Medellín será la sede de la 49 Asamblea General de la OEA

Medellín will host the 49th OAS General Assembly

For the second time, Medellín is chosen to host the General Assembly of the Organization of American States – OAS. The decision was made by Resolution of that same entity, after Colombia stated its intention to host the meeting between June 26 and 28, 2019.

The General Assembly is the ultimate meeting of the Organization of American States. It is composed by the delegations of the member states and is held annually in a venue chosen under the principle of rotation.

“It will be a great honor to receive the 35 delegations of the member countries and other special guests in this summit on June of next year. With the warmth of our people, our city infrastructure and the support of the institutions, we will carry out one of the best meetings in the history of the Organization of American States,” said the mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga.

OAS is the oldest regional entity in the world and one of the most extensive. Today, it constitutes the main political, legal and social governmental forum of the hemisphere.

The celebration of the 49th edition of the OAS Assembly joins other events of great international relevance that will be held in Medellín next year, such as: the World Cities Summit , the Meeting of UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities , the World Avocado Congress , the Concordia Summit , among others that will make: “Medellín the epicenter of major meetings in Latin America and the world in 2019” added the local leader.

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Memoria y reflexión en Medellín

Medellín Builds a new Future

Although Medellín has opened other public calls which have earned it worldwide recognition for its social and urban progress, this architectural design contest symbolizes not only transformation but the beginning of a space for memory, reflection, and reconciliation.

On October 23, 2018, the Medellín Mayor’s Office and its Urban Development Company – EDU advised by the Colombian Society of Architects, started the first stage of the architecture competition for the design of the new public space for memory and reflection. It will replace one of the icons associated with drug trafficking and the violence suffered by Medellín in the 80s and 90s: the Monaco building, which will be demolished at the beginning of 2019.

As part of the award, a consultancy contract, and three prizes will be paid for a total of COP $351,480,000. The participation guidelines can be consulted online on  SECOP I.

The private secretary of the Mayor of Medellín, Manuel Villa said: “What we want is to overthrow, demolish or dismantle it to build a new symbol which honor the victims. We do not mean to erase the scars. On the contrary, we intend to heal and create other referents of legality and ethics to effectively fight for that transformation of society.”

Among the selection criteria, the participants must consider four components: urban, architectural, environmental and social. In addition, the compilation of 25 categories in which citizens of Medellín expressed their will and wishes -922 proposals in total- about this new scenario of resilience and resignification.

Through this contest, the municipal administration seeks to ensure transparency, a broad participation of architects, and to encourage the contribution of young talents, quality design, and citizen intervention around issues of memory as promoted by the initiative of “Culture of legality.”

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Mercados campesinos una estrategia que vincula el desarrollo económico y la seguridad alimentaria

Mercados Campesinos, a Strategy to link Economic Development and Food Security

With 30 years of operation, Mercados Campesinos is a government strategy which has managed to benefit more than 500 peasant families in the capital of Antioquia, through 21 selling points around the city.

Mercados Campesinos [Peasant Markets] is a strategy of the Medellín Mayor’s Office which provides a space for small and medium producers from the rural area of ​​the city to sale their products directly to the consumer, thus eliminating the intermediation chains and improving the income of producers and their families.

This strategy, which seeks to promote the entrepreneurship of the rural population of Medellín, not only impacts the rural economy but also provides citizens with access to fresh and organic food with the best quality at a lower cost.

Thus, Mercados Campesinos, together with other programs of the Municipal Administration and the private sector, work together to facilitate access to nutritious food and support the task of Medellín in meeting the UN’s 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals SDG1 No poverty, SDG2 Zero hunger, and SDG12 Responsible production and consumption. 

In line with this task, Medellín has made alliances with renowned international actors, which have allowed it not only to strengthen these programs but also their international positioning, such as:

  • The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, Medellín joined in 2014 to generate a tool that harmonizes all the rules and best practices connected with food production, distribution, and consumption at the urban level. To define new objectives and monitor indicators, provide constant support to all mayors in their daily work and to make cities more resilient to both the famine and Co2 emissions.
  • The Food and Agriculture Organization – FAO carried out the Food for Cities initiative between 2015 and 2017   to guarantee the food security of the urban sectors.
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Medellín, Ciudad del aprendizaje

Medellín Reaffirms its Position as a Learning City

Medellín becomes a worldwide example of best practices on education issues with the lowest dropout rate in its history reaching 2.9%. This is a result of policies and programs which seek to train citizens throughout their life cycle.

