Cuáles ciudades del mundo son hermanas de Medellín y para qué

Which cities in the world are Medellín’s sisters and why?

Between 1981 and 2019, Medellín strengthened its ties with 27 cities in the world. Latin America, the United States, Spain and Asia are part of the list of regions and countries with which the city seeks to project itself as a tourist destination and forge alliances that allow it to increase direct foreign investment and attract international cooperation resources.

For 40 years, the Paisa capital has embarked on a crusade to strengthen ties with cities around the world. It will change the strategy. 5 memorandums and cooperation agreements were signed by the city in 2020.

Conceived as a bilateral declaration to work on a joint agenda, twinning plays a crucial role in the international projection of the city. What is the origin of this figure? What benefits does it bring to the municipality? and how much money does it cost?

In dialogue with EL COLOMBIANO, several actors who lead this task explained some of the keys to understanding its advantages and disadvantages.

Eleonora Betancur González, executive director of the Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area (ACI), explains that the twinning strategy is a tool that dates back to the 1940s, when the Second World War was ending; several cities began to forge alliances and overcome the devastation of the conflict.

“Just as States have exchange mechanisms, cities have also claimed that need to have dialogue without the intermediation of the national State. A proper and particular dialogue between cities ”, explains Betancur.

According to the director, although at the global level the strategy dates from approximately 1947, in the case of Medellín it would arrive almost three and a half decades later, in 1981.

During May of that year, the then mayor José Jaime Nicholls issued Decree 297, with which he formalized a twinning with the city of Fort Lauderdale, in the United States. As appears in the records, that twinning had the goal of strengthening the capacity of local emergency agencies in responding to fires.

However, it would take until 1998, some 27 years later, for the city to resume this strategy.

Projection abroad

Twinning has been key to promoting Medellín’s internationalization strategy, a task that seeks to attract resources to support social programs and strengthen the regional economy.

The main indicator used by ACI Medellín to illustrate the success of this work is the return on investment, which compares the amount of resources used to promote these relationships with the amount of resources attracted.

In the case of national and foreign investment, for example, last year the agency calculated 381.1 million dollars attracted; and for cooperation, 4.9 million dollars.

Considering that the agency had a budget close to 5,300 million pesos last year, the data indicates that, for every peso invested in these relationships, the city received a return of 261 pesos in foreign investment.

In the case of international cooperation, for each peso invested, the city received 7 pesos.

Sandra Howard Taylor, executive director of the Bureau of Medellín, believes that twinning facilitates the development of territories and enhances sectors of the economy where there are affinities, such as tourism.

“Regarding tourism, twinning can be associated with interesting market niches for us. These cultural ties and affinities can lead to a fluid exchange of people from one destination to another, ”says Howard Taylor.

According to the Director of the Bureau, twinning and other international agreements allow the city to position itself as a relevant tourist and investment destination in other countries.

“They allow us to show a more progressive, innovative and fertile city for business generation. This creates confidence for entrepreneurs and investors and a better understanding of the city as a destination,” adds Howard.

Along with tourism, there are also other sectors of the economy and the public sector that have benefited from these relationships.

For example, according to the director of the ACI Medellín, one of the success stories is the twinning signed with Bilbao in 1998.

At the institutional level, one of the legacies of this alliance was the joint work on issues with a gender perspective, mainly in the administrative strengthening of the Secretariat for Women after its creation.

Likewise, in terms of urban planning, the Bilbao city council has provided advice to the city to replicate successful interventions.

In this case, another important example appears in the award-winning project Parques del Río, which in several components of its planning was influenced by the experience of a similar intervention developed in the Bilbao river.

Apart from Spain, other successful experiences include free scholarships that have benefited officials to train in local government and development issues.

In addition, in the case of the twinning with Fort Lauderdale, which will turn 40, the city fire department still receives advice.

Although in general terms the strategy can be very positive, Eleonora Betancur states that the tendency of main cities around the world consists in prioritizing relationships that include more concrete work plans.

Although twinning shows the intention of two or more cities to work together, these alliances need to be carefully cultivated and translated into concrete work plans, explains Betancur.

“The idea is not to sign just for the sake of signing, because sometimes they simply remain as goodwill intentions. Rather than signing, the task is to ensure that those that already exist have life, follow-up and reinforcement ”, says Betancur, who adds that there are other figures“ less eloquent, but more operative ”, as is the case of memorandums of understanding and cooperation agreements.

Although the signing of new twinnings in the coming years is not ruled out, Betancur anticipates that the city’s priority will be to strengthen the ties that already exist and seek work plans with cities that are in tune with the goals of the latest development plan.

Seeking alliances to attract technology firms and finding educational opportunities within the framework of the software valley strategy will be some of the goals.

Goals for 2021

During this year, ACI Medellín seeks to attract more resources to strengthen social programs and promote the regional economy. In terms of international cooperation, the agency will seek to encourage the arrival of 7.5 million dollars, and in terms of foreign investment, it will seek to attract 140 million dollars.

As Eleonora Betancur, director of ACI Medellín, explained, the focus during the next few years will be to strengthen alliances through memorandums of understanding and cooperation agreements. In 2020, the city signed at least 5 agreements of this type.

Within the group of cities that are projected as the most attractive, Betancur highlighted Boston (United States), with which it is intended to attract business and enhance the Software Valley Strategy.


Eleonora Betancur, director of the ACI Medellín, explains that, despite its success, twinning has become a strategy whose use is less frequent between cities around the world. Criticized for not turning into concrete work plans, figures such as memorandums of understanding and cooperation agreements are projected more attractive. As she explained, in the case of Medellín, unlike twinning, these types of new agreements can be structured in a more agile way, since they do not require the approval of the Council. “From now on, although we do not rule it out, the be will be not to sign so many twinning arrangements, but rather agreements that lead to more practical work plans,” said the director Betancur, for whose priority is strengthening ties with cities that allow achieving the goals of the Development Plan.

Note prepared by El Colombiano

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La ACI Medellín se une a EPM para atraer cooperación para el desarrollo

ACI Medellín joins EPM to attract cooperation for development

In order to strengthen the internationalization strategy, the Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellin and the Metropolitan Area – ACI Medellín and EPM created an alliance to promote the attraction of international cooperation for Medellín and its Metropolitan Area, especially in the lines prioritized by EPM: waste management, sustainable mobility and renewable energy.

“This alliance occurs for many reasons, EPM is a partner of the Agency, both organizations promote the sustainable development of the city-region and ACI Medellín will contribute all its experience to promote EPM’s internationalization process,” said Natalia Currea, director of Knowledge and Innovation of the ACI Medellín

All this will catapult the goals of the city’s Development Plan related to the possibility of transforming Medellín into a cutting-edge city, environmentally and socially sustainable, competitive in the global economy and equitable in its territories.

This union will make it possible to join technical, human and financial efforts for knowledge transfer in terms of cooperation and management capacity, led by ACI Medellín, that support a national and international strategic relationship and the leverage of EPM projects.

The goals of this agreement are: to implement a knowledge transfer program in international cooperation management by ACI Medellín to the Cooperation for Business Development Direction of EPM, to develop a portfolio of strategic and viable projects for management of international cooperation, based on its areas of strategic action and define a relationship route with the Official Development Assistance (ODA) for the direction of cooperation for the development of EPM’s businesses.

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Medellín seeks cooperation and investment with China for technological an infrastructure development

The city seeks to strengthen the relationship with the Asian country through potential areas for the articulation of important projects that favor both territories

The Colombian ambassador to the People’s Republic of China, Luis Diego Monsalve Hoyos, visited the city during the first week of January, where he attended a meeting with representatives of the ACI Medellín, with the aim of identifying areas and opportunities for cooperation and investment projects; these representatives of the ACI Medellin also accompanied him to present a joint work plan to the mayor of Medellín, Daniel Quintero.

Said plan focuses on the development of initiatives from the city’s the Bank of Projects, for which international investment and new technology projects applied to public and private transport, the efficient use of natural resources and the use of alternative energies are sought, as well as civil protection, socio-economic affairs, public space and commerce. The capital of Antioquia is focused on becoming the Software Valley, making the city an attractive region for digital innovation businesses that keep us on the radar of the so-called Smart Cities. For its part, China has cities that are highly developed in these practices such as Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Xi’an, Yinchuan, Hangzhou and Chongqing.

Another axis of bilateral cooperation work will be academic exchanges of teachers and students between China and Medellín, focused on teaching Mandarin and Spanish. Likewise, to raise the performance of local talent, scholarships will be managed to study higher education in China for teachers and students. And in terms of good practices, it is expected that the high experience in higher education centers and parks in the Asian country can be applied to the city’s North and West University Citadels.

Eleonora Betancur, director of the ACI Medellín, mentioned that the entity, in its internationalization task for the city, made agreements with the Embassy of Colombia in China to program a Virtual Coffee Meeting with the Ambassador and the ProColombia Office in China to disseminate and socialize investment opportunities among entrepreneurs in that country, a strategy that will serve to socialize city projects in the mature stage and projects that are prior to starting tenders such as the 80th Avenue Metro. Other activities are also planned to favor the opening of new businesses and opportunities for investment for the renewable energy sector through EPM, as well as the relationship with Paisas in China to strengthen Cerebros Fugado’s attraction strategy, which is being worked on through the Sos Paisa program, and also seeks to promote the exchange of knowledge with Paisas in China that contribute to city programs and projects.

In terms of investment, Colombia ranks ninth among developing countries that receive FDI, and is also ranked 23rd in receiving FDI worldwide. Medellín represents 7.4% of the National GDP and is one of the cities with the greatest national and international projection, which, with the support of ProColombia and the National Government, continues to focus on the potential it has to attract foreign direct investment.

In the last 10 years, Chinese investments in the city have reached a total amount of USD 182 million and estimated the generation of 465 jobs from 8 investment projects. They represent USD 26 million annually, with the infrastructure and logistics sector standing out with 99.7% of investments, specifically in infrastructure and air connectivity, followed by the commerce sector with 0.3% with the opening of commercial showcases for electric and conventional vehicles.

In addition to the potential in infrastructure, which for now is focused on the 80th Avenue Metro project, there is also a high interest in seeking investment in technology, which thanks to the Software Valley strategy that is implemented in partnership with Ruta N, the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, ProColombia and ACI Medellín,  it is expected to attract Chinese companies so that Medellín is the center of operations for Latin America and North America.

