Israel fortalece lazos con Medellín y Antioquia

Israel Strengthens ties with Medellín and Antioquia

The Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area – ACI Medellín attended the visit of Israel’s Ambassador Christian Cantor for three days, in order to present him the opportunities that the region has in terms of … Read More

Cuáles ciudades del mundo son hermanas de Medellín y para qué

Which cities in the world are Medellín’s sisters and why?

Between 1981 and 2019, Medellín strengthened its ties with 27 cities in the world. Latin America, the United States, Spain and Asia are part of the list of regions and countries with which the city seeks to project itself as … Read More

La ACI Medellín se une a EPM para atraer cooperación para el desarrollo

ACI Medellín joins EPM to attract cooperation for development

In order to strengthen the internationalization strategy, the Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellin and the Metropolitan Area – ACI Medellín and EPM created an alliance to promote the attraction of international cooperation for Medellín and its Metropolitan Area, … Read More

Medellín seeks cooperation and investment with China for technological an infrastructure development

The city seeks to strengthen the relationship with the Asian country through potential areas for the articulation of important projects that favor both territories The Colombian ambassador to the People’s Republic of China, Luis Diego Monsalve Hoyos, visited the city … Read More

Más de 160 empresarios de otros países conocieron detalles del proyecto del Metro de la 80

Metro de la 80, a project that rises worldwide interest

160 representatives of multinational companies, with expertise in subway and light rail construction, rolling stock manufacturers and investment funds, connected to two webinars.  Our city undertakes the most important public works project in the last 25 years: el Metro … Read More

New Analysis Shows World's Major Cities on Track to Keep Global Heating to 1.5°C

New Analysis Shows World’s Major Cities on Track to Keep Global Heating to 1.5°C

Paris, France (11th December 2020) — C40 Cities today released new analysis of climate action plans from 54 cities confirming they will deliver their fair share of greenhouse gas emission reductions to keep global temperatures to the 1.5°C target of … Read More

Antioquia le propone a Colombia el modelo de huertas urbanas como solución a la malnutrición en las ciudades

Antioquia proposes to Colombia the model of urban orchards as a solution to malnutrition in cities

With the delivery of 3,300 urban gardens in Medellín and its Metropolitan Area, the Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Government of Antioquia, proposes the country to adopt this supply model that seeks to balance the imbalance between … Read More

Por qué invertir en Antioquia

Antioquia, the corner of America that is being valued for foreign investment

Due to its privileged geographic location, tax incentives, competitive infrastructure and high economic performance, among other virtues, the so-called “Corner of the Americas”, Antioquia, is positioned as one of the most attractive destinations for foreign direct investment to settle . … Read More

El aguacate es clave para el desarrollo de Medellín y Antioquia

Israeli agricultural entrepreneurs want to invest in Antioquia

Businessmen from Israel met with representatives of the Antioquia Government to learn about the strategies of the agricultural sector in the department. This approach becomes a fundamental step to further strengthen the competitiveness of the region in the agro-industrial sector … Read More

Con ganadería de precisión la Gobernación de Antioquia busca salvar el medio ambiente

With precision livestock farming, the Government of Antioquia seeks to save the environment

To stop and mitigate the adverse effects derived from livestock activity, the Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development of Antioquia, Colombia’s second most important department, implemented silvopastoral systems and the precision livestock model as the main projects in the protection … Read More

Con huertas urbanas Antioquia beneficia a miles de ciudadanos en seguridad alimentaria

With urban gardens, Antioquia benefits thousands of citizens in food security

At hand, in the patios of their own houses, kitchens or living rooms, Antioqueños who live in the Metropolitan Area of Medellín will be able to access vegetables, aromatic plants and other crops, in a totally organic way to supply … Read More

La Red CATUL es galardonada con el premio internacional Ciudades Educadoras a Buenas Prácticas de Inclusión y Democratización de la Cultura 2020

The CATUL Network is awarded the international 2020 Educating Cities Award for Best Practices in the Inclusion and the Democratization of Culture

The Network of Culture Houses, Theaters, UVA and Sound Production Labs  (CATUL Network) of the Citizen Culture Secretariat of the Mayor’s Office of Medellín, in alliance with Comfenalco Antioquia, was chosen as one of the three winning projects for the … Read More

Antioquia transforma el sector agrícola con última tecnología para sus campesinos

Antioquia Transforms the Agricultural Sector with Latest Technology for their farmers

The Government of Antioquia, through the  Agriculture and Rural Development Secretariat, and the Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation – Agrosavia, signed an agreement to initiate the Technological Transformation Plan of Agro in Antioquia. This will aim to provide farms in different subregions … Read More

Antioquia will increase its agricultural production for the world with state-of-the-art greenhouses.