This is the lowest dropout rate in Medellín’s history. Medellín, the first Colombian city to join the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities, will host the Network’s world meeting in 2019.

14 years ago, the capital of Antioquia started a transformation process in which education has been fundamental to achieve social changes. The work and the combination of efforts have reduced the school desertion, one of the biggest problems of the educative system, in 29% during this period. The greatest results were reached during the last two years through programs like: En el colegio contamos con vos, ¡y con tu voz! [We count on you and your voice at school!] which has brought back 5,165 children and young people to the classrooms.

These programs join other best practices such as Buen Comienzo, Sapiencia, the Software Nursery, and the recently inaugurated Teacher Innovation Center – MOVA -, among others. All of them have made Medellín a world leader in educational issues, thus guaranteeing its entry to the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities, and to be chosen to host the Network’s global meeting for the first time in South America in 2019.

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Medellín promueve oportunidades de inversión y cooperación en Londres

Medellín Explores Investment and Cooperation Opportunities in London

ACI Medellín carried out a work agenda in the capital of the United Kingdom after the announcement of their interest in investing in Colombia. The United States and Spain have also demonstrated their interest in this issue. The agenda included visits to the Peckham Levels creative district, one-on-one meetings with investment funds and companies interested in venturing into Medellín.

The Colombian Embassy to the United Kingdom, Procolombia, and the Consulate of Colombia in London supported the agenda providing relationship, arranging appointments and opening calls to the public of interest.

In line with the international cooperation work line of ACI Medellín, a meeting was also held with the British Council to discuss issues of cooperation in terms of security, peace and coexistence, and bilingualism. In addition, this trip to London was the perfect opportunity to have a meeting with the Paisas living in this city.

“London has always been present on our radar in terms of investment. We believe that we can have good alliances to strengthen Medellín in terms of economic development and creativity. Colombia is an important market for the United Kingdom, and Medellín has competitive advantages that make it very attractive for investors and supporting agencies in terms of cooperation. Colombia is a country of regions, and each one has its benefits. Medellín stands out for its ability to make things happen, its people, its continuity, among others,” said Catalina Restrepo Carvajal, Executive Director of ACI Medellín.

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Summit Trampoline Park Medellín

Summit Opens its Second Indoor Trampoline Park in Colombia

In November, Medellín will have a new space for healthy indoor entertainment with 100 trampolines and a wide range of activities for children, young people, and adults. In a 2,900 mt2 area, the park has a capacity for more than 400 people per hour and will generate 35 direct jobs.

Under the concept of healthy entertainment for all ages, the first indoor trampoline park arrives in Medellín with an innovative and fun model seeking to differentiate itself from the available offer in the city.

This is the second opening in Colombia within the framework of a Regional expansion plan of the U.S. based company which includes cities such as Panama, Dominican Republic, Chile, and Uruguay. Their investment totaled 2 million dollars and will generate 35 direct jobs.

Summit Trampoline Park Medellín

“This park fits the strategic proposal of INDER which aims at promoting sports, recreation, and physical activities in different spaces. The Olympic trampolines will help future young promises of the Team Medellín to practice gymnastics” affirmed Andrés Felipe López Vergara, INDER’s chief city-events officer.

Thus far, the city has received a total amount of USD 249.9 million between new investments and reinvestments. 22 new companies have settled in Medellín and eight more have reinvested. Therefore, 2,945 jobs in the infrastructure, real estate, food and industry 4.0 sectors are estimated. ACI Medellín supported the opening and settling process of the Summit Trampoline Park in the city.

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Semilleros Infantiles de Participación Ciudadana reciben premio en Portugal

The Child Workshops for Citizen Participation Program was Awarded in Portugal

The XV Congress of Educating Cities: “The city belongs to the people,” was held in Portugal, from November 13 to 16. Medellín participated with the project Child Workshops for Citizen Participation of the Medellín Mayor’s Office and managed by the Secretariat of Citizen Participation.

It is the Educating Cities Award of the International Association of Educating Cities (IAEC).