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Más de 160 empresarios de otros países conocieron detalles del proyecto del Metro de la 80

Metro de la 80, a project that rises worldwide interest

160 representatives of multinational companies, with expertise in subway and light rail construction, rolling stock manufacturers and investment funds, connected to two webinars.

Our city undertakes the most important public works project in the last 25 years: el Metro de la 80 (The 80th Avenue Light Rail). This is an urban development commitment that will have a 13.25 kilometer route and 17 stations, it will mobilize 52 million users annually and will reduce the emission of 94,173 tons of CO2 every year to the planet.

For this reason, the city held two webinars with more than 160 entrepreneurs from countries such as China, Japan, India, the United States, Turkey, and Spain. Brazil, France, Chile, Peru and Colombia, among others, in order to explain the technical, legal and financial details of this mega-project.

At the events, the financial, technical, urban and architectural details of this great project were made known to multinational companies that are experts in the construction of subways, light rail, rolling stock manufacturers and investment funds.

Towards the end of November, Mayor Daniel Quintero Calle signed the co-financing agreement to carry out the construction of the light rail for the 80th Avenue alongside the National Government and the Government of Antioquia.

For Eleonora Betancur, executive director of the ACI Medellín “This project will be much more than just infrastructural, it will be a fundamental artery for the life of the entire city and region, allowing development and connectivity between different areas of the city, while generating sustainable urban, environmental and social conditions.”

3.5 billion pesos in total will be invested in this project, of which 2.4 billion will be financed by the National Government. The payment distribution will be 70% from the Nation and 30% from the municipality.

The two webinars had the participation of Mayor Daniel Quintero, Angela María Orozco, Vice Minister of Transportation Carmen Ligia Valderrama; Paola García, Vice President of Investment of ProColombia; Tomás Elejalde Escobar, Manager of the Medellín Metro; and Sergio López, Manager of the Metro de la 80 Project.

Webinar Metro de la 80

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New Analysis Shows World's Major Cities on Track to Keep Global Heating to 1.5°C

New Analysis Shows World’s Major Cities on Track to Keep Global Heating to 1.5°C

Paris, France (11th December 2020) — C40 Cities today released new analysis of climate action plans from 54 cities confirming they will deliver their fair share of greenhouse gas emission reductions to keep global temperatures to the 1.5°C target of the Paris Agreement – the level that scientists agree is needed to tackle the global climate crisis. The analysis includes reviews of comprehensive new plans from 14 cities – Buenos Aires; Curitiba; Dakar; Guadalajara; Johannesburg; Medellín; Mexico City; Milan; Montréal; Lisbon; Rio de Janeiro; Salvador; São Paulo and Vancouver. The data confirms that when fully implemented, these climate action plans will protect residents, create jobs, address inequalities, and tackle the global climate crisis.

C40’s research reveals that efforts by these world leading cities will prevent at least 1.9 gigatonnes of GHG emissions from being released into the atmosphere between 2020 and 2030, equivalent to half the combined annual emissions of the EU’s 27 member states.

54 cities, representing more than 200 million residents, are on track to help keep global heating below 1.5°C and tackle the climate crisis, per C40 analysis.

The new analysis was presented today by Mark Watts, C40’s Executive Director, at a landmark event hosted by Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, to mark five years since the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement.

C40 research reveals that city efforts could avert at least 1.9 gigatonnes of GHG emissions between 2020 and 2030, equivalent to half the annual emissions of the European Union.

Cities with climate action plans reviewed by C40’s Deadline 2020 programme and confirmed as having science-based targets consistent with the Paris Agreement goals include:

Buenos Aires, Argentina; Melbourne, Australia; Curitiba, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador & São Paulo, Brazil; Montréal & Vancouver Canada; Medellín, Colombia; Copenhagen, Denmark; Paris, France; Accra, Ghana; Milan, Italy; Guadalajara & Mexico City, Mexico; Amsterdam & Rotterdam, the Netherlands; Oslo, Norway; Lisbon; Portugal; Dakar, Senegal; Durban & Johannesburg, South Africa; Barcelona, Spain; Stockholm, Sweden; London, UK; and Boston, Houston, Los Angeles, New York CityPortlandSeattle & Washington D.C., USA.

Amongst the details contained in the climate plans reviewed by C40 are the following:

  • In Mexico City, more than 100km of public transport corridors and 4 new cable car lines will be open by 2024, providing better access to essential services for low income communities.
  • In Dakar, the city will improve flood management, protecting citizens and livelihoods  by including climate risks in urban planning.
  • In São Paulo the city will incentivise and prioritise local and organic food production, providing residents with access to affordable and quality food.
  • In Johannesburg, by 2030, all new public and private buildings will operate at net zero carbon, generating hundreds of jobs.
  • In Buenos Aires, 100,000 new trees will be planted by 2025, helping clean the air all porteños breathe.
  • In Milan, the city will reallocate 100km of street space for cycling and walking by the end of 2021, delivering a green and just recovery to the COVID crisis.
  • Lisbon will multiply its production of solar energy by 50 by 2030, ensuring the energy transition ends energy poverty and benefits all city residents.

C40’s Deadline 2020 Programme, launched in 2016, is working with cities around the world to develop and implement climate plans which will deliver action consistent with the objectives of the Paris Agreement – an integrated and inclusive plan that addresses the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to the impacts of climate change, and deliver wider social environmental and economic benefits. This work is made possible with the generous support of the UK Government, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DMFA) and the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF).

Eric Garcetti, Mayor of Los Angeles, C40 Chair, said: “Cities have always carried the torch of climate action, because our residents can’t afford the costs of indifference and the consequences of delay. This analysis confirms what we have long known to be true: cities will keep doing their part to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, root our strategies in science, protect our most vulnerable residents, and deliver a green economy that works for everyone.”

Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris, who today hosts a landmark event at Paris City Hall marking the 5th Anniversary of the Paris Climate Agreement, said: “I was Chair of C40 Cities when Deadline 2020 was set, challenging global cities to set their own climate action plan that will protect residents, create green jobs, address inequality and build the future we want. Now, five years on from the Paris Climate Agreement, I am proud to see so many cities from all over the world launch their plans to keep global temperature rises below 1.5°C. This marks an important milestone in our efforts to accelerate climate action and demonstrates the incredible leadership from cities on this issue.”

“Cities around the world are showing that it’s possible to tackle the climate crisis and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement – and the steps they are taking are already improving millions of lives, by cleaning the air, creating new jobs, giving people new ways to get around, and protecting communities from floods and other disasters,” said Michael R. Bloomberg, C40 Board President, founder of Bloomberg Philanthropies and Bloomberg LP. “The more we do to support the work cities are doing, the faster we’ll make progress globally, and C40 will continue finding new ways to do that – and new partners in the public and private sectors who share our commitment.”

COP26 President Alok Sharma said: “The new ambitious Climate Action Plans from 14 cities is a great demonstration of the leadership that we need to see on the road to COP26 and beyond if we are going to succeed in tackling climate change.”

“We are bringing the world together at the Climate Ambition Summit on 12 December to provide a platform for more ambitious commitments like these.”

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, Mayor of Buenos Aires, said: “As cities, we are aware that in the current crisis context these commitments are not easy. But we also know that we cannot continue working with the status quo. We have the opportunity to rewrite our urban design, promoting cities on a human scale which improve people’s quality of life and support climate action.”

Daniel Quintero, Mayor of Medellín, said: “Medellín is the first city in Colombia to formulate its Climate Action Plan with international standards and in line with the Paris Agreement, to have a route map that leads us to a progressive reduction in the generation of Greenhouse Gases and to achieve the neutrality of these emissions by the year 2050. Likewise, our Plan encourages green and fair economic growth.

Antonio Carlos Peixoto de Magalhães Neto, Mayor of Salvador said:”The challenges of the climate crisis are global, but through local actions, we can contribute to the planet’s sustainability. Salvador has fulfilled the Deadline 2020 commitment and is launching a Paris-compliant Climate Action Plan. Thus, the first capital of Brazil is contributing to the global climate agenda, and at the same time, implementing actions that promote adaptation and climate justice to its citizens.”

Giuseppe Sala, Mayor of Milan said: “To deliver on the goals of the Paris Agreement, we must deliver a green and just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic that creates a fair economy, cuts emissions and creates jobs.”

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Antioquia le propone a Colombia el modelo de huertas urbanas como solución a la malnutrición en las ciudades

Antioquia proposes to Colombia the model of urban orchards as a solution to malnutrition in cities

With the delivery of 3,300 urban gardens in Medellín and its Metropolitan Area, the Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Government of Antioquia, proposes the country to adopt this supply model that seeks to balance the imbalance between the food production capacity in the rural areas and the need for healthy food consumption in urban areas.

The Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Government of Antioquia delivered 3,300 urban gardens in Medellín and its Metropolitan Area, as a solution to fight malnutrition in the Antioquia population.

With the delivery of these orchards, the Government of Antioquia takes a step forward in the generation of food solutions and aims at the sustainable production of food in the Metropolitan Area. Many cities in the world have adopted this successful model that allows combating food insecurity, enabling access to nutrition since each family can choose what they want to plant and is involved with the protection of the planet.

The panorama of poor nutrition in Colombia is highlighted in the latest National Nutritional Situation Survey (ENSIN), according to which 7 out of every 100 school-age minors and 1 in 10 teenagers suffer from chronic malnutrition. 17.9% of the population between 13 and 17 years of age is overweight and 1 in 5 young people and adults is obese. In this sense, more than 28 million people in the country are overweight.

This initiative aims to transform the relationship between the countryside and the city through self-consumption gardens in homes. According to the FAO, about 700 million inhabitants in the world eat from their home grown crops.

“Guaranteeing food security for newborns, children, teenagers and adults, is a priority task for the Ministry of Agriculture, and for that we understand that access to food becomes essential and even more so in Antioquia where 78% of the population is urban and 22% is rural. For this reason, we finished the process of delivering 3,300 urban gardens in the Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley, to generate conditions that allow the families of these main populated centers of the department to have access to a healthy and balanced diet in their own homes, with all nutritional guarantee”, said Rodolfo Correa Vargas, Secretary of Agriculture.