The appearance of the Coronavirus brought along a large challenge regarding the food sourcing of the department of Antioquia, showing the importance of the agricultural sector and the pride of a territory with agro-producers who are harvesting the best quality … Read More

Ante inversionistas del mundo, El alcalde Daniel Quintero participa en apertura del Colombia Investment Summit

Mayor Daniel Quintero spoke to more than a thousand investors around the world at the Colombia Investment Summit

This investment summit opened with the participation of president Iván Duque, the former president of the United States Bill Clinton and a forum of mayors with the presence of Daniel Quintero, and will take place between October 7th and 9th … Read More

Las 100 acciones de Antioquia para convertirse en un territorio de carbono neutral

The 100 Actions of Antioquia to Become a Carbon-Neutral Territory

The construction of overhead cables and bicycle trails, promotion of solar parks, planting 25 million trees throughout the department and even the structuring of the high-speed train project between Medellín and Bogotá, are some of the mechanisms proposed by the … Read More

Medellín, única ciudad de América invitada al Intelligent Cities Challenge de la Unión Europea

Medellín, the only city in the Americas invited to the European Union’s Intelligent Cities Challenge

The European Commission formally invited Medellín to participate as an international mentor in the ICC, thanks to the good practices developed in recent years, the successful public policies implemented, and the challenges posed by the Development Plan “Medellín Futuro” to … Read More

fortegroup - Desde Medellín multinacional de software y TI se expande en Latinoamérica

Forte Group announces new delivery center expansion in Latin America, accelerating growth for its custom software development clients

Forte Group, a leading global provider of custom software services, has announced its expansion into Latin America with a new delivery center in Medellin, Colombia. Forte Group will establish its sixth global base of operations in the Medellin innovation complex, … Read More

Medellín and its artists were recognized in the Music Cities Awards thanks to the Medellin Me Cuida Route

Medellín received the Music Cities Awards international recognition for its support to local musicians and artists during the pandemic with the Medellín Me Cuida Route. The city stood out among 842 nominations and was on the shortlist with two other … Read More

Medellín recibe premio internacional de Ciudad Inteligente por su transformación social, urbana y cultural

Medellín receives an international Smart City award for its social, urban and cultural transformation

The social, cultural, economic and environmental transformation of Medellín in recent years has once again received the recognition of the world by obtaining the award given by Netexplo, an international digital area trend observatory, sponsored by UNESCO, that highlights how … Read More

Medellín presentó avances de la reactivación económica ante alcaldes del mundo en la Red C40

Medellín presented results of economic reactivation to mayors of the world in the C40 network

With 1,000 ICU beds in operation, the “Metro de la 80” project declared strategic for the nation, and more than 250 people working directly on the green and just recovery of the city, Mayor Daniel Quintero presented advances in the … Read More

Resilient Cities Network focuses its new city-led entity on strengthening cities capacity to recover from COVID-19 and build a safe and equitable world

(Singapore, September 23, 2020) – As continued resilient recovery remains a priority in cities around the world, the global community represented by Resilient Cities Network came together virtually. The organization introduced the new members of its Board of Directors and … Read More

La apuesta de Medellín como Valle del Software ya atrajo este año el interés de 20 empresas internacionales

The commitment of Medellín as a Software Valley has already attracted the interest of 20 international companies this year

Despite the economic effects in the world as a result of the pandemic, Medellín is consolidated as an attractive destination for companies that seek to expand their operations and that find in the city the conditions to grow. So far in … Read More

Medellín acepta invitación de Naciones Unidas a ser parte de la iniciativa “Ciudades Verdes”

Medellín accepts UN invitation to be part of “Green Cities” initiative

Medellín joins the invitation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to launch the “Green Cities” initiative that will seek to integrate agriculture, forestry, fisheries and sustainable food systems in urban and peri-urban contexts. This initiative … Read More

Colombia Investment Summit

More than 550 investors from the world will meet at the Colombia Investment Summit event

The sixth version of the Colombia Investment Summit this year will be virtual and expects to gather between 1,200 and 1,500 attendees. More than 550 investors come from markets in Europe, Asia, Latin America and North America, with which it … Read More

Medellín recibe donación de Japón para ayudar a la prevención del coronavirus

Medellín receives donation from Japan to help prevent coronavirus

Medellín received surgical masks, antibacterial gel, gloves, alcohol and facial masks from the Japanese International Cooperation Agency -JICA, in a donation that seeks to help in the prevention of coronavirus in the city. Supplies will be directed to prison centers, … Read More

TEAM International, una empresa que impacta el futuro profesional en niños y jóvenes del Valle del Software

TEAM International, a company that impacts the professional future of children and youth in Medellín

This software company from the United States and based in Medellín is carrying out an impact project among university students in recent semesters. The Top Gun Lab is a training laboratory whose main objective is to serve the community through … Read More

Talento digital, la clave para el desarrollo del Valle del software

Digital Talent, the key for the development of the Software Valley.

With the aim of contributing to the progress of the city’s future professionals, ACI Medellín developed the webinar: “Digital Talent Training for the Software Valley”, a space in which they met with local partners in order to project the training … Read More

Medellin recognized worldwide by its transformation

According to the Global Retirement Index 2020 of the International Living, the top 5 retirement destinations in the world are: Portugal, Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico and Medellin, Colombia. With a lower cost of living compared to the United States, and … Read More

Rockwell, leading company in technology worldwide, arrives in Medellin to strengthen the software Valley

With the arrival of Rockwell Automation, world leader in industrial automation solutions, the city continues to position itself as Colombia and Latin America’s Software Valley, integrating national and international actors that allow not only economic growth but also improvement to … Read More