Semilleros Infantiles de Participación Ciudadana reciben premio en Portugal

The Child Workshops for Citizen Participation Program was Awarded in Portugal

The XV Congress of Educating Cities: “The city belongs to the people,” was held in Portugal, from November 13 to 16. Medellín participated with the project Child Workshops for Citizen Participation of the Medellín Mayor’s Office and managed by the Secretariat of Citizen Participation.

It is the Educating Cities Award of the International Association of Educating Cities (IAEC).

  • The project Child Workshops for Citizen Participation is executed by the Secretariat of Citizen Participation of the Medellín Mayor’s Office.
  • The project received the award in the XV Congress of Educating Cities, Cascais 2018.
  • ACI Medellín managed and supported the application of this initiative.

Child Workshops for Citizen Participation is a proposal born in 2013. It aims to increase the participation levels among children and young people of Medellín through a training process in citizen and democratic capacities.

The Secretariats of Citizen Participation, Education, Youth, Inclusion and Environment and the Inclusion Unit of the LGBTI Population work together in this project.

The Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area – ACI Medellín – led and supported the award application process in which 49 cities from 12 countries nominated.

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Red de Escuelas de Música de Medellín

The Music Schools Network of Medellín will tour in the United States

A delegation of 80 students from Medellín will travel to the United States on the tour called Medellín Canción Viva to interpret the repertoire with the same name. They will visit Boston, Baltimore, New York and Washington and, in the latter, they will be part of the commemoration of the Veterans Day at the Crossing Historic Park.

Between November 6 to 16, the Music Schools Network of Medellín will visit several cities in the United States playing its repertoire: Medellín Canción Viva.”

These young people who make up the orchestra, belong to the Medellín Music Schools Network. They went through several auditions organized by public call, so they could join the select group. They will perform compositions wrote by them and their teachers in the Laboratory of Musical Creation with cross-cultural aim and in the Laboratory of Musical Creation with Alternative Media for Sound Production.

The musical repertoire is the city itself, told through the sensitivity, talent and creativity of children and young people inspired by tango, salsa, rock, Colombian music and symphonic music with some touches of urban and modern rhythms.

They will also have an exchange with Berklee College of Music, considered one of the best and most important schools in the world.

For Lina Botero Secretary of Citizen Culture, the tour means “to transcend the concerts and generate scenarios for knowledge exchange, strengthening the experience of the Network so that students become multipliers within the program and in their family and community environments.”

For most of the young people of the Music School, it is the first time they will perform outside the country. It will be an encounter with another culture and sounds, an opportunity to explore, fulfill dreams and strengthen their careers.

The Music Schools Network of Medellín,

The Network was created in 1996, with the aim of reaching vulnerable children and young people in the city and offer them a life project which help them to get away from violence. Nowadays, the network has 27 schools located in 14 Communes and 3 Townships of Medellín; 11 Integrated Groups, with a coverage of 4,600 students aged between 7 and 24 years. The Program has been strengthened by developing skills around musical performance, generating pedagogical strategies to complement the interpretative exercise with reflection and creation.


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Conferencia Internacional de Ciudades del Aprendizaje de la Unesco

Medellín will host the IV UNESCO International Conference on Learning Cities in 2019

Medellín was selected by UNESCO to host the International Conference on Learning Cities in 2019. In addition to this recognition, the World Cities Summit 2019 will be held in the city as a result of the Lee Kuan Yew Award received in 2016 for the efforts of Medellín in addressing urban challenges.

The capital of Antioquia was the first city in Colombia to be a member of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities.

Education has become a milestone of transformation in Medellín. This has led the city to generate a model of social integration through the development of lifelong-learning programs. Articulating them, not only strengthen and create knowledge, but allow to consolidate a global and sustainable community. These programs are: Buen Comienzo, Protective Environment School, Territory STEM + H, Sapiencia, the Center of Innovation for Teachers- MOVA, the Quality Schools and the future construction of the Western University Citadel.A process that the capital of Antioquia continues to build as one of the learning cities in the world.