Edible gardens are an important way to solve the food problems of the future, since by 2050 it is estimated that it will be necessary to produce 70% more food to meet the needs of an additional 3 billion people. “With measures like the ones we are developing, we attend to the most critical needs of the present, given that today, 1 in 5 children in the urban areas of Antioquia suffers from malnutrition. This initiative, which emerged more than 100 years ago to combat a food crisis caused by war, is being applied today as a mechanism to address the great challenges posed by the right to food security in a post-pandemic world”, concluded Rodolfo Correa.

Rodolfo Correa, Secretary of Agriculture of the Government of Antioquia delivering the first urban crops to Antioquia families.

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Por qué invertir en Antioquia

Antioquia, the corner of America that is being valued for foreign investment

Due to its privileged geographic location, tax incentives, competitive infrastructure and high economic performance, among other virtues, the so-called “Corner of the Americas”, Antioquia, is positioned as one of the most attractive destinations for foreign direct investment to settle .

Antioquia has about 13% of the total Colombian population (around 6.5 million inhabitants) and a contribution of 14.5% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (153,518 billion pesos).

According to the Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area – ACI Medellín, 265 investment projects have been executed since 2008, mainly from Chile, China, Spain, the United States, France and Mexico, among others, reporting 3,041 million Dollars.

It is a region with great investment possibilities for agribusiness, extractive industries, life sciences, manufacturing and services

Foreign companies such as Globant (Argentina), Farmacielo (Canada), MRO Avianca (Brazil), Grupo Sodimac (Chile), Valver (Spain), Avenger Fligth Group (United States), HWI – Haceb joint venture – Whirlpool (United States – Colombia ), Mane (France), One Link (Guatemala), Mitsubishi Electric (Japan), Incolmotos Yamaha (Japan), Airplan (Mexico), Mera Corporation (Mexico), Sana Commerce (Netherlands) and Westfalia (South Africa), have believed in the potential of the territory.

Antioquia offers for investment its high economic performance, access to competitive infrastructure, tax incentives for investment, abundant human talent with relevant training, and its quality of life, which makes it an excellent place to work and live.

In this regard, the governor of Antioquia, Aníbal Gaviria Correa, emphasized that: “as well as their business class and leader, all Antioqueños are people with capacity, talent, creativity and passion; without a doubt, human resources are the most important competitive factor in our department and the invitation to invest in the territory”.

Antioquia differs from other regions of Colombia for being the country’s most exporting department (close to 20% in 2019) and having a vibrant innovation ecosystem.

The government’s commitment to attracting foreign direct investment in the territory is mainly concentrated in sectors and economic activities in which Antioquia today has the skills to compete in the international markets, these sectors are:

  • Agricultural in the cultivation of hass avocado, cocoa, citrus, among others.
  • Livestock in the production of beef.
  • Life sciences with the production of cannabis for medicinal purposes.
  • Miner – energetic with gold mining.
  • Services in the development of software and applications, and the outsourcing of services: PBO, KPO, ITO.
  • Specialized manufacturing such as motion and associated industries.
  • Infrastructure and logistics.

“For ACI Medellín, expanding the vision of the Antioquia territory has been one of the key factors in the exercise of identifying the reasons that make us attractive for foreign direct investment. We are proud to see that we have so much to offer and that our biodiversity, geographic position, climatic situation, and population and cultural wealth make us a privileged environment for investors to prosper, “said Eleonora Betancur González, executive director of the Cooperation Agency and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area – ACI Medellín.

The commitment of the Government of Antioquia and the ACI Medellín is clear: to make investors fall in love with a fertile territory with great investment opportunities for agribusiness, extractive industries, life sciences, manufacturing and services; but, above all, that with the arrival of these companies, development is generated for the territory and its inhabitants.

What does Antioquia offer in terms of investment?

  1. High economic performance

The Departmental Competitiveness Index has classified Antioquia for 7 consecutive years as the second most competitive department in the country, due to diversification in the labor market and the adoption of Information and Communication Technologies – ICT in the business and industrial ecosystem . It stands out for presenting growth rates higher than the global average of the Colombian economy. Its business structure is diverse and at the same time specialized in the niches in which it operates. 

  1. Access to competitive infrastructure

The Antioquia territory has an ideal geographic location for import and export operations. Antioquia is considered “the corner of the Americas” because it connects the central and northern areas of the continent with South America. Thanks to the network of free trade agreements, Colombia provides access to about 60 countries with more than 1.5 billion consumers.

The construction of Puerto Antioquia and the Fourth Generation (4G) highways are planned, which will allow better land and port connectivity, and will offer competitive advantages by facilitating import and export, making the value chains of the installed investments more efficient .

  1. Tax incentives for investment

To promote economic development and job creation through the installation of new companies in the territory, different Antioquia municipalities contemplate tax incentives related to property, industry and trade taxes, as well as the complementary of notices and boards. The subregions of Oriente and Urabá stand out, as they have tax incentives that offer the possibility of having a 100% exemption on property and industry and commerce taxes during the first years of operation and a subsequent progressive discount. In addition, 55 municipalities in the department have a benefit in the special progressive rate of income tax until the year 2027.

It is important to note that Antioquia has 3 Permanent Free Zones, territories where important tax benefits are obtained for the companies established there.

  1. Well-trained and qualified human talent

Human talent is one of the most sought after resources in the department. 61% of the Antioquia population is of economically active age and 33% of the population is young, between 20 and 39 years old. Antioquia is the department with the second highest number of higher education graduates in Colombia, between 2001 and 2018 the total number of undergraduate and postgraduate graduates in Antioquia totaled 552 thousand people, which represents 13% of the total graduates in the country.

  1. Quality of life

Indicators such as the decrease in extreme monetary poverty, which in the last 15 years went from 17.8% to 5.6%, coverage of 98% of the inhabitants in the general social security system in health, access to 98.8% to the electric power service and 90.6% to the aqueduct service, are some of the advances of the social policies of the country and the department to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants.

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El aguacate es clave para el desarrollo de Medellín y Antioquia

Israeli agricultural entrepreneurs want to invest in Antioquia

Businessmen from Israel met with representatives of the Antioquia Government to learn about the strategies of the agricultural sector in the department. This approach becomes a fundamental step to further strengthen the competitiveness of the region in the agro-industrial sector in the lines of precision agriculture, irrigation systems and greenhouses.

The meeting is part of the “Why Antioquia?” strategy, managed between the Government of Antioquia and the ACI Medellín to boost the economy by attracting investors to the territory. In addition, the proximity to the Israeli Embassy and the FTA signed with this country this year were key to identifying the companies that would have a real interest in settling in the department.

The Governor of Antioquia, Aníbal Gaviria Correa, emphasized that the department is a leader in productivity in Colombia thanks to the presence of the most thriving business community in the country. Likewise, he stressed that “in these coming years, major transformations of the department’s competitive platform will be consolidated thanks to the construction of fourth-generation or 4G roads, the completion of Hidrohituango and the ports of Urabá, among others. These works added to the security and institutional stability are key elements that allow to invite investment from Israel and the world to our department and the country ”.

For Rodolfo Correa, Secretary of Agriculture of the Antioquia Government, “it is inspiring what Israel does in the modernization of the agricultural sector in matters of organizational models, technology transfer to increase the efficiency of the sector, among other advances and developments. Currently, in Antioquia we are intervening the territories to give true importance to the agricultural sector in the department, for this reason, having a strategic partner such as Israel is presented as an opportunity for investment, technology transfer, and access to different world markets , allowing the social, industrial and technological development of the department and the country ”.

For his part, the Israeli ambassador to Colombia Cristian Cantor, through a videotaped greeting, stated that: “agriculture is and will continue to be a main axis of relations between the government of Israel and Colombia. The companies that are presented at this event are among the best companies that Israel has to offer to Antioquia”.

Eleonora Betancur, executive director of ACI Medellín, emphasized that: “the commitment we have as a public entity is to facilitate the reactivation not only of Medellín but of the entire territory through investment that can generate wealth and jobs to improve the quality of life of the citizen”.

This meeting is strategic for Antioquia since a Free Trade Agreement with Israel was recently signed allowing preferential access to this market and a consequent increase in trade as a result of the reduction in transaction costs and the improvement in customs procedures. Antioquia has key products of the agro-industry to favor exports and investment such as Hass avocado, cocoa, citrus fruits and beef, among other products. In the case of Hass avocado, exports have grown by 40% in the last 4 years, to mention just one of the products with the most potential in the region.

The meeting was attended by entrepreneurs from TapKit companies, specialized in large-scale hydroponic systems for fresh culinary herbs, micro-vegetables and vegetables based on their own advanced growing methods; Agritask, which offers a platform designed to unite precision agronomy and business intelligence; ClariFruit, provider of optimization software solutions for the fresh fruit and vegetable industry; LR Group, which operates in the initiation, development, financing, construction and management of medium and large-scale projects in high-growth economies; and finally, Bean & Co, a global cocoa company that grows large-scale, sustainable cocoa plantations around the world.

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Con ganadería de precisión la Gobernación de Antioquia busca salvar el medio ambiente

With precision livestock farming, the Government of Antioquia seeks to save the environment

To stop and mitigate the adverse effects derived from livestock activity, the Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development of Antioquia, Colombia’s second most important department, implemented silvopastoral systems and the precision livestock model as the main projects in the protection of the environment.

With 4.0 technology, the Agriculture Secretariat of Antioquia works with cattlemen and dairy farmers to reduce the ecological footprint and increase economic profitability.

The implementation of silvopastoral systems favors in a planned way the interaction between trees, crops and livestock, facilitating biological interactions between them, which optimizes land use, conserves plant cover to reduce the climatic effects of economic activity and, in addition, increases productivity and animal welfare, generating more profitability and better meat quality.

For its part, precision livestock farming, as a production system, incorporates technology to collect and analyze information for the optimization of the production animal origin food. According to a recent study by Cornell University (United States), implementing technology in livestock processes allows 90% less soil to be used, 14.5% less water and a 63% reduction in the carbon footprint of this activity productive.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO, livestock farming is considered one of the largest sources of environmental pollution on the planet by generating 18% of the gases that increase the greenhouse effect, producing 27% of carbon dioxide, 44% methane and nitrous oxide at a level of 29%. According to specialists, putting a kilo of meat on our table requires the use of 15,000 liters of water and producing 1 liter of milk requires 1,000 liters of water

Reducing the environmental impact of agriculture as a way to address the climate emergency is a priority objective for the Antioquian department.