  • The project Child Workshops for Citizen Participation is executed by the Secretariat of Citizen Participation of the Medellín Mayor’s Office.
  • The project received the award in the XV Congress of Educating Cities, Cascais 2018.
  • ACI Medellín managed and supported the application of this initiative.

Child Workshops for Citizen Participation is a proposal born in 2013. It aims to increase the participation levels among children and young people of Medellín through a training process in citizen and democratic capacities.

The Secretariats of Citizen Participation, Education, Youth, Inclusion and Environment and the Inclusion Unit of the LGBTI Population work together in this project.

The Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area – ACI Medellín – led and supported the award application process in which 49 cities from 12 countries nominated.

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Learnings from the Medellín Lab 2018

There is no doubt that the reflections, analyses and learnings left by the Medellín Lab 2018 will be of great use for the growth of the participating cities in this second edition of the laboratory of living experiences of Medellín. This second edition of the Medellín Lab included tours around the city projects, joint creation workshops and presentations of positive city proposals.

29 participants from Chongqing (China), Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo), Dakar (Senegal), Ho Chi Min (Vietnam), Nairobi (Kenya), Johannesburg (South Africa), Cape Town (South Africa) and Jakarta (Indonesia) visited important urban interventions in the social and cultural transformation of Medellín. 

The attendees from the government sector of Asia and Africa, accompanied by ACI Medellín and the World Bank, had the opportunity to visit projects and programs such as: the green corridors of El Poblado Avenue and the Oriental avenue, the EnCicla project, the Ciudad del Río sector, the Metro, the tram, the Metrocable (cable cars), the renovation proposal of the Medellín Center, the Comprehensive Urban Projects (PUI), the Commune 13, among others.

They also learned about Medellín’s mobility, transport, infrastructure, urban planning and risk management models.

During the Medellín Lab 2018, Mayor Federico Gutiérrez talked to the visitors and highlighted the achievements of the transformation of the city as a scenario for the exchange of knowledge.

Medellín Lab | MDELAB2018

“When people talk about Medellín today, the present acquires value due to the difficulties we had experienced in the past. That is one of the greatest characteristics of Medellín: How did one of the most violent cities in the world, which in 1991 had a homicide rate of 381 murders per 100,000 inhabitants, to get be considered one of the most innovative cities in the world in just 27 years?” said the mayor.

According to the participants of the event, some of the most valuable learning is related to the sense of the articulated work between the business sector, the universities, the community and State for the construction of long-term public policies. Also, the evident work in social inclusion with one integrated ticket for transport and mobility systems and the accountability and efficiency of resources to increase the citizen trust.

The Metro Culture, the Public-Private Articulation, the sense of belonging and the continuity among policies were the learnings highlighted by the attendees of the Medellín Lab 2018.

The attendees were surprised with the importance of promoting a sense of belonging for the care of the public infrastructure like the Metro Culture does. At the same time, they highlighted the continuity in the public agenda, despite the changes of government, for the development of the territory.

Medellín LAB, laboratorio de experiencias vivas de ciudad

The participating cities are expected to replicate some initiatives and best practices of Medellín in the short, medium and long term. Besides, the organization of the event will apply the recommendations offered by the attendees to improve future versions.

“The Medellín Lab was a very enriching experience with other cities of the world on learning and exploring what can be done in our territories to achieve progress. It is not just what the city shows, but also what it can learn and exchange in that process of achieving better living conditions for the citizens of the world. That is the purpose of this City Laboratory” said Catalina Restrepo Carvajal, Executive Director ACI Medellín

With this second edition, the Medellín Lab becomes one of the most important laboratories of living experiences in the country and ratifies its valuable contribution to the construction of the territory based on an innovative dynamic through the knowledge and experiences of all cities of the world.

Laboratorio de experiencias vivas de ciudad en Medellín

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InicioEl Gobierno Nacional, Medellín y el Foro Económico Mundial trabajan para la creación de un centro regional para la Cuarta Revolución Industrial. El Gobierno Nacional, Medellín y el Foro Económico Mundial trabajan para la creación de un centro regional para la Cuarta Revolución Industrial

The National Government, Medellín and the World Economic Forum work in the creation of a Regional Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Medellín continues to demonstrate its progress in terms of innovation and leadership in new technologies for Colombia and the region. A priority also being driven by the National Government.