This International Biennial Conference to be held in 2019 will allow Medellín to meet with government delegates and education experts from all continents and socialize the city’s best educational practices. Those which have allowed it to promote local development to build more inclusive and sustainable societies in the pursuit of compliance of SDG’s objective 4 ” Quality Education”

Thus, Medellín continues to project itself as a laboratory of best practices for the establishment of networks and alliances which generate the development of public policies to strengthen education throughout the life of citizens.

Las anteriores ediciones de la Conferencia Internacional se llevaron a cabo en Beijing, China; Ciudad de México y Cork, Irlanda.

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Inclusión social

More than 50 mayors from 17 countries met in Medellín to discuss social inclusion

Medellin, Colombia. More than 50 mayors from 17 different countries from Latin America, the Caribbean and Spain met in Medellin, Colombia to exchange experiences and knowledge around social inclusion. This annual meeting is part of the Network of Cities promoted by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to enhance the work of subnational governments in the region.

At the opening event of the Annual Meeting and Seminar “Inclusive Cities: Learning from Medellín” Luis Alberto Moreno, President of the IDB; Federico Gutiérrez, mayor of Medellín and Juan Luis Mejía Arango, president of EAFIT University, had a space to talk about the context and the expected results of the meeting. After the opening, the Mayor of Medellin made his presentation “Transformation of Medellin: progress and challenges of the city towards inclusion”, followed by a conversation with representatives of the University-Private Sector- State Committee (CUEE in Spanish) of Medellín.

“The Mayors’ Forum in Medellín is the ideal scenario to exchange experiences and knowledge among cities and discuss topics which are relevant to all mayors and the IDB. As Mayor of Medellín, I would like to express our interest and enthusiasm in participating in this important decision-making space which allows us to advance towards the objectives we share with other territories. We believe that we are able to connect with cities that face challenges similar to ours, in order to create sustainable changes in local environments,” Gutierrez said.

On the other hand, EAFIT’s President said: “EAFIT University is honored to be the center of such important meeting on inclusive cities as well as IDB’s Annual Meeting of Mayors. We consider it to be an opportunity, not just to offer our customary hospitality, but to show how this city has evolved and how EAFIT has contributed to its transformation and change. The creation of our Center for Urban and Environmental Studies and the generation of studies which positively impact and generate well-being in society confirms this effort. It is a way to highlight how a university can be linked to the transformation of a city. So, we are very happy to host this event. We hope the meeting will be a success and that attendees will keep an indelible memory of Medellín and EAFIT. ”

From September 17 to 19, the event will feature presentations and discussions of mayors, technical officers, experts and directors of the IDB on urban security, social inclusion in neighborhoods, sustainable mobility, and effective and efficient fiscal management. The seminars were organized in collaboration with the Santander City Council, the University of Cantabria and the Menéndez Pelayo International University, both universities are Spanish.

“The Mayors’ meeting is one of IDB’s initiatives which represents our commitment to advancing towards a sustainable development agenda for the region. This is a way to support our countries and their local governments in the efforts to improve the quality of life of its citizens through the acceleration of economic growth and the reduction of poverty and inequality, ” said Juan Pablo Bonilla, Manager of the Climate Change and Sustainable Development Sector of IDB.

The issues to be addressed in the Meeting were identified in line with the main demands that mayors face in their cities. For instance, from 2005 to 2015, the region doubled its total vehicle fleet, adding 100 million vehicles to its roads, increasing the demand for transportation services and the problems of pollution and traffic congestion.

One out every five people living in urban areas live in informal settlements, without property title and minimal access to basic services, exacerbating inequality. On the other hand, insecurity is one of the main concerns of the citizens of the region and one of the greatest challenges for the competitiveness of companies. According to an IDB study, crime costs 3.5% of the region’s GDP. The levels of violence are higher in poor urban neighborhoods and in peripheral areas of the city.