Towards this, Rodolfo Correa, Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development of Antioquia, points out that: “The purpose of the departmental government is to take Antioquia’s agriculture one step forward into the future and put it at the national forefront in protecting the environment, improving the quality of life of the animals and showing the world that it is possible to produce oxygen with this new livestock farming ”.

This strategy is part of the plan “100 actions of the Government of Antioquia to face the climate emergency” with which, the departmental government seeks to mitigate the climate emergency and contribute regionally to the improvement of global environmental quality.

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Con huertas urbanas Antioquia beneficia a miles de ciudadanos en seguridad alimentaria

With urban gardens, Antioquia benefits thousands of citizens in food security

At hand, in the patios of their own houses, kitchens or living rooms, Antioqueños who live in the Metropolitan Area of Medellín will be able to access vegetables, aromatic plants and other crops, in a totally organic way to supply the nutritional basics in less than 40 days.

Huertas Urbanas por la Vida, an initiative of the Antioquia Government in alliance with the municipalities of the Aburrá Valley that aims to transform the relationship of the city with the countryside and give the opportunity for citizens to have a garden in their own home and harvest your food.

The Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development delivered 3,093 orchards in the Aburrá Valley so that people near the urban territory can supply themselves with organic products in their homes.

“Urban orchards are a revolution in the way we see our relationship with the countryside and food production. Cities cannot continue to be absent and indifferent to the problem of finding ways to supply the basic food needs of families, ”said Rodolfo Correa, Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development of Antioquia.

The secretariat chaired by Correa delivered 3,093 self-contained home gardens, which include everything necessary to produce small crops in the homes of Antioquia families. The kits are accompanied by educational and audiovisual material for sowing, cultivating and properly harvesting food.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), it is expected that by 2030 the world population will exceed 8,300 million inhabitants, which will imply a 50% increase in food consumption.

Rapid population growth worldwide places great demands on food supply systems, which is why urban gardens are taking center stage as a mechanism to provide fresh food and strengthen the resilience of cities in the face of climate change, among other multiple benefits.

“From the Government of Antioquia, the platform has been deployed where you can learn from scratch the entire process to have and cultivate an urban garden, as well as receive information from experts on everything related to home gardens,” concluded Rodolfo Correa.

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La Red CATUL es galardonada con el premio internacional Ciudades Educadoras a Buenas Prácticas de Inclusión y Democratización de la Cultura 2020

The CATUL Network is awarded the international 2020 Educating Cities Award for Best Practices in the Inclusion and the Democratization of Culture

The Network of Culture Houses, Theaters, UVA and Sound Production Labs  (CATUL Network) of the Citizen Culture Secretariat of the Mayor’s Office of Medellín, in alliance with Comfenalco Antioquia, was chosen as one of the three winning projects for the 2020 Educating Cities Award for Best Practices in the Inclusion and the Democratization of Culture, by the Association for Educating Cities (IAEC), which Medellín has been part of since 2004.

Medellín is one of the three winning cities, along with Santos from Brazil and Torres Vedras in Portugal, within a group of 50 cities in 4 continents. The recognition is given by the International Association of Educating Cities (IAEC).

This recognition exalts good government practices in access and citizen participation, with greater relevance in vulnerable populations in the cultural scene, through inclusive, democratic and healthy coexistence processes, in addition to the promotion of cultural diversity as development axes.

The application, made by the Agency for Cooperation and Investment  of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area – ACI Medellín, and the Secretariat of Citizen Culture, achieved the recognition of the project Red CATUL by “giving value to the importance of a network of territorial articulation that achieves greater democratization of cultural facilities as learning spaces open to all citizens”.

In this sense, Eleonora Betancur González, executive director of ACI Medellín, says: “It fills us with joy to know that the International Association of Educating Cities – AICE, recognizes our city for its inclusion and democratization of culture. This allows us to visualize the path we’ve gone through, both in this international network and in our history where Red CATUL has played a relevant role in the social and community fabric; demonstrating how Medellín lives its culture”

The CATUL network, which is integrated by 14 physical equipment and 20 cultural processes throughout Medellín and its districts, impacts an average of 400,000 people each year, and weaves meaningful networks  between different local, inter-territorial and institutional actors, on the basis of the recognition of others as a space for training and the circulation of knowledge and experience, which energize cultural processes with a community basis, through strategic lines such as training, community cultural management, promotion of creation, memory and territory, exchange and dialogue, and communications.

The award ceremony will be held during the 16th IAEC International Congress in March 2021.

Álvaro Narváez, undersecretary of Art and Culture of Medellín, says that: “the CATUL Network is an example of how innovation allows cultural management processes to be developed through the understanding of each territory’s particularities, where formation in diverse knowledge, creation, memory, and dialogues, strengthen and build new imaginaries. This recognition for the project and for the city, fills us with much joy and invites us to continue to bet more and more on culture and education as transformative axes of our society”.

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Antioquia transforma el sector agrícola con última tecnología para sus campesinos

Antioquia Transforms the Agricultural Sector with Latest Technology for their farmers

The Government of Antioquia, through the  Agriculture and Rural Development Secretariat, and the Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation – Agrosavia, signed an agreement to initiate the Technological Transformation Plan of Agro in Antioquia. This will aim to provide farms in different subregions of the department with real-time monitoring tools, drones and chips for decision-making based on precision agriculture and data analysis.

With 4.0 technology the Government of Antioquia and Agrosavia will promote the economic reactivation of agriculture. Agrosavia is a nonprofit, decentralized public entity that works in the generation of scientific knowledge and agricultural technological development.

The Secretary of Agriculture of Antioquia, Rodolfo Correa, pointed out that “Technology is in everything and could not stay out of this field. Today with 4.0 Agriculture, Antioquia’s agricultural producers will have real-time information, without having to travel to each lot to know how every tree or crop is and to determine exactly which supplies to buy and in what amounts without having uncertainty or high costs”.

The project contemplates a set of certifications for agro-producers to start the export route, bringing to the table the need for Antioquia to be a leader in several agricultural areas.

“This time the support of the departmental government is given so that the opening of markets is the path to economic reactivation and our producers have two tools that until now had been elusive: markets and certifications,” said Rodolfo Correa.

In this way, the Government and the institutions of the agricultural sector in Antioquia bet on research results, compliance with regulations and the use of new technologies as an engine for the reactivation of agriculture in Antioquia.

Farmers who benefit from the project will be selected through an open call.


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Antioquia will increase its agricultural production for the world with state-of-the-art greenhouses.

The appearance of the Coronavirus brought along a large challenge regarding the food sourcing of the department of Antioquia, showing the importance of the agricultural sector and the pride of a territory with agro-producers who are harvesting the best quality produce of the country.

Antioquia is the second most important region in Colombia, with great potential derived from its biodiversity, geographical position, climate, cultural wealth and productive apparatus. It has a population of 6,550,206 inhabitants and is composed of 9 subregions and 125 municipalities, including its capital, Medellín.

The Secretary of Departmental Agriculture Rodolfo Correa announced the initiation of the East Technological Development Poles works, which will bring with them state-of-the-art greenhouses for this subregion and will contribute recovery and expected economic growth of the department. The head of the agriculture portfolio welcomed this new infrastructure: “With the construction of the agro-technological citadels, Antioquia will have for the first time, state-of-the-art technology in indoor harvests. This will increase the productivity of sectors such as tomato harvesting by more than 700%, from collecting 6 kilos per square meter to 45; this is a milestone in Colombian agriculture and a substantial improvement in the productivity of associations in the region”.

The agro-technological citadels, in addition to having greenhouses, will have everything necessary for the people of the East subregion to start all transformation processes and added value in agriculture. “The agro-technological citadels will bring progress to the department. In addition to greenhouses, the infrastructure has everything necessary for products from Antioquia to arrive to international markets with the highest quality levels,” said Rodolfo Correa Vargas.

“Food does not grow in the supermarket shelves; we need to strengthen the agricultural sector and bring technology to our farmers,” said the department’s agriculture secretary, Rodolfo Correa Vargas.

With this bet, the Government of Antioquia headed by Governor (E) Luis Fernando Suárez begins to fulfill one of the pillars of the Development Plan “Unidos por la Vida”, and the Secretariat of Agriculture led by Rodolfo Correa, brings progress to the territory so that Antioquia starts to become Colombia’s agricultural reference for the world.

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Ante inversionistas del mundo, El alcalde Daniel Quintero participa en apertura del Colombia Investment Summit

Mayor Daniel Quintero spoke to more than a thousand investors around the world at the Colombia Investment Summit

This investment summit opened with the participation of president Iván Duque, the former president of the United States Bill Clinton and a forum of mayors with the presence of Daniel Quintero, and will take place between October 7th and 9th in a virtual and face-to-face format with more than 2,000 attendees, including 1,085 investors from 50 countries in Europe, Asia, North America and Latin America.

In his speech, Mayor Quintero mentioned the investment that Medellín will have with the Development Plan “Medellín Futuro” where there are projects to improve the environment, mobility, education, to provide new public spaces for the citizens’ enjoyment and to improve quality of life.

“In Medellín there is a bet of more than 1 billion pesos to become a Software Valley by building centers in each of the  city’s communes associated with Ruta N, creating micro ecosystems of innovation in the city’s neighborhoods, bringing out their people’s full potential. We do not want to go back to the past, we see everything as an opportunity to look towards the future, to become a knowledge economy, an Ecocity, a Software Valley for the world, “the mayor concluded.

“Metro de la 80” will be one of the protagonists in the Round of Investment with international entrepreneurs who have shown great interest in this project.

ACI Medellín along with the APP Agency and Ruta N, scheduled about 81 meetings with international investors to present projects such as Metro de la 80, Ciudadela Universitaria del Norte, Parques del Río del Norte, among others, facilitating the attraction of resources for the construction of these works that will facilitate  economic revival, employment creation and the city’s development.

For Eleonora Betancur, Executive Director of ACI Medellín “Colombia Investment Summit, is the best showcase that the country and the city has before large investors of the world that look at this territory as a strategic option to settle their companies, promoting social and economic development. As a city we have unique attractions such as a strong business fabric, a vibrant innovative ecosystem and an enviable quality of life in Latin America, which makes people around the world have their eyes on this region”.