The Center will support the development of policy frameworks for the technological transformation of the country and Latin America under broad schemes of collaboration between the public, private, social and academic sectors. The vision of the Center and its articulation with the global networks of the World Economic Forum will aim towards the maximization of the social and economic benefits of the new technologies.

In technical meetings with José Manuel Restrepo, Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia; Federico Gutierrez Zuluaga, Mayor of Medellín; Flavia Santoro, President of Procolombia; Marisol Argueta, Head of Latin America and Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum; Diego Bustamante and Nima Elmi, from the same organization, the capital of Antioquia was chosen as the headquarters for this important initiative.

A joint work plan has been established and it is expected that President Iván Duque and Mayor Federico Gutiérrez formalize it in the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, to be held in January of next year. This is one of the meetings most important of the global agenda.

Working groups were defined to structure official agreements and get them ready to be signed in Davos, Switzerland, in January next year during the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. The office will be located in Ruta N and will provide service for Colombia and Latin America.


The concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is one of the topics widely developed by the World Economic Forum, its founder Klaus Schwab and other recognized academics, global leaders and organizations. It states that if the third industrial revolution is the digital revolution which has been in force since the mid-twentieth century, this new stage is characterized by a fusion of technologies blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological spheres, and is marked by technological advances emerging in fields which include robotics, artificial intelligence, blockchain, nanotechnology, quantum computing, biotechnology, the internet of things, 3D printing, among others. This new revolution is irreversibly impacting society, the economy, the government and individuals.

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Red de Escuelas de Música de Medellín

The Music Schools Network of Medellín will tour in the United States

A delegation of 80 students from Medellín will travel to the United States on the tour called Medellín Canción Viva to interpret the repertoire with the same name. They will visit Boston, Baltimore, New York and Washington and, in the latter, they will be part of the commemoration of the Veterans Day at the Crossing Historic Park.

Between November 6 to 16, the Music Schools Network of Medellín will visit several cities in the United States playing its repertoire: Medellín Canción Viva.”

These young people who make up the orchestra, belong to the Medellín Music Schools Network. They went through several auditions organized by public call, so they could join the select group. They will perform compositions wrote by them and their teachers in the Laboratory of Musical Creation with cross-cultural aim and in the Laboratory of Musical Creation with Alternative Media for Sound Production.

The musical repertoire is the city itself, told through the sensitivity, talent and creativity of children and young people inspired by tango, salsa, rock, Colombian music and symphonic music with some touches of urban and modern rhythms.

They will also have an exchange with Berklee College of Music, considered one of the best and most important schools in the world.

For Lina Botero Secretary of Citizen Culture, the tour means “to transcend the concerts and generate scenarios for knowledge exchange, strengthening the experience of the Network so that students become multipliers within the program and in their family and community environments.”

For most of the young people of the Music School, it is the first time they will perform outside the country. It will be an encounter with another culture and sounds, an opportunity to explore, fulfill dreams and strengthen their careers.

The Music Schools Network of Medellín,

The Network was created in 1996, with the aim of reaching vulnerable children and young people in the city and offer them a life project which help them to get away from violence. Nowadays, the network has 27 schools located in 14 Communes and 3 Townships of Medellín; 11 Integrated Groups, with a coverage of 4,600 students aged between 7 and 24 years. The Program has been strengthened by developing skills around musical performance, generating pedagogical strategies to complement the interpretative exercise with reflection and creation.


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Medellín se prepara para la segunda edición del MedellínLab

Medellín Prepares for the Second Edition of the Medellín Lab

Between October 28 and November 2, Medellín will be the stage for the largest city laboratory of living experiences, Medellín Lab 2018. It seeks to generate a dynamic exchange of experiences and learnings on successful solutions to problems shared among cities around the world through an innovative and participative methodology based on academic sessions, workshops, and field visits.

Medellín Lab 2018: a great laboratory of living city experiences

What is the Medellín Lab?

It is an event organized by ACI Medellín and supported by the World Bank which brings together representatives of the government sector from various cities of the world (Asia, Africa, and Latin America) to exchange knowledge and learning initiatives and successful solutions to city problems.

The meeting is based on an innovative methodology which displays the city as a “living laboratory of experiences” that make up an innovative model of public management and governance. The methodology includes academic sessions, co-creation exercises and visits to city spaces that provide it with value and learnings.