Despite the above, there are many positive and innovative experiences on how local governments are overcoming these challenges. This is why, IDB promotes the Network of Cities – in which 150 cities participate – as a mean to facilitate exchange spaces between cities and to have a platform to share knowledge and best practices on issues related to improving the quality of life, always focused in achieving sustainable and more inclusive cities.

About IDB

The mission of the Inter-American Development Bank is to improve lives. Founded in 1959, IDB is one of the main sources of long-term financing for economic, social and institutional development in Latin America and the Caribbean. It also conducts cutting-edge research projects and offers policy advice, technical assistance and training to public and private clients throughout the region.

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Feria del Libro de Medellín

Mexico is the guest country for the Book and Culture Festival in Medellín

Medellín is getting ready for the opening of the 12th Book and Culture Festival to be held between September 6 and 17 in Carabobo Norte. It is one of the five most important literary events in Latin America. This year’s guest country will be Mexico, which will cover all the venues of the Festival with its colors and flavors.

More than 50 Mexican guests among writers, artists and chefs, are expected in the twelfth version of the Book Festival. More than 400,000 visitors are expected.

The central theme of the event will be the forms of memory, a reflection on what we remember and forget taking into account the similarities or differences of what we live as a citizen collective in Medellín and Colombia, and how we process it through literary, visual, musical and plastic.

This event brings together prominent writers, photographers, artists and scientists from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Spain, the United States, Ireland, the Netherlands, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. They will exchange knowledge and thoughts about memory, literary creation, reality and fiction in different talks and events.

Juan Villoro, María Baranda and Francisco Hinojosa, Mexican writers with a vast experience, will share with the attendees in different spaces and conversations. We invite you to check the schedule at [ Click here ]

Colombia-Mexico Year

Both countries celebrate 187 years of their diplomatic relations with a series of activities that have been extended throughout 2017 and 2018. Culture, mobility for students, commercial exchange and sports are some of the axis in which both countries have focused on, seeking to strengthen the ties of friendship between them. Mexico, as a special guest at the Book and Culture Festival of Medellín, is an opportunity for knowledge and integration of Mexican and Colombian cultural wealth.

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Red de Escuelas de Música de Medellín

The Music Schools Network of Medellín, a study case for Harvard

A group of MSc students from the John F. Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University recently visited Medellín to learn about the government’s management of the city and its examples of cultural re-engineering, social inclusion and overcoming violence. This visit was set after the invitation of one of its members of Colombian origin, Colombia’s former Secretary of Transparency, Camilo Encizo.

The delegation, made up of 22 students from different nationalities, exchanged knowledge with the members and directors of the Music Schools Network of Medellín.They even had the opportunity to listen to the Music Schools Network play a Colombian musical repertoire and in retribution, one of the students of the Masters, the Chinese pianist Jie Chen , played a couple of songs for them.

“Being part of the Music Schools Network and receiving a visit from Harvard students, shows that Medellín has more to offer to the world. Peace instead of violence, ” said Emmanuel Moreno, mandolin player and one of the beneficiaries of the Network.

The Music Schools Network of Medellín plans to make a tour in United States on November, so this scenario was a prelude to what they will present in the North American country.

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National and international journalists learned about Medellín’s recreation and sports strategy

A large representation of national and international journalists arrived in Medellín to cover Colombiamoda 2018. On their first day, they had the opportunity to know the work of INDER Medellín, the characteristics of the sports program of the city, the scope of the recreation and sports projects and the progress of the “Football in Peace” program.

The tour began in the Sports Unit La Floresta. There, they learned about the facilities and sports practices of this sports complex. Later, they arrived at the Marco Fidel Suarez School and together with its students, attended the interventions of the FIFA referee from Antioquia, Wilmar Roldán, and the former presidents of Atlético Nacional, Juan Carlos de la Cuesta, and Deportivo Independiente Medellín, Eduardo Silva Meluk, about the process of implementing the “Football in Peace” program. A very exciting moment given the past and meaning of both football fan groups.