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Las 100 acciones de Antioquia para convertirse en un territorio de carbono neutral

The 100 Actions of Antioquia to Become a Carbon-Neutral Territory

The construction of overhead cables and bicycle trails, promotion of solar parks, planting 25 million trees throughout the department and even the structuring of the high-speed train project between Medellín and Bogotá, are some of the mechanisms proposed by the Government of Antioquia to reverse the 23 million tons of greenhouse gases produced in the territory each year.

Antioquia, the second most important region in Colombia with great potential derived from its environmental wealth, focuses its efforts on saving the environment.

In February of this year, Antioquia declared a State of Climate Emergency, this being the first clear and concrete action to propose basic changes in the people and companies that are part of this vast territory that comprises 125 municipalities distributed in 9 subregions.

With the implementation of this new plan of “100 actions of the Government of Antioquia to face the climate emergency”, the departmental government will implement measures of agriculture; energy and sustainable transport; biodiversity and ecosystems; competitiveness and new economies; resilient urban development; risk management; and education, culture and communication; so that CO2 removals can be increased by neutralizing CO2 emissions.

A first-level scientific committee will help implement this ambitious program, which includes 100 concrete actions to reduce polluting gases.

To fulfill these actions and looking for a holistic view from science and experience, the governor (E) of Antioquia, Luis Fernando Suárez Vélez, called a group of 14 experts among engineers, architects, administrators, biologists, among others, whose great coincidence is their preparation and knowledge to advise the implementation of these actions.

The Department ranks third in net emissions of greenhouse gases in Colombia, and the government’s action to respond to the challenges of vulnerability to climate change is strategic.

A large part of the department’s greenhouse gas emissions are related to the agricultural, forestry, manufacturing and transportation sectors; these activities are the ones that deserve a greater number of actions within the plan. In this way it is intended to install 10 thousand orchards that promote sustainable agriculture, structure a program of operation of overhead cables promoting sustainable mobility, declare 15,000 hectares of forest as protected areas and give greater impetus to green businesses and businesses, among other actions.

“We will make our contribution with this package of 100 actions that we present to all of Antioquia. But the most important actions have to come from each of the citizens in the 125 municipalities of Antioquia. We have that responsibility. It is time for action and decisions designed for current and future generations,” said Luis Fernando Suárez Vélez, governor (E) of Antioquia.

The plan is divided as follows:

  1. Sustainable agriculture. 12 actions framed in: orchards, food security, agricultural production units with agro-ecological approach, soil conservation, land adjustment districts, productivity with technology transfer, sustainable livestock.
  2. Sustainable transportation and energy. 23 actions between public bicycle systems, bicycle infrastructures and bicycle parking, rural overhead cables, promotion and implementation of electric and hybridized mobility, urban area LED lighting, solar farm promotion, eco-housing, clean energy promotion through small hydroelectric plants, mass transport system structuring, solar panels in administrative buildings and public schools, flexible hours and telecommuting.
  3. Biodiversity, ecosystems and their services. 16 actions highlighting forest restoration, deforestation control, protected areas and the protection of wildlife, environmental services payment and the promoting the efficient use and saving of water.
  4. Competitiveness and new economies. 15 actions among which we find: eco-mining, promotion and support for green businesses and entrepreneurships, sustainable tourism, restoration and conservation of productive soils plan, climate finance, green credit line, circular economy public policy, local production and purchase.
  5. Resilient and urban development. 16 actions for: the elimination of plastics, the use of waste by 20%, the creation of low-carbon landfills, sustainable construction, Municipal “Parques del Río”, conscious family planning, climate change adaptation plan, access to drinking water supply for rural housing and schools.
  6. Risk Management. 4 actions in plant cover protection and early warning and monitoring systems.
  7. Education, culture and communication for sustainability. 14 actions based on the promotion of physical activity and healthy habits, communication campaigns for public mobilization, promotion of ancestral and indigenous knowledge for the conservation of biodiversity.

Download the compendium of actions [ here ]

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Medellín, única ciudad de América invitada al Intelligent Cities Challenge de la Unión Europea

Medellín, the only city in the Americas invited to the European Union’s Intelligent Cities Challenge

The European Commission formally invited Medellín to participate as an international mentor in the ICC, thanks to the good practices developed in recent years, the successful public policies implemented, and the challenges posed by the Development Plan “Medellín Futuro” to transform the city into a Software Valley and an Ecocity. 

The Intelligent Cities Challenge – ICC is a program that seeks to drive technological transformation towards smart, green and socially sustainable growth between 2020 and 2022. 

Over the next 2 and a half years of the program, participating cities will focus on implementing strategies to create a common open data platform, a Marketplace for Smart and Innovative City Solutions and Joint Investment Opportunities. 

A total of 80 European cities were selected to exchange knowledge and successful practices around the Challenge themes and will be accompanied by 11 European and international mentor cities, within which Medellín is the only city in the Americas invited to be part of this select group. 

Of the 91 cities that are part of this program, only two are outside the European Union: Singapore and Medellín as mentor cities. 

As a launch for the program, the ICC City Lab will take place between September 28th and October 2nd; this is a virtual space in which today, Ruta N presented the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem to the participant cities, as a model to replicate in other territories. They also presented innovative solutions that have driven the city in the contingency caused by COVID-19, such as InspiraMED and Medellín Me Cuida. 

For Eleonora Betancur, executive director of the ACI Medellín, “being part of the ICC is an inspiring and challenging opportunity to advise other cities that have found our city model suitable and at the same time learn from other successful models in Europe. This will involve taking part in the supporting activities regarding the topics in which Medellín is strongest, while at the same time being able to access knowledge exchange and conversation spaces with all the participating cities”.  

Informative context 

As an international mentor city, Medellín can access the following opportunities at the ICC: 

  • Draw inspiration from the best international practices by learning how cities use advanced technologies to solve social and urban problems. 
  • Turn strategies into high-impact actions, implementing short- and long-term projects in areas such as open data, local green agreements, renewable energy, among others. 
  • Expand visibility, recognition and business opportunities for the city by becoming part of a recognized international community of innovative cities that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. 
  • Use knowledge in new developments to become a regional model and help neighboring cities accelerate their transition to green and digital ecosystems. 
  • Collaborate with highly developed international peers through “mentor lounge” activities, where experiences in innovative solutions are shared.  
  • Promote successful solutions in the ICC Marketplace, allowing its application in other cities. Participating in technology fairs, hackathons and other European Union events that sow business opportunities with key cities. 
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fortegroup - Desde Medellín multinacional de software y TI se expande en Latinoamérica

Forte Group announces new delivery center expansion in Latin America, accelerating growth for its custom software development clients

Forte Group, a leading global provider of custom software services, has announced its expansion into Latin America with a new delivery center in Medellin, Colombia. Forte Group will establish its sixth global base of operations in the Medellin innovation complex, Ruta N. 

From Medellin, Colombia, Forte Group will bolster the local market and strengthen customer support to clients in the U.S. and Latin America. 

Forte Group is a full-spectrum custom software delivery company that works with software engineering departments, business leaders, and technology companies to consistently achieve valuable business outcomes. Its new location in Medellin is its sixth global location, adding to offices in the U.S., Belarus, and Ukraine. 

The initial operation will combine remote and local work in 2020, creating 30-50 jobs in Colombia’s second-largest city within the next six months. 

“The decision to expand our presence into Colombia represents an exciting phase in our company’s growth,” Steve Kreynin, CEO and founder at Forte Group, said. “While we were evaluating where to expand, we found Medellin to be a growing technology city with some of the best software development talent in the Western Hemisphere. This new location helps us better serve our clients with world-class custom software services.”  

Three Medellin-based promotional agencies — ProColombia, ACI Medellin, and Ruta N. — supported the company’s exploration of a new office and investment location.  

“Forte Group’s investment in Colombia confirms the country’s attractiveness in the software services and IT sector because of its strategic location, protection to the investor, and sustained growth of its indicators — among other factors,” Flavia Santoro, President at ProColombia, said. “This is the kind of investment that contributes to our talent development and the economic reactivation of our country.” 

The arrival of these types of companies “shows that Medellín’s science, technology, and innovation ecosystem is competitive and up for the expectations of global industries,” Paulina Villa, Portfolio Manager of Ruta N., said. So it is great news for the city and a call for its labor force that now needs to show what it is made of. This is what it is ultimately about improving the quality of life by creating good jobs through important allies that make our economy stronger.” 

For Eleonora Betancur, executive director at ACI Medellin, “Working with companies like Forte Group in our city strengthens the Software Valley strategy, traced in the Development Plan Medellin Futuro, in which we seek to become an attractive destination so that foreign investors can find trained talent at competitive costs for operation and compromise from public entities, private as well as public.” 

Forte Group is actively hiring in Medellin. The organization is looking for people interested in software engineering, quality assurance and testing development, product design, and operations support careers. Those interested in working with Forte Group are encouraged to apply at: 

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Medellín and its artists were recognized in the Music Cities Awards thanks to the Medellin Me Cuida Route

Medellín received the Music Cities Awards international recognition for its support to local musicians and artists during the pandemic with the Medellín Me Cuida Route. The city stood out among 842 nominations and was on the shortlist with two other American initiatives: Black Fret and Music Export Memphis.

The city was exalted by the Medellín Me Cuida Route, in the third category: Best city initiative to directly support musicians.

This award highlights an initiative that brought hope, art and culture to the neighborhoods and hamlets of Medellín during the confinement, as a contribution to economic, social and cultural dynamization. A distinction that exalts the implementation of direct support policies to musicians.

In this way, Medellín establishes itself as a musical city by being part of the UNESCO Network of Creative Music Cities.

The Medellín Me Cuida Route was an itinerant stage designed to economically reactivate the artistic and cultural sector of the city, and whose protagonists were the winners of the Call for Art and Culture Incentives in the line of the Cultural Agenda.

There were 16 tours, 80 neighborhoods and hamlets receiving art and culture, 16 musical groups benefited, 109 artists, more than 150 kilometers traveled. It also highlights the ethnic, cultural and gender diversity of these routes, since out of the 16 groups, six were Afro-Colombian, four were led by women and eight groups were winners for the first time in the Call for Art and Culture Incentives of the Cultural Agenda.

“We are happy and thankful towards all those who have made it possible for Medellín to obtain this honor, this distinction. We are sure that our caravans will continue to reach the whole city, every commune and every hamlet, and we will continue to work to not stop and continue  supporting all those who are part of the arts and culture sector”, said the Secretary of Citizen Culture, Lina Gaviria.

