Todoservy, an ecuadorian company that projects its development for the entire region from Medellín

This technology company has decided to start its expansion in the region from Medellin where they are forming a team of 10 people to serve the other countries of the continent. For Juan Sarmiento, CEO and founder of TodoServy, “we … Read More

Medellin received 20 congressmen of the Andean Parliament for their ordinary sessions

Parliamentarians from Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Colombia held their ordinary sessions of the Andean Parliament in our city between February 23 and 25. Since 2018 the city had not received this prestigious Andean institution to discuss issues related to … Read More

18 airlines enable the best air connectivity in Medellín’s history

Medellín has the best air connectivity in its history, thanks to the work done by the District Administration to promote new routes that expand the connection with the world. The city has 13 international routes to 19 cities and 29 … Read More

ACI Medellín announces the appointment of Juan Camilo Mergesh as the new executive director of the entity

Juan Camilo Mergesh is a lawyer from the Universidad Externado de Colombia and has a Master’s degree in Law, Economics and Management from the University of Paris II Panthon-Assas in France, with a professional profile oriented to the preparation and … Read More

Medellin is officially a District of Science, Technology and Innovation in Colombia.

This Monday, November 16, the President of the Republic, Gustavo Petro, sanctioned Law 2286 of 2023 that officially converts Medellin as the Special District of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia, which allows boosting the city as one of the … Read More

In the last year, Medellín has attracted close to USD $ 148 million in foreign investment.

During the last year, through the Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellin and the Metropolitan Area -ACI Medellin-, the city reported a total of 20 foreign investment projects, which represented close to USD $ 148 million and 3,500 new … Read More

Innovecs opens in Medellin its first office for Latin America

The US company opened its first Latin American office in Medellin to serve its clients in Europe and North America. In the short and medium term, they plan to have a team of 50 developers for Unity 3D, full-stack, backend, … Read More

Talent from our Comuna 13 arrives to one of the best technology companies in the world

Johan Herrera, an inhabitant of the San Javier neighborhood in the Comuna 13 of Medellin, tells us how he became a Senior Developer at Endava, one of the most recognized technology companies worldwide, currently operating in Bogota, Medellin and Cali … Read More

Medellin shared with Brazil the best practices that consolidate it as an international benchmark for Smart Tourist Destinations

For its innovation, technology, sustainability, governance and accessibility, Medellin is a leader and benchmark in the Americas for its management model for Smart Tourist Destinations, according to SEGITTUR, the Spanish entity that certifies this type of destinations worldwide. For this … Read More

Holberton Colombia, a Silicon Valley academy consolidating our Software Valley

This programming academy founded in San Francisco, cradle of the most prestigious technology companies in the world such as Google, Facebook and Apple, arrived in Medellin in 2019 to train thousands of people as software developers. Their calls for new … Read More

Medellín emerges as the it development capital of Latin America

The technology industry is currently accelerating economic growth and job development in the world. In Colombia, the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) GDP grew 10% during the second quarter of 2021, compared to the same period in 2020. Following that … Read More

Parques del Río Norte receive international support for implementation from C40 network

The Parques del Río Norte project, one of the most important projects within the Medellín Futuro Development Plan, will receive international cooperation for its execution. The C40 Cities (Climate Leadership Group) and the GIZ (German Society for International Cooperation) have … Read More

Medellin plans to build 5 more metrocables

After a meeting between the Mayor of Medellín, Daniel Quintero, and the Minister of Transportation, Guillermo Reyes González, the District Administration will sign an agreement with the National Government for resources ranging between $3.5 and 4 billion, for the construction … Read More

ACI Medellín, 20 years connecting our region with the world

The president of the Medellin Council, Lucas Cañas, presented a distinction in a Style Note to the Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellin and the Metropolitan Area as a token of appreciation for an entity that plays a leading … Read More

With more than 3.4 billion dollars in foreign investment and more than 25,000 jobs created by attracted companies, ACI Medellín celebrates 20 years of international cooperation history

With more than 3.4 billion dollars in investment and more than 25 thousand jobs created by 200 foreign companies, the International Cooperation Agency of Medellin celebrates 20 years of history attracting global markets and investment companies to the city. During … Read More

Seven social organizations in Medellín will strengthen their abilities to access international cooperation resources.

In order to create alliances with the world to achieve sustainable development and build a better place for the people of Medellin, the ACI Medellin began accompanying seven civil social organizations in the city: the Christian Youth Association ACJ-YMCA Medellin, … Read More

Denmark announces cooperation with Medellín

With the purpose of exploring possibilities of cooperation with Medellin, we received the visit of the Danish Embassy in Colombia, led by its ambassador Erik Høeg, and accompanied by the city counselor Mikkel Hall. After the visit they announced that … Read More

Medellín goes from being a Municipality to a Special STi (Science, Technology and Innovation) District

As of 2021, Medellin became a Special District of Science, Technology and Innovation, the first city in Colombia to recieve this designation. In order to better understand this fact, we would like to answer some frequently asked questions.: What does … Read More

We presented the advantages of investing in Medellin and the Metropolitan Area to Brazilian businesspeople

In partnership with the Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley and the Brazilian Consulate in Medellín, we organized a virtual event to present to Brazilian investors the advantages of the city and the metropolitan area for foreign investment before more … Read More

The international community supports Medellín’s peace building efforts

Medellín received full support this week in its interest to construct memory, defend human rights and help victims in their quest to know the truth about violence in Comuna 13 (the city’s 13th Disctrict). For the ACI Medellin, reconciliation, dialogue … Read More

Medellin welcomed international journalists arriving at Colombiamoda 2022 with a drone show at the Citadel for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4TA)

Nearly 40 international fashion and trend journalists who came to the city on the occasion of Colombiamoda 2022 were able to take a close look at our city and witness the transformation into a Software Valley. On Monday, August 25, … Read More

Foreign investment dignifies the lives of the elderly in Medellín

Mrs. Rocío Molina (76 years old), Mrs. Hercilia Gallego (72 years old) and Mrs. Mercelena Montoya (85 years old) found in Acalis the best option to improve their quality of life. “Since I came here, my life has changed, I’ve … Read More

Medellin advances in investment, cooperation and tourism with the opening of new air routes

Medellín goza de una creciente reputación internacional como destino ideal para turismo e inversión extranjera; muestra de ello es el crecimiento constante de la llegada de nuevas aerolíneas y apertura de nuevas rutas aéreas en los aeropuertos de Medellín y … Read More

Medellin will be the business operations center of the second largest outsourcing company in the world

It’s Concentrix, a company that will generate around 100 jobs per month until the end of 2022 and more than 1,500 additional vacancies in 2023. This North American company, with a workforce of 290,000 people in 40 countries, will hire 120 … Read More

13 child football players from Medellin will travel to Korea to an International Tournament

Thanks to a city application made by INDER Medellín with the Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellin and the Metropolitan Area – ACI Medellín, 13 athletes from the capital of Antioquia will travel to South Korea to represent the … Read More

Comisión de la Policía Militar de São Paulo

Commission of the military police of São Paulo visited Medellín to lear about the achievement of the articulated strategy against crime

As an enriching experience for strategy exchange and an opportunity to recognize the positive changes in Medellin, the members of a commission from Military House of the Governor’s Office of State of São Paulo described the visit to the city, … Read More

A Tour for Peace. Memoria Sonora para la Paz “Resistir hasta el final” (Resistance until the end)

“Resistir hasta el final” (resistance until the end) is the name of the song written by Eunice Vergara brave, strong and fighting woman, who, despite having lived in the midst of the armed conflict in Cauca, continues to believe in … Read More

20 years of the ACI Medellín deserve the recognition given by the French Chamber of Commerce

With pride, the ACI Medellín received a special recognition from CCI France Colombia and its general director, Pedro Valero, for its 20 years of experience. He highlighted that the work between the two entities and especially between Medellín and France … Read More

Medellin’s children are educated with the best technology and innovation

In Medellín, the Software Valley’s strategy also reaches the youngest parts of society. Nearly 370 children at the Lusitania Buen Comienzo kindergarten, located in the San Cristóbal district of the city’s rural zone, children receive education with high standards of … Read More

Medellín ha recibido una cooperación de más de USD 1.2 millones del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona

International cooperation of Barcelona encourages Medellin to be a more inclusive Eco-city

María Nazaret and Jesús Enrique don’t know eachother personally, but they both have something in common: they have been beneffitted by the Barcelona Solidaria program; the former as a homeless person, and the latter as a farmer in the Santa … Read More