Finally, the group was taken to the Atanasio Girardot Sports Unit, where they walked around the facilities of basketball, high performance gym complex, exercises for the disabled, and the Atanasio Girardot football stadium where practices such as parkour, disc dog and CrossFit were given recognition. The tour ended with a press conference with INDER Manager, Daniel Palacios; the Secretary of Economic Development, María Fernanda Galliano and the Director of Inexmoda, Carlos Eduardo Botero.

It was a day to see Medellín from the angle of recreation and sports and its impact on the social development.

“For us, it is essential to show Medellín from different angles, since the transformation of the city has been a comprehensive strategy. The urban, mobility, security, education, recreation and sports interventions have impacted decisively the life of the citizens and therefore our development and projection towards the world,” said Catalina Restrepo Carvajal, ACI Medellín Executive Director.

“Showing INDER’s work to international journalists is extremely important. Multiple activities related to recreation, sports and healthy lifestyles are carried out every day in the city. We have 886 recreational – sporting scenarios and 7 sports units with multidisciplinary equipment which impact their lives and health” said Daniel Palacios, Director of INDER Medellín.

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Spanish Laundry Company Ilunion will generate 150 jobs in Medellín

The Spanish industrial laundry company, Ilunion, recently opened its new facility in La Estrella, south of the Aburrá Valley. It is the first establishment of the organization in Latin America and the first step in an expansion process towards other regions in Colombia and the continent.

The company washes 200 million kilos of clothes per year. About 40% of Ilunion’s global workforce of employees are people with some type of disability.

Ilunion is known around the world for its inclusive social and economic model, which professional integration to the population in a situation of disability. For many of their employees, this is their first job opportunity, despite being in advanced ages.

The new 2,800 square meters facility can process 1,500 kilos per hour, including bedding, tablecloths, towels, etc.

The Medellín Mayor’s Office and its School for Inclusion have been one of Ilunion’s main allies. The people with disabilities or with different skills have received training from this governmental entity to successfully integrate them in the professional market.

This model has allowed the organization to earn various recognitions throughout its history. In 2016, the Government of Spain granted them the Grand Cross of the Civil Order of Social Solidarity and; the Medellín Mayor’s Office has named it a “company which transforms lives of people in vulnerable condition through labor inclusion.” 

Lavandería española Ilunion generará en Medellín 150 puestos de trabajo

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Iberacademy echoes with melodies through Medellín

Founded by Alejandro Posada, Colombian orchestra conductor and his wife María Helena Tamayo, the Ibero-American Philharmonic Academy – Iberacademy – is committed to support the talent of young people from Medellín and Colombia and to a comprehensive development of musicians, especially those from vulnerable social situations who are extremely talented.

The HILTI Foundation, committed to efficient and sustainable training in Latin America, allowed the creation of the academy. Iberacademy has granted scholarships in musical training programs to young people and teachers from various regions of Colombia and the continent.

Iberacademy seeks to strengthen musical education in the continent through the execution of pedagogical models which allow the transmission of knowledge through Latin America.

Likewise, this Philharmonic Academy together with the EAFIT University and the New World Symphony Orchestra of Miami, the Mozarteum Foundation of Salzburg, the Verbier Festival in Switzerland, among other actors, offers scholarships in various parts of the world for their training program in orchestral and chamber internships. This has allowed young musicians and teachers to learn and at the same time show the world their talent.

A milestone in Colombian culture

Last March, a group of 50 young people between 14 and 25 years old, from different parts of the country and part of the Network of Music Schools of the Ministry of Culture of Medellín, toured on Europe performing at the festivals of Lucerne and Salzburg as the first Colombian symphonic group invited to these meetings.

Besides their presentation at the festivals, other concerts were held in Vienna, Austria; Winterthur, Switzerland and Vaduz, capital of the Principality of Liechtenstein.

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The commitments of a city open to the world

The economic dynamics of a city like Medellín stimulate the opening of new markets and the strengthening of relations with international actors. To do so, not only technological or legal tools are needed, also human talent capable of communicating in different languages, especially in English since it is the universal language of business and communications.

This need of bilingual professionals ​​led to the enactment of Law 1651 in 2013. It modifies articles of Law 115 of 1994 seeking to develop communication skills of Colombian students in a language foreign

However, despite the different programs developed throughout the country, the Ministry of National Education estimates that by 2018, only 8% of high school students in the country would reach a B1 level in English as a foreign language.

This figure is added to the recent study of the English Proficiency Index (EF EPI), which evaluated the skills of more than 1 million people in 80 countries, among which Colombia ranked 51 with 49.97 points. The country also was ranked 11 among the 15 Latin American nations which struggle the most with bilingualism.

Although these figures can be daunting, they are an invitation to redesign the strategies for the adequate acquisition of English as a foreign language, as in the case of Medellín Bilingüe. It is a strategy of the Mayor’s Office to improve the learning of languages in the city in which several secretariats get involve through programs such as Semilla Bilingüe, Medellín City Camps, Medellín School Camps, Teacher Training, Con vos; Inglés al barrio (English to the neighborhood), The best T, Boarding Pass to Canada and Cine Club Film Control.

According to Lorena Cañaveral, coordinator and leader of Medellín Bilingüe, “Sometimes the language is the most important item in a resume and it is time to give the opportunity not only to people who have studied abroad or with a complete immersion in English from a private school, but to all citizens who need this tool to communicate in the academic and work environment. Likewise, labor relations are not the only field in which a language can be useful. Another advantage of being bilingual is that social relationships increase as new languages ​​are learned. ”

In the same way, the Cañaveral assures that to learn to fall in love with another language, we must leave behind a traditional model and understand that through film, music, comics, jokes and even memes, we can practice a foreign language. This is a process in which the teaching work is fundamental to break stereotypes in the teaching-learning process.

Therefore, professional skills of local human talent can be strengthened through these actions, positively impacting the increase in employment rates with foreign companies that impact the quality of life of families in the value chain.


Technological innovation, a road to development

In addition to strengthening skills in a foreign language, organizations seek to access to creative human talent that can perform innovative technological developments and which respond appropriately to the needs of each of them.

Although Medellín has an excellent university education level, the arrival of companies dedicated to the provision of services and IT development has increased the need for people with specific training in those areas .According to Adriana Pérez, Organizational Innovation Professional at Ruta N, “the city is currently undertaking a digital transformation process of the economy, therefore all the institutions of the CT + i ecosystem are facing the global challenge of the shortage of IT talent. Ruta N is working on an “IT Talent Fund” along with Sura Asset Management to close gaps while strengthening the attraction of the Landing process. ”

Under the same perspective, John Jairo González, systems engineer graduated from the University of San Buenaventura says, “the city is experiencing an absence of systems engineers because students rather to migrate to other professions. They believe the time they invest in study is not reflected in the salary they receive. Although talent and academy do exist, many companies hire technicians and technologists due to salary and operational reason. They are able to carry out actions corresponding to certain needs, but, for a greater innovative development, university professionals are required for their academic training and work experience.”

Responding to this reality, the faculties of Systems Engineering the city has (around 15), continue to adapt their curricula to improve training and research system, overcoming the gap of the city in specific issues and creatively cover the needs of companies with international projection.

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Medellín será el escenario mundial de la biodiversidad

Medellín will be the Global Stage of Biodiversity

From March 17 to 24, more than 1,000 scientist and experts in biodiversity and ecosystems will gather in the Intercontinental Hotel in Medellín. They will attend the Sixth Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). The summaries of the four regional assessments (Americas, Africa, Asia-Pacific and Europe, and Central Asia) and the evaluation on land degradation and restoration are expected to be approved during this events.

The objective of this event is to evaluate and make decisions on the current state of biodiversity and ecosystem services around the world.

Additionally, all topics associated with the IPBES procedures, as well as financial and budgetary matters will be discussed. Likewise, the progress made in terms of the global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystems and other issues that worldwide experts have been developing in recent years will be relevant in the event.

“Medellín is a privileged city in terms of biodiversity and with this event the eyes of the world will be set on it to see the results of the progress made by the global platform and the city’s urban biodiversity policy” Explained Brigitte Baptiste, Director of the Research Institute of Biological Resources Alexander von Humboldt.

“This event will be a unique opportunity to drive Medellín towards a fundamental international issue: biodiversity. Today, countries care about the fact that all human beings must take care of the environment and create mechanisms to prevent its deterioration and further extinction,” said the Executive Director of ACI Medellín, Sergio Escobar.

The meeting is sponsored by four UN entities: The Environment Programme (UNEP), Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and Development Programme(UNDP).

It is supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute, the Ministry of Environment and the Economic Development Secretariat of the Mayor’s Office of Medellín through the Medellín Conventions & Visitors Bureau and the Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area (ACI Medellín).

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Medellín aims to become a “walkable” city

Between October 27 and 28, 2017, Medellín will host the First Latin American Pedestrian Forum “working towards walkable cities.” The capital of Antioquia was choosen by the members of the Latin American Pedestrian Network to be the venue for the event due to its progress in non-motorized mobility and its great potential to continue working for sustainable and human mobility.

Master conferences with experts on walkability, sustainable mobility and city will create a space for learning and empowerment to local, regional and national actors who are in charge of studying human mobility and creating public policies around this issue. The purpose is to make Medellín a road reference in the Urban Agenda 2027.

“The figures in pedestrian accidents make this type of space relevant. The idea is to give importance to pedestrians and continue the process of adapting the public space to provide quality of life to citizens who walk in Medellín, making it a walkable space,” said Martha Giraldo, director of the event.

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Fiesta del Libro en Medellín

Brazil Invited to the Book and Culture Fest in Medellín

The eleventh Book and Culture Fest of Medellín opens its doors to the world at the Botanic Garden until Sunday, this September 17. People will enjoy the best literature of this year’s special guest, Brazil.

More than 34,000 national and foreign expected visitors will have the opportunity to see why culture in Medellín continues to position itself in the international arena as one of the most important aspects of the city. Culture generates a transformative capacity, appropriation of urbanized spaces and social opportunities in the city.

Fiesta del Libro en Medellín

The Book Fest is free and will involve all citizens in different activities such as concerts, book launches, exhibitions and talks.

Brazil, the first country invited to the Book Fest in Medellín, will have an important exhibition of Brazilian culture, cuisine, music and literature; and it will be supported by Brazilian artists and government representatives.

“It is a great privilege for Brazil to be the first country invited to the Book Fest. We consider this an act of friendship. Also, it is a happy coincidence this year’s theme is “identities,” since it gives us the opportunity to share the great cultural wealth of our country. Once again, this will be an opportunity to thank Medellín,” said Julio Glinternick, Brazilian Ambassador to Colombia.

Fiesta del Libro en Medellín

“The presence of Brazil sets a very important precedent in this event’s history because they bring a library with 8,000 volumes, a city has never had this quantity of books in a Book Fest. On the other hand, Brazil is a very rich country in children’s and youth literature; two Brazilian winners of the Hans Christian Andersen Prize, considered the Nobel Prize for children’s literature, will be present at the event: Roger Mello and Ana María Machado. In addition, Brazil will have an important artistic representation with 8 large-format groups. “The Brazilian gastronomy, can be enjoyed in the Patio de las Azaleas with the program “Cooking with Words”, said Diego Aristizábal, Director of the Book Fest.

“A country like Brazil enriches The Book Fest with its music, literature, writers, food. It opens a great opportunity for the people of Medellin to know and reach to this great country. We do not always have the opportunity to have such wide variety and so close. I hope many citizens have the opportunity to know and enjoy it, “ said Sergio Escobar, Director of ACI Medellín.


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Firma protocolaria acuerdo FAO - Alcaldía para Modelo de Comercio Local

The Mayor of Medellín and FAO Signed an Agreement to Improve Local Market

The mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez, and the representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to Colombia, Rafael Zavala Gómez del Campo, will sign an international partnership agreement to work jointly for the consolidation of a Local Market Model that promotes the economic development of agricultural production in the capital of Antioquia.  The municipal administration will invest 370 million pesos in the first stage of this project.

During the next ten months, FAO will tour the five townships of Medellín in order to understand the logistic distribution and commercialization of the products cultivated by our farmers, with the objective of proposing a model that permits direct and fair commerce for producers, and access to local products for consumers. This will promote a rapprochement between the urban city and the rural city, bridging the social gaps that currently persist.

In addition, this model will analyze the institutional offer implemented by the municipal administration in the rural areas of Medellín, to establish methodologies that improve the processes and articulates the strategies to strengthen the growth and development of inhabitants of the rural areas Medellín.

The Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area, has accompanied the consolidation of this agreement that opens the doors of the capital of Antioquia to implement food security experiences that are articulated with the international models implemented by the Organization of the United Nations.

Informative context

The construction of the Local Market Model is part of the Development Plan “Medellín counts on you” on its challenge 6.6: Medellín recognizes the importance of its rural territory, led by the Townships Management, which contributes to the fulfillment of FAO’s Food for the Cities strategy.

The city has a rural territory that occupies more than 70% of its extension. It is inhabited by peasants who make a living from growing fruits and vegetables. The creation of a model that allows a consolidation of the local commerce in the city will also promote an increase in the income of these farmers and the permanence in time of this economic sector.


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Feria de las Flores de Medellín

The Flowers Fest Honors the 60 Anniversary of the Silleteros Parade

From July 28 until August 8, the most important festival of Antioquia takes over the city: The Flowers Fair 2017. This fair celebrates its essence around the Silleteros* parade, which represents the collective spirit of our cultural expressions with a diverse exhibition of orchids, birds, flowers and bonsais; the festival of trovas*; concerts; and tours in Santa Elena. The Fair is the seal that best translates Antioquia’s energy and the vocation of Paisas* as hosts of Medellín.

This year we celebrate is the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Silleteros parade; a tradition as noble and beautiful as the elaboration of silletas* especially made for this event. The Silleteros Parade has been a ritual for the last six decades, and began with a score of exhibitors that marched from Plaza de Cisneros and toured around the center of Medellín.

The Silleteros tradition was born in the village of Santa Elena. It is a ritual nourished by local families who have tried to transmit the life of the Silleta from generation to generation – such as the Atehortúa, Londoño, Grisales, Zapata, Grajales and Alzate family. The Silleteros Parade started 60 years ago with 20 silleteros, and has grown to as many as 500 silleteros and up to 600 children who participate every year.

The figure of the Silletero goes back to colonial times and was common in other countries with similar geographical conditions to our mountainous valley. The use of saddle made it possible to transport goods, but with the construction of new roads and highways, this job disappeared. However, the Silleteros parade in Antioquia has been preserved as a cultural treasure that shows our people´s talent, skills, and creativity.

This year, the Silleteros Parade will be held on Monday, August 7; and will have a two-kilometer tour and the participation of 16 Silleteros that have been pioneers of this tradition; 404 adults; 50 young people; and 30 children. There is no doubt this will be a tribute to our history and the wealth of our Silletero tradition.

*Silleta: A flower saddle that weights between 90 to 120 kilos

*Silletero: A person who manufactures and carries flower saddles

*Paisa: A person born in Antioquia

*Trova: A simple rhyming song that is used to express personal experience

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