The Medellín Lab will facilitate other cities to meet and understand the solutions that Medellín has found to its problems; identify meeting points for their replicability, and transfer experiences to find common answers to the challenges they face as cities through multi-actor and multi-level cooperation actions.

This Year’s Main Subject

Its main objective will be to help the participating cities to develop or adapt the following to their development plans:

  • Integrated planning measures for the re-development of neighborhoods at risk.
  • Transportation systems to support socio-economic inclusion and the prevention of violence.
  • Business models and associated institutional structures that allow sustainable funding of the urban infrastructure improvement.


Participating Cities

The second edition of the Medellín Lab will be attended by representatives of the government sector of cities which are undergoing an accelerated urban and demographic explosion. This makes them face challenges like those experienced by Medellín in relation to urban, economic, social and economic development. of coexistence.

  • Chongqing, China
  • Kigali, Rwanda
  • Kinshasa, Congo
  • Dakar, Senegal
  • Nairobi, Kenya
  • Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Cape Town, South Africa
  • Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  • Ho Chi Minh – Vietnam
  • Jakarta – Indonesia



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Decathlon opens the largest store in the country

Decathlon, the French chain dedicated to sale and distribute sports accessories and equipment, will provide Medellín and the metropolitan area with the most complete inventory and innovative spaces for testing products also referred to as “testing areas.”

In this store, which generated 65 new jobs, visitors will have access to 4,000 m2 of clothing and items for 70 sports and 100 different sports practices. 

The store will have a specialized technology to automatically record every purchase and update inventory in real time. As part of its commitment to the environment, Decathlon will not offer plastic bags to customers.

The company has as the corporate principle of make all its workers know the different positions through job rotation, so there’s no rank distinction in each activity. Therefore, the worker generates a transversal knowledge to understand the business in a comprehensive way.

“To democratize the sport” is one of the main goals ​​of the company.

Decathlon has two stores in Colombia: one in Bogotá and the other in Barranquilla and has plans to open three more stores in the metropolitan area depending on the results in Viva Envigado.

During its installation process, ACI Medellín actively supported Decathlon managers with two city agendas for the recognition of spaces in shopping centers; the relationship with companies in the real estate sector and contacting them with key entities such as INDER, the Secretariat of Economic Development, the Urban Development Company and Inexmoda.

“We have permanently supported the installation of Decathlon. This allowed them to actively explore the local market and access strategic information about the capabilities of the city. We are very happy to achieve the installation of this company which, in addition to generating employment, will promote healthy lifestyles,” said Catalina Restrepo Carvajal, Executive Director of the ACI Medellín.

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New Zealand’s Economic Capital and Medellín will Exchange Planning Experiences

Mr. Ludo Campbell-Reid, general manager of the Design Office of Auckland -economic capital of New Zealand- will visit Medellín. In 2016, Auckland, Vienna, Sidney, Medellin and Toronto were the nominees to receive the Lee Kuan Yew Award, which was awarded to the capital of Antioquia.

The Lee Kuan Yew is awarded every two years by the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Singapore and it highlights sustainable initiatives associated to urban planning and management with concrete environmental, social or economic results. In 2014, it was Suzhou (China) the awarded city and in March 2018, the winner was Seoul (South Korea) and it will be granted next year in Medellín during the World Cities Summit.

The Mayor Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga, invited Campbell-Reid to exchange knowledge and recognize the best practices in planning both cities have. He is a specialist in urban design and sustainable mobility; and will expose his concepts on alternative means of transport such as bicycles and electric vehicles.

The delegate from New Zealand is a keynote speaker in WALK21 BOGOTA WALKABLE CITY, which takes place this week in the capital of Colombia and seeks to analyze progress and global alternatives in mobility issues associated with tactical urbanism, accessibility, intermodality and public transport.

In July 2019, Medellín will host the World Cities Summit -the first time it is held in Latin America- as part of the commitments acquired after winning the 2016 Lee Kuan Yew Award.

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Conferencia Internacional de Ciudades del Aprendizaje de la Unesco

Medellín will host the IV UNESCO International Conference on Learning Cities in 2019

Medellín was selected by UNESCO to host the International Conference on Learning Cities in 2019. In addition to this recognition, the World Cities Summit 2019 will be held in the city as a result of the Lee Kuan Yew Award received in 2016 for the efforts of Medellín in addressing urban challenges.

The capital of Antioquia was the first city in Colombia to be a member of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities.

Education has become a milestone of transformation in Medellín. This has led the city to generate a model of social integration through the development of lifelong-learning programs. Articulating them, not only strengthen and create knowledge, but allow to consolidate a global and sustainable community. These programs are: Buen Comienzo, Protective Environment School, Territory STEM + H, Sapiencia, the Center of Innovation for Teachers- MOVA, the Quality Schools and the future construction of the Western University Citadel.A process that the capital of Antioquia continues to build as one of the learning cities in the world.

This International Biennial Conference to be held in 2019 will allow Medellín to meet with government delegates and education experts from all continents and socialize the city’s best educational practices. Those which have allowed it to promote local development to build more inclusive and sustainable societies in the pursuit of compliance of SDG’s objective 4 ” Quality Education”

Thus, Medellín continues to project itself as a laboratory of best practices for the establishment of networks and alliances which generate the development of public policies to strengthen education throughout the life of citizens.

Las anteriores ediciones de la Conferencia Internacional se llevaron a cabo en Beijing, China; Ciudad de México y Cork, Irlanda.

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ACI Medellín is a Model for La Guajira

A delegation from the department of La Guajira, located in northern Colombia, visited the facilities of the Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area – ACI Medellín. Their purpose was to approach ACI Medellín’s work methodology, exchanging knowledge, experiences and best practices, as well as analyzing the possibility of replicating the ACI Medellín’s model in the newly created Agency in La Guajira.

The formulation, design and start-up of this entity were an initiative of the government of La Guajira which started since 2018. It started operating nearly two months ago and will focus on the attraction of cooperation and national and foreign investment.

“We are currently in a training process to learn about what we should and should not do in terms of best practices. La Guajira has several challenges and many objectives to be met. Which is why we want to learn from those who have more experience,” said Iván José Riveira, responsible for the execution of investment proposals in the Cooperation and Investment Agency of La Guajira.

On the other hand, the representative of the Departmental Administration of La Guajira, Eliécer Barros, said that cooperation contributors have been disjointedly working and separated from the Administration. “This is an initiative which seeks to regulate the actions of cooperation contributors to make them much more efficient. The department action is very limited due to its resources, for that reason, the idea is to learn how to do more with less.”

The visit of the delegation to Medellín is part of a round of meetings they will have with other investment promotion agencies around the country to learn the best lessons from each.

“After seeing the actions of ACI Medellín, I began to seize the tasks we have to do. We know it is a long way we are beginning, and we want to start with the best guide. In that sense, you are a national reference; In fact, the change of the image of Medellín has been the model to be followed by the country. Although, as a coastal region we have different dynamics, we want to learn to communicate and change a bit the image of the Colombian Caribbean region,” Barros said.

Funcionarios de la Guajira
Iván José Riveira and Eliécer Barros from the government of La Guajira, Colombia
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La Embajadora de la Unión Europea estrecha relaciones con Medellín y Antioquia

The Ambassador of the European Union strengthens relations with Medellín and Antioquia

Between October 4 to 5, the Ambassador of the European Union in Colombia, Patricia Llombart, visits Medellín for the first time to deepening relations with the city and the department of Antioquia. They will focus on analyzing business opportunities and investment in the framework of the EU-Colombia Trade Agreement after five years of implementation.

The mission will also address cooperation issues such as education, tourism, environment and press freedom within the framework of the Gabriel García Márquez Award and Festival of journalism.

ACI Medellín and the Embassy coordinated a work agenda which included meetings with: representatives of the binational chambers of commerce of the European, organizations such as Procolombia, Proantioquia, Metropolitan Area of ​​the Aburra Valley, Analdex and Agrofuturo, among other. Likewise, the Ambassador had the opportunity to talk with the Mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga about the cooperation and investment possibilities in the city.

“We want to promote business contacts and find ways to advance an agenda between the E.U. and Antioquia. These new opportunities are accompanied by a European commitment to sustainable rural development in Colombia; a strong support for the peace process; the generation of employment; the protection of human rights and support for the competitiveness and development of small and medium company,” explained Ambassador Llombart.

About Ambassador Patricