200 million dollars in foreign investment during 2021, confirms Medellin as an attractive territory to the world.

A total of 22 foreign investment projects were reported by the ACI Medellín in 2021, which represented more than 20 million dollars, and around 3.700 new Jobs will be generated thanks to the territory’s foreign investment management. Since 2008, the … Read More

The British company, Genius Sports has its largest workforce outside the U.K, in Colombia

Medellín’s reputation for innovation and its potential in digital technology; were some of the reasons that motivated Genius Sports to choose the cityas its first venue in Latin America. The main goal that led to this decision was to be … Read More

Medellín and Barcelona seal agreements for the social, environmental, cultural and educational development for both territories

Medellín and Barcelona will strengthen relations between the two cities through the Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) signed by mayor Daniel Quintero and mayor Ada Colau, who was represented by Barcelona’s lieutenant mayor, Laia Bonet, during the official event. The MOU … Read More

“Conexión Sin Fronteras” brougth knowledge and experience to more than one thousand entrepreneurs and citizens of Medellín

Nearly 1,000 citizens participated on workshops, consultancies, and conferences with 60 Colombian talents abroad who connected from countries such as Oman, Norway, France, Spain, United States, Sweden, Korea, Canada, Australia, UK, Germany, Mexico, China, Brazil, Argentina, among others. The “Conexión … Read More

With more than 200 business meeting performed, the city closed its event “Medellín and its international allies”

Ambassadors from Sweden, Israel, Denmark, Spain, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Dominican Republic, in addition to mayors from Mexico, Ecuador and Peru, among others, where some of the guests attracted by  the event “Medellín and its International Allies”, that ended … Read More

Through the provision of a mural, Denmark strengthens its relations with Medellín through art and culture

The mayor of Medellín, Daniel Quintero Calle, received, through the Ambassador of Denmark, Erik Höeg, a mural by the Colombian artist Diana Ordóñez, inspired by bicycle use and sustainability, a common theme for both territories. During the event “Medellín and … Read More

Inversión extranjera por 542 millones de dólares potencia la reactivación económica en Medellín

Foreign investment for 542 million dollars boots Medellin’s economic reactivation

Medellin is heading towards a path of economical reactivation and recovery through this pandemic. To do so, foreign investment has become a key factor in energizing the economy by receiving 542 million dollars between 2020 and 2021, favoring new job … Read More

With the new Medellín – Cancun air route, the city newly opens as a strategic connection hub in Latin America

The goal of the Mayor’s Office of Medellín is to position the city and the region as a strategic hub for air operations, tourism occupies an important line in the city’s recovery plan. This is the reason as to why … Read More

Medellín announces economic reactivation plan with benefits for foreign investment

With the intention of reactivating the economy and propitiate the arrival of investors to Medellín, Mayor Daniel Quintero announced a series of benefits for companies that believe and install their operations in the city.  Mayor Daniel Quintero Calle will present this incentive plan for social and economic recovery to the Municipal Council. “We will have tax … Read More

Visita de la Embajada de israel en Medellín

Israel ratifies Medellín as a high priority location

“Medellín is a strategic partner for Israel”, was the beginning of the intervention made by Cristian Cantor, the Israel Ambassador in Colombia. In the meeting with executives of the Mayor’s Office of Medellín, the dignitary highlighted the enormous interest they … Read More

El Metro de la 80 y la red de ciclorrutas recibirán asesoría del Reino Unido para reducir gases efecto invernadero

The 80th avenue metro and the bicycle path network will receive advice from the United Kingdom to reduce greenhouse gases

The WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) together with the C40 network, UK Pact and Minambiente selected two Medellín Futuro projects to assess needs in energy innovation and greenhouse gas (GHG) removal technology. The strategy, developed by the Department of Business, … Read More

C40 Mayors Vaccine Equity Statement

C40 Mayors Vaccine Equity Statement

Our mission is to overcome the climate emergency, but that will not be possible unless we first overcome the COVID-19 pandemic. That is why today C40 mayors from across the world have again spoken out to support vaccine equity in … Read More

El alcalde Daniel Quintero Calle presentó las estrategias de Ecociudad y Valle del Software en el Primer Foro de Jóvenes de C40

Mayor Daniel Quintero Calle presented the Ecocity and Software Valley Strategies in the first C40 Youth Forum

Leaders from all five continents, including Mayor Daniel Quintero Calle, met virtually this Saturday, April 24th at the first C40 Global Youth and Mayors Forum, to discuss and implement actions to address the climate emergency that the planet is experiencing. … Read More

Medellín se posiciona como lugar estratégico de operaciones para aerolíneas internacionales

Medellin has positioned itself as a strategic place for international airline operations

Wingo, Viva Air, American Airlines, JetSmart and Avianca have recently announced their arrival with new international plane routes from the Jose María Córdoba Airport. These good news come as a strike of hope after a very critical 2020 for the … Read More

Medellín receives an international award as an educating and inclusive city

Medellín received international recognition for its work in cultural democratization, the improvement and adaptation of cultural facilities as learning spaces open to all citizens. This plan is shown in the CATUL network project that includes the Culture Houses Network, Theaters, … Read More

‘No more empty promises’ climate activists go on Global Climate Strike

In the midst of the various public health, sociopolitical, and economic crises that the world continues to face entering the new year, climate activists are declaring a Global Climate Strike today, March 19, to demand immediate, concrete and ambitious action … Read More

Intertec, compañía de software y TI de Estados Unidos inició operaciones en Medellín bajo modelo de nearshoring

American software and IT company started operations in Colombia under the nearshoring model

Attracted by factors such as the market size, the qualified and bilingual human talent available, and the country’s strategic location country, the company Intertec International, a global provider of customized software and IT services, announced its arrival in Colombia with … Read More

Medellín base tecnológica de

Medellín, technological base for the Canadian founded in 2011 in Canada under its initial brand Neuvoo is the second largest job search engine in the world, with more than 80 million visitors per month and operation in 79 countries. From the capital of Antioquia, technological … Read More


Downtown Medellín reopens its cultural door to the world

Touring downtown Medellin has become an inevitable to-do on the agenda of tourists, investors, diplomats and citizens of the world who want to perceive the scents, colors and flavors of Medellín at its best. For this reason, after almost a … Read More

ATOM Chat, empresa extranjera instalada en Medellín es reconocida como una de las 11 startups más relevantes del mundo

ATOM Chat, foreign company installed in Medellín is recognized as one of the 11 most relevant startups in the world

The startup ATOM Chat, with more than a million dollars in annual revenue, was selected among the 11 most relevant startups in the world by the accelerator Techstars. This company created in 2019 in Panama, has a presence in Medellín … Read More

En Guarne estará la planta de PepsiCo más grande del país

The country’s biggest PepsiCo plant will be located in Guarne

In recent years, Colombia has become the third most important market in Latin America for PepsiCo, and one of the most prosperous worldwide. The sustainable growth of this multinational has been so significant that the company formalized new investments in … Read More

Mercado Libre abre más de 500 plazas de trabajo en Medellín con su nuevo Centro IT

Mercado Libre opens more than 500 jobs in Medellín with its new IT Center

In its 21 years of operation in Colombia, Mercado Libre continues to strengthen its commitment to the country, now with the opening of its second Technology, Innovation and Product Center, which will be located in Medellín, a city chosen by … Read More

Indra’s smart 4.0 center of excellence lands in medellín

Indra, one of the main global technology and consulting companies in Colombia and in the world, is now part of the Medellín innovation and business center, Ruta N, contributing to the quality of life of city’s inhabitants through the use … Read More

Hub Medellín Viva Air

“It is time to decentralize flights in Colombia, Medellín becomes our strategic connection center”: Viva Air

With a determined commitment to encourage the development of the region, boost the country’s economy, and resume its expansion plans, Viva Air announces Medellín as its strategic Hub for operations and the José María Córdova international airport in Rionegro as … Read More

New Routes Viva Air

Viva Air continues its commitment to the domestic market and announces three new national routes

In its determined commitment to democratize country’s sky, to continue betting on the national market, and to continue their growth in the Colombian air market, Viva Air announces the opening of three new national routes toBucaramanga and Cúcuta. With these, … Read More

Medellín’s internationalization attracts more foreign investment and projects the generations of new jobs

Medellín’s transformation remains a protagonist on world stages. This has highlighted the attraction of national and international events, foreign investment and the generation of jobs for the new economy of the Software Valley in the internationalization balance of the last … Read More