The award was presented by Music Cities Events during a live ceremony. In addition to the statuette, five free tickets were received for a future event of choice and three years of free subscription to the Community of Musical Cities.

The application was supported by the Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area – ACI Medellín.

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Medellín recibe premio internacional de Ciudad Inteligente por su transformación social, urbana y cultural

Medellín receives an international Smart City award for its social, urban and cultural transformation

The social, cultural, economic and environmental transformation of Medellín in recent years has once again received the recognition of the world by obtaining the award given by Netexplo, an international digital area trend observatory, sponsored by UNESCO, that highlights how the city has focused on the most vulnerable populations, while attracting entrepreneurs, tourists and encouraging innovation.

Netexplo, an international observatory in the digital world, sponsored by UNESCO, awarded the prize.

The award explicitly points out how, only three decades ago, the city was named “the most dangerous in the world” by Time magazine, and now in a short period of time, it has become a role model for cities with troubled pasts that seek to reinvent themselves.

This recognition is added to the recognition of the Artistic and Cultural Practices Network delivered by the international network United Cities and Local Governments.

This recognition emphasizes on Medellín becoming a part of “second level cities”, offering a niche value proposal, different from the one provided by the large international intelligent “mega cities”.

This positioning resonates with the aspirations of younger generations to have a more inclusive, diverse and authentic living environment.

Likewise, the communicative and marketing component of the city stands out by offering an attractive combination of a privileged location, climate, transport and technological infrastructures, affordability and a favorable business environment.

The executive director of the ACI Medellín Eleonora Betancur, said that these types of awards are: “a strategic instrument that greatly contributes to the city’s positioning in an international scenario, promoting and disseminating the lessons the city has learned regarding different topics. In this case, specifically, we see the importance of strengthening socio-economic development by improving the quality of life in the different social and human spheres”.

Other cities that received this recognition in different categories are: Austin, United States, for mobility; Espoo, Finland, data management; Santiago, Chile for financing; Shenzhen, China, transportation networks; Singapore for Zero Carbon Footprint; Surat, India, resilience; Tallinn, Estonia by digital transformation and Vienna, Austria for habitat.

UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization whose goal is to establish peace through international cooperation in education, science and culture. Its programs contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in the 2030 Agenda, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015.

Netexplo is the international observatory of trends in the digital world, based in Paris, under the patronage of the Senate and the French Ministry of Economy, as well as UNESCO, which, since 2007, tracks and identifies the main innovations and trends to make them available to cities and businesses in order to help them in their digital transformation.

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Medellín presentó avances de la reactivación económica ante alcaldes del mundo en la Red C40

Medellín presented results of economic reactivation to mayors of the world in the C40 network

With 1,000 ICU beds in operation, the “Metro de la 80” project declared strategic for the nation, and more than 250 people working directly on the green and just recovery of the city, Mayor Daniel Quintero presented advances in the “New Normality” strategy before 10 mayors of the world as part of the Global Mayors Recovery Task Force.

The Global Mayors Recovery Task Force of the C40 network brings together mayors from around the world as partners to achieve an economic and social recovery against the COVID-19.

This space allows cities to expose their recovery model by implementing health, economic, and environmental strategies that allow them to safely reopen their economies. For this reason, at the new meeting of the C40 network under the Recovery Task Force initiative, the mayors of Milan, Lisbon, Rotterdam, Hong Kong and Medellin, among others, emphasized that with the gradual opening of the economy, governments face the challenge of taking care of clean air through environmentally friendly consumption and mobility practices by encouraging collective transport, working from home, bicycle use, while preparing to deal with possible COVID-19 outbreaks.

This space served as scenario to present the strategy of 20 thousand new jobs with the Software Valley Centers, highlighting that despite being an atypical year, 970 of them have already been created.

Mayor Daniel Quintero emphasized two actions that are being carried out in Medellín to facilitate the implementation of the Development Plan “Medellín Futuro” allowing economic recovery:

  • Medellín Me Cuida: A platform that provides comprehensive care to the families of the territory, with special emphasis on health, psychological and social care, preventing the spread of the virus and arriving with assistance quickly and efficiently.
  • Software Valley Centers of Medellín: a strategy that will allow working with community leaders, social entrepreneurs and the private sector to create 20,000 jobs in 4.0 industries.

Speaking of green and fair recovery of the cities, Mayor Quintero mentioned the importance of the “Metro de la 80” project, emphasizing that “The new Metro line will not only reactivate the economy with an investment of 3.5 billion pesos, but will also generate greener jobs. The project is 100% electric and will avoid the emission of 5 million tons of CO2 per year in Medellín”.

Eleonora Betancur, executive director of  the ACI Medellín highlights that “the participation of the mayor during the third session of the Mayoral Economic Recovery Task Force, represents the opportunity to exercise clear leadership as the only Latin American city in this group, assuming a role of integration in the region in the face of post-disaster recovery”.

Informative context

C40 is an international organization, formed by a coalition of 96 mayors, that seeks to support cities in the fight against Climate Change. Medellín has been part of this network since 2016.

The Global Mayors COVID-19 Recovery Task Force, was established in 2020 as part of C40 to achieve an economic and social recovery against COVID-19, allowing people to return to work, preventing climate collapse from becoming an even greater crisis and halting the global economy.

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Resilient Cities Network focuses its new city-led entity on strengthening cities capacity to recover from COVID-19 and build a safe and equitable world

(Singapore, September 23, 2020) – As continued resilient recovery remains a priority in cities around the world, the global community represented by Resilient Cities Network came together virtually. The organization introduced the new members of its Board of Directors and Global Steering Committee. With cities still battling the unprecedented global pandemic and the compound risks of climate change and social inequity the agenda discussed by the core executive team as well as the Network alumni community was particularly relevant, reviewing and discussing the strategic direction of the Network for 2021-2023.

During the meeting, Lauren Sorkin, Executive Director of the Network, presented Daniel Stander, Private Sector Representative to the United Nations, Naina Batra, Chairwoman and CEO, Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN), Sylvester Turner, Mayor of Houston, and Sameh Wahba, Global Director of Urban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience, and Land Global Practice, World Bank as new appointees for the Board of Directors. Also, the network’s Global Steering Committee was confirmed. It will be headed by co-chairs Belfast, represented by Grainia Long, Commissioner for Resilience, and Christchurch, represented by Mike Gillooly, Chief Resilience Officer, and comprised of Buenos Aires, Salvador, Pune, Cape Town, Kigali, Rotterdam, San Francisco, and Houston.

“The reach, achievements, and vision of the Resilient Cities Network are impressive. Speaking on behalf of the Board of Directors, I can say that we feel deeply inspired by the commitment of the organization to support the critical needs of vulnerable communities by implementing projects that address multiple shocks and stresses and are improving the lives of people.” Sylvester Turner, Chair of the Board of Directors and Mayor of Houston.

Resilient Cities Network co-creates urban solutions to address complex and interrelated urban challenges, so that cities and communities thrive. The Network will focus on three priorities to be delivered through programs of collective action with member cities during the next two years through a holistic resilience approach. It continues to pursue a resilient recovery to reinforce equity, to promote private-public partnerships, and foster stronger local economies. Also, cities need to be prepared to further build climate resilience, not only to protect citizens from water-related challenges but also to strengthen the capacity of communities to cope with the effects of climate change. The third priority is the promotion of circular economies through indigenous and technological solutions to rapidly and sensibly enhance waste management and food systems.

“Now more than ever building city resilience makes sense. Working with cities to create prosperous, equitable, and safe urban environments while prioritizing access to healthcare for vulnerable populations is a key driver for us. We are committed to growing the practice of urban resilience across the globe in a way that it accrues social, economic, and political capital, making our cities thrive. At this point, we feel proud of the refreshed visual identity and of our new website and logo, which better represent the values and commitment of the Network.” Grainia Long, co-chair of the Global Steering Committee, Commissioner for Resilience, Belfast.

Empowered by the knowledge and expertise of resilience practitioners and governments, the Network is activating projects to deliver local benefits and collective impact that benefit over 220 million citizens around the globe, 50 million of them living under vulnerable conditions.

As a city-led Network, the organization works together with Chief Resilience Officers, mobilizing communities, city governments, urban practitioners, and partners in the pursuit of safe and equitable urban societies. “We are grateful to both the Board of Directors and the Global Steering Committee for their active engagement, advice, and commitment. Working with them, we feel empowered to build on the valuable legacy from which Resilient Cities Network emerges. We have in our hands a promising opportunity to enhance the quality of life, improve access to infrastructure, and build a healthier and more sustainable future for all.” said Lauren N. Sorkin, Executive Director.

About Resilient Cities Network

Resilient Cities Network is a global city-led nonprofit organization that brings together knowledge, practice, partnerships, and funding to empower cities to help them build a safe, equitable and sustainable future for all. The Network integrates the combined effort of urban practitioners, city governments, and communities in a collective, comprehensive, and well-coordinated call-to-action to deliver urban impact-driven resilience solutions. For more information visit,

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La apuesta de Medellín como Valle del Software ya atrajo este año el interés de 20 empresas internacionales

The commitment of Medellín as a Software Valley has already attracted the interest of 20 international companies this year

Despite the economic effects in the world as a result of the pandemic, Medellín is consolidated as an attractive destination for companies that seek to expand their operations and that find in the city the conditions to grow. So far in 2020, and as a result of the management of Ruta N, ACI Medellín and Procolombia, 20 companies from different 9 countries, whose projects have the potential to create 1,012 jobs between the years 2020 and 2021.

90% of the companies that have arrived are from technology, 5% from energy and another 5% from the financial sector.

In addition, for the development of the Software Valley strategy, Ruta N is in a process of strategic alignment that articulates the Mayor’s Office of Medellín, EPM, decentralized entities and universities, in addition to Innpulsa and MinCiencias.

“These are very powerful results that show that the world believes our city, that here we have the talent and conditions for global business to advance its growth plans. Companies from the United States, Spain, Germany, Argentina, China, France, Mexico, the United Kingdom and Singapore settled in Medellín because they saw a strong ecosystem capable of achieving important bets, such as becoming a Software Valley”, said the executive director of Ruta N, Javier Fernández.

Since last year, and in a joint effort between the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Procolombia and Ruta N, the anchor companies that the city needs to strengthen its ecosystem of science, technology and innovation were selected. Today, the first results of this strategy are seen. Evidence of this is the fact that 2 of the 20 have projects to generate more than 200 jobs each. These are characterized by being relevant in the global market and have the ability to make other companies decide.

One of the most important companies is Rockwell Automation, an anchor company from the United States that is among the ten most important in the world in topics related to the Internet of Things.

Rockwell is in Medellín to set up an engineering campus, which will not only generate nearly 300 jobs by 2021 but will also serve to attract others and insert local companies into global value chains. Endrock Growth & Analytics, Somo, TiendAPP S.A.S, PS Colombia, Owens Illinois (IT), Luckydot, Making Sense, Zemsania, Robotics Systems, Intertec, DIDI, IFinca, Ladorian, SIVAR SAS, Latin Leap, Creamos Lab –, DEVANT and E-Ray, have also arrived, among others.

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Medellín acepta invitación de Naciones Unidas a ser parte de la iniciativa “Ciudades Verdes”

Medellín accepts UN invitation to be part of “Green Cities” initiative

Medellín joins the invitation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to launch the “Green Cities” initiative that will seek to integrate agriculture, forestry, fisheries and sustainable food systems in urban and peri-urban contexts.

This initiative is led by FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Medellín joins the invitation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to launch the “Green Cities” initiative that will seek to integrate agriculture, forestry, fisheries and sustainable food systems in urban and peri-urban contexts.

The virtual event was attended by the Mayor of Medellín, Daniel Quintero, who along with Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York, Giuseppe Sala of Milan, Wen Guohui of Guangzhou, Lucsonne Janvier of Port-au-Prince, among others, discussed the importance of improving people’s well-being by increasing the availability and access to products and services provided by green spaces and sustainable food systems.

The focus of action is on integrating agriculture, forestry, fisheries and sustainable food systems in urban and peri-urban contexts.

In his speech, Mayor Quintero stressed the importance of building a better, more sustainable, resilient, green and just society, seeing technology as a catalyst for change. Additional, he mentioned that Medellín is becoming an ecocity “with more and better green spaces, with safe and friendly housing, with efficient waste management systems, with agricultural models that improve the productivity of hamlets, and with smart urban equipment, capable of regulating energy costs and water, and their emissions of polluting gases”.

This plan will improve the livelihoods and well-being of urban and peri-urban populations in at least 100 cities around the world over the next three years, although 1,000 cities are expected to join by 2030.

Para Eleonora Betancur, directora ejecutiva de la ACI Medellín, “la invitación que nos hace las Naciones Unidas a través de

For Eleonora Betancur, Executive Director of ACI Medellín, “the invitation that the United Nations makes through the FAO to participate in this initiative, shows the importance that the city has in the eyes of the world in issues of sustainability and green cities. At ACI Medellín we continue to believe that much of the development of the city is thanks to cooperative actions with agencies that allow promoting projects and attracting international resources to improve the quality of life of citizens”.

Informative Context

The world is becoming an increasingly urbanized place. Currently, 55% of the world’s population resides in urban areas and by 2050 the urban population is expected to increase to 68%, mainly in low-income countries. Cities already consume almost 80% of the total energy produced in the world and consume up to 70% of the food supply. To address these challenges, cities are called upon to play a more active role in contributing to the efforts of national governments to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

For this reason, it is necessary to rethink how to plan urban and peri-urban areas so that cities become greener, more resilient and regenerative. In response to this need, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launches the “Green Cities” initiative, which builds on the Organization’s experience in integrating agriculture, forestry, fisheries and sustainable food systems in urban and peri-urban contexts.

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Colombia Investment Summit

More than 550 investors from the world will meet at the Colombia Investment Summit event

The sixth version of the Colombia Investment Summit this year will be virtual and expects to gather between 1,200 and 1,500 attendees.

More than 550 investors come from markets in Europe, Asia, Latin America and North America, with which it is estimated to generate more than 1,000 business appointments.

In the virtual meeting, which will take place between October 7th and 9th, more than 75 projects will be presented in sectors such as infrastructure, technology, agro-industry, energy and tourism, among others.

The sixth version of the Colombia Investment Summit this year will be virtual and expects to gather between 1,200 and 1,500 attendees.

More than 550 investors come from markets in Europe, Asia, Latin America and North America, with which it is estimated to generate more than 1,000 business appointments.

The meeting, led by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, and by ProColombia, has become the most important in the country to generate sustainable and responsible investment opportunities, and promote the arrival of projects in sectors such as infrastructure, tourism, energy, agro-industry, technology, among others.

“Foreign efficiency investment is one of the essential instruments of the present juncture because it creates job opportunities and helps to boost the economy. Today, we are working with commitment for Colombia to promote the arrival of more investors, to also facilitate new tools to increase these flows and improve the business climate. In addition, we facilitate the scenario for the relocation of companies looking for a new organization of their supply chains and efficiencies when leaving other latitudes. In addition to this are the sectoral and regional incentives we provide”, said José Manuel Restrepo, Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism.

“The Colombia Investment Summit is a meeting in favor of the country’s economic reactivation, an opportunity to achieve the arrival of greater efficiency investment in the regions, generating quality jobs and technology transfer, development and greater competitiveness. With this event we will present a portfolio of more than 75 projects to investors around the world, in sectors such as infrastructure, technology, agro-industry, energy and tourism, as well as the potential of our territory as a business destination and export platform,” said, Flavia Santoro, president of ProColombia.

On its first day, October 7th, the academic agenda will begin, on October 8th and 9th seven sectoral panels will be held, in segments such as chemicals and life sciences, infrastructure, tourism, metalworking, agro-industry, energy and 4.0 industries.

The event will feature the participation of the Republic’s President, Ivan Duque, ministers and executives of governmental entities, as well as senior executives of national and foreign companies, special guests, and international investors interested in establishing businesses in Colombia or taking advantage of the country as an export platform.

In the 2019 version, the Colombia Investment Summit generated 10 investment announcements worth more than US$1 billion in agro-business, infrastructure, chemicals and life sciences, energy and investment funds.

Entrepreneurs interested in taking part in this event can register and get more information at: [ here ]

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Medellín recibe donación de Japón para ayudar a la prevención del coronavirus

Medellín receives donation from Japan to help prevent coronavirus

Medellín received surgical masks, antibacterial gel, gloves, alcohol and facial masks from the Japanese International Cooperation Agency -JICA, in a donation that seeks to help in the prevention of coronavirus in the city.

Supplies will be directed to prison centers, care sites for the elderly and the homeless community, as well as to the hospital network.

This support was achieved thanks to the city’s social manager, Diana Osorio, who in 2016 was a fellow of an academic program of JICA titled: Sustainable Rural Development through life improvement approach for Latin America.

Due to this academic history, the Social Manager had an approach with the Japanese agency regarding the management of these resources, which will improve quality of life in the most vulnerable communities.

This contribution is a result of the mission that the City of Medellín has undertaken with public partners around the world in search of support to better address the crisis generated by the pandemic.

“This important donation includes 15,000 elements that will help us protect people who are on the front lines attending vulnerable communities in Medellín. This includes staff working in hospitals, detention centers, care centers for the homeless and care centers for the elderly, among others,” said the Social Manager.

The Executive Director of ACI Medellín, Eleonora Betancur, said that “cooperation with Japan has a history of good experiences, thanks to the efforts developed jointly through technical actions, which is why this new achievement is also a very important event to strengthen ties with this country that has so much to contribute to the development of the city and the region”.

This aid adds to those received in recent months by the governments of Korea, China and the United Arab Emirates to deal with the pandemic and to better manage the crisis affecting the entire world.

The good relations that Medellín has built with different countries over time now allow it to receive this kind of support in one of the most crucial moments of its history.

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TEAM International, una empresa que impacta el futuro profesional en niños y jóvenes del Valle del Software

TEAM International, a company that impacts the professional future of children and youth in Medellín

This software company from the United States and based in Medellín is carrying out an impact project among university students in recent semesters. The Top Gun Lab is a training laboratory whose main objective is to serve the community through educational programs in the IT sector, seeking to meet the high demand for trained personnel and generating decent employment opportunities, challenging and well-paid.

The program is based on training students in the last semesters of Systems Engineering and other related careers, with the aim of selecting the best students to do their internship in the company and start creating their career. Last year, about 9 students entered the labor market, and in addition the learning curve was reduced to two months, increasing productivity in people with a junior profile in just 3 months.

Other similar initiatives are:

Top Gun Route

A program created with the goal of raising children’s awareness of the importance of technology in their professional future. At first, the children meet with the developers of the company who tell them about their life and careers; and then they have a moment  of playful learning through a platform called Scratch where they are taught the basic principles of logic and programming.

TEAM International, una empresa que impacta el futuro profesional en niños y jóvenes de Medellín

Top Gun Path

This initiative seeks to support and empower students in the early stages of their career free of charge, through financial sponsorship, teaching the English language and accompaniment by mentors of the company, depending on the stage they are at.

At the teaching stage they are given an economic support of 50% of the Minimum Wage, two free hours of English classes per week, access to the training program according to the line of specialization chosen by the student and monthly mentoring by one of the professionals of the company.

In the productive stage they are given an economic support of 100% of the Minimum Wage, unlimited English classes, access to different programs and training books from the company, jobs in challenging projects, exposure to the final customer, and continuous guidance from their assigned mentor.

Currently, TEAM International has three SENA students active in this program: two boys from Abejorral and a girl from Medellín, who are in the teaching stage in SENA technology programs.

In this way, the international companies installed in Medellín become fundamental actors to carry out the strategy of becoming a Software Valley through impact projects that improve the quality of life of the city’s people.


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Talento digital, la clave para el desarrollo del Valle del software

Digital Talent, the key for the development of the Software Valley.

With the aim of contributing to the progress of the city’s future professionals, ACI Medellín developed the webinar: “Digital Talent Training for the Software Valley”, a space in which they met with local partners in order to project the training of citizens to strengthen this line of economic development.

For years ACI Medellín has worked to establish strategic relationships that allow the city to consolidate alliances that contribute to the improvement of the community’s quality of life. Since 1995, Medellín has worked to grow in the technology industry, and thanks to its partnerships and organizations dedicated to strengthening the capacities of human talent, it slowly gained greater capacity to meet the challenges of a world that is constantly evolving.

During the webinar, ideas were shared about the digital talent that exists in the city and how it can contribute to the future of the Software Valley, an economic development strategy that must face the great challenges that arise in the present digital era. This is where organizations such as the Agency for Higher Education of Medellin- Sapiencia, Acámica, Ruta N, the University of Antioquia, Holberton School Colombia and Pioneras Dev,  play an important role in the training of human talent, because they are part of a team of institutions that work together to bring more people closer to the world of technology and programming, two industies that are exponencially growing and that also allow expanding opportunities for young people in an increasingly competitive global market.

“Skills must be developed for a world that is constantly changing, a change that is increasingly accelerating,” said Pedro Mejía, country manager at Acámica.

The joint work of these organizations in partnership with ACI Medellín multiplies individual efforts to achieve increased productivity of human talent and strengthens learning processes on cutting-edge topics. The transformation of Medellín is a reality, so it’s necessary that both citizens and companies are trained to meet all the needs required by the 4.0 Industry.

For the benefit of the city, these organizations are already on the margins of new trends in the training of digital talent, so they include more agile and personalized models in their training processes, they are also working to reduce the barriers that exist around this digital culture.

“In years it is projected that more than 200,000 IT professionals will be needed in the country,” said Diego Botia, a professor at the University of Antioquia. Facing the challenges of talent in the modern world is a challenge that belongs to the whole city and as a society it is necessary to solve effectively to enhance the capacities of new professionals in a comprehensive way.

ACI Medellín and its partners continue to work on building a knowledge, technology and innovation society, this is why more and more affordable training opportunities are being offered today to make human talent the key to building the Software Valley.  Today all we need is for citizens and organizations to understand the importance of working for the same purpose: mobilizing as a city for this ambitious strategy.

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Medellin recognized worldwide by its transformation

According to the Global Retirement Index 2020 of the International Living, the top 5 retirement destinations in the world are: Portugal, Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico and Medellin, Colombia. With a lower cost of living compared to the United States, and after having been in this index since 2017, Colombia stands out as one of the best places on the planet to retire with less than 30 thousand dollars a year.

The International Living Retirement Index and the American Reporter’s list of best creative cities have identified Medellín as one of the best places to live.

In this index, Medellín is a city with a remarkably affordable living cost; with about 2,000 dollars a month, or 20,000 dollars a year, a couple could have rent, internet, a health plan and even a housekeeper. Nancy Kiernan, International Living correspondent for Colombia, talks about the steady growth that Medellin and the country in general has had in the minds of Americans who want to visit and retire. In addition, it highlights that, according to the World Health Organization, Colombia ranks 22nd in its health care system and is the second most biodiverse country in the world, which allows it to have variety in its weathers. “Colombia was once an overlooked retirement paradise, but now it’s no longer a secret, the word spreads about the benefits they offer for living,” says Kiernan.

Medellín was highlighted as a cosmopolitan city and recognized for its transformation during the last decades, in addition to currently being a benchmark for innovative, sustainable and viable cities.

Another medium that placed Medellín in its top 5 was American Reporter, considering it as one of the best cities in Latin America to move if you are a creative professional. Once again, its great transformation, the leadership in innovation and creativity in the region, and its progress in the living conditions it has developed in recent years are highlighted.

Thanks to the transformation that the city has had in recent decades, today it is considered as a city of excellence for creative professionals and people looking to spend their retirement.


Factors such as the capacity to work from home, the population density, housing affordability, concentration of creative work, environments that supports creative minds, business incubators and accelerators, were all taken into account for the analysis of this top 5 where Medellin, Santa Rita do Sapucai, Montevideo, Santiago de Chile and Curitiba highlighted as the best cities in the Latin American region to move.

Informative Context

  • Since 1979, has been a recognized source for the search for global retirement or relocation opportunities. Through its monthly magazine, electronic newsletters, their extensive website, podcasts, online bookshop and events taking place around the world, this portal provides information and services to help their readers find better opportunities when they expand their world beyond their own shores.
  • American Reporter works as an independent organization dedicated to serving national and international news. Its goal is to constantly update its users with newsletters trends in different aspects of reality so that readers do not lose unique information of relevance.
  • See the articles published in these links: Internationalliving y American Reporter
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Rockwell, leading company in technology worldwide, arrives in Medellin to strengthen the software Valley

With the arrival of Rockwell Automation, world leader in industrial automation solutions, the city continues to position itself as Colombia and Latin America’s Software Valley, integrating national and international actors that allow not only economic growth but also improvement to the citizens quality of life.

With headquarters in Wisconsin, United States, Rockwell Automation employs approximately 23.000 people dedicated to tending to clients in over 100 countries.  

The company will focus its strategies towards software development to support key programs within their business line in Control and Visualization, employing people to occupy roles as software engineers, automation tests, scrum master, responsible for product management, technical leaders and engineer manager, among others. 

With the operations launch in June, remotely for the time being, they hope to create 50 jobs by the end of the year and 100 jobs in 2021.  

“Our campus strategy helps us set the work in places where we can better reach the milestones of our programs, escalate when necessary and maintain high productivity”, claimed Juan David Carrasquilla, Campus Manager for the company in Colombia.  

Referring to the key factors for choosing Medellin, Carrasquilla ensured that “the city is one of the fastest growing technological centers in Latin America, the local government offers policies and attractive incentives also there’s considerable technological software talent available; we have seen, as well, the transformation in infrastructure, education and quality of life in the last years”.

The settlement of this foreign investment in Colombia and Medellin has been achieved thanks to the articulated work between ProColombia, Ruta N and ACI Medellin, entities in charge of promoting the country and city as an investment destination, and establishing a clear and concrete route so that enterprises can finally make the decision of installing themselves in the territory.

“The crisis moment that humanity faces is not at all easy, nevertheless, with the arrival of companies such as Rockwell Automation, we are demonstrating that all public and private entities are compromised in materializing the dream of becoming a Software Valley to improve the citizens quality of life”, claims Eleonora Betancur, executive director of ACI Medellin. 

For Paulina Villa, Business Portfolio Manager of Ruta N, “the arrival of Rockwell to the city proves that we are consolidating as a place where things happen. Where science, technology and innovation are a reality that allows to create development. It is not for anything that in the midst of such a complex global situation we are still being selected by these organizations with a technological ground. It means that we are really moving towards an economy based in knowledge, towards Medellin Software Valley”.

“The arrival of Rockwell to Medellin is a vote of confidence in Colombia that contributes so that our country moves forward in consolidating itself as a technological development hub, with higher competitiveness, promoting the attraction of greater investment, as well as the creation of quality jobs in science, technology and innovation areas, and contributes to the country’s economic reactivation”, claims Flavia Santoro, president of ProColombia.

Context of the news 

Between 2008 and 2019 the ACI Medellin reported a foreign investment amount of USD$224,4 millions and almost 100 investment and reinvestment projects in the city. Along with Ruta N and its allies, 360 organizations have settled in Medellin’s Innovation District, which have created 10.287 quality jobs since 2011. So far in 2020, there are already 21 companies that have landed in the city and have allowed to generate 969 employment opportunities in the Software Valley field.

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Cooperation in times of pandemic breaks borders

The good relations that Medellín has built with different countries and cities over time, allow it to better address the economic and health crisis created by COVID-19. Thousands of deaths and millions infected have forced local and national governments to activate their bonds of friendship in the world with the sole aim of safeguarding the life and integrity of people.

Thousands of medical utensils and equipment for the care of critically ill patients have arrived in Medellín from different parts of the world.

Faced with this critical situation, few alternatives emerge as a light of relief to weigh the social and economic effects that all continents are facing. Although borders of countries have been closed for tourism or business, another very important door has been opened with more stregnth: international cooperation.

ACI Medellín, together with local and national partners from the public and private sectors, has undertaken an important mission for the management of resources to better address the health crisis.

This type of support, commonly known as Technical Cooperation, facilitates the resolution of common problems through exchange of knowledge and donation.

So far the city has received 3,000 protective suits from the municipal government of Seoul, South Korea; and 100,000 quick tests for Covid-19, 300,000 gloves, 30,000 masks, 10,000 shoe protectors, 3,000 disinfectants and 2,000 food packets, from the United Arab Emirates.

In addition, other donations from:

  • Chongqing (China): 940 protective suits, 1,000 N95 masks, 990 surgical gowns and 10,000 surgical masks.
  • Shanghai (China): 1,000 gloves and 100 surgical gowns.
  • Chuncheon (Korea): protective suits and masks.
  • Grenergy Company (Spain): 50,000 masks.

Likewise, since the beginning of the pandemic, approaches have been made with other governments and international entities to request their support on different fronts:

  • For medical supplies such as mechanical ventilators, beds for sintensive care units – ICUs; or reagents and strips for sample taking: Seoul and Chuncheon – South Korea, Wuhan, Chongqing – China, Embassy of Colombia in China, Embassy of Russia in Colombia and of Colombia in Russia, Embassy of the United Arab Emirates.
  • For support on technology tools versus platforms to tackle COVID-19: Government of Singapore and Embassy of Colombia in Singapore.
  • For food aid: Government of Barcelona, United Nations World Food Programme.
  • For scientific cooperation, clinical trials and vaccine: Contact with Moderna, UK Embassy in Colombia – Jenner Institute, Oxford University, England.

Governments, businesses and individuals have united since the beginning of the pandemic around a common goal: protecting life.

Finally, the private sector, international investors and natural persons have shown their commitment to the city:

  • MABE (Mexican multinational), donated 200 antifluid booths for medical personnel.
  • The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), through a cooperation agreement with the Mayor’s Office of Medellín, allocated $346 million for the payment of monetary contributions to 450 families of migrant, refugee and host populations. UNHCR also donated essential supplies to the most vulnerable households and shelters in the city.
  • Donatón Medellín: ACI Medellín achieved $156 million pesos for medical supplies. Among the main donors are Grupo EMI, Grupo Réditos and Globant.
  • POMA (French company): provided the city with vehicles to transport food and medical equipment.
  • Volunteer Doctor: through the Sos Paisa network for antioquians who are abroad, Carlos Alviar Restrepo’s visit was accomplished; director of the ICU for cardiology at the Bellevue Hospital Center in New York, who came to give technical advise from his experience and work in ICUs in the United States.

The effort involved in management with governments and companies is not equated with the satisfaction of fulfilling the duty of caring for the people of the city and ensuring that, in the midst of such a complex situation, we are vigilant to strengthen alliances within and outside the city for our wellbeing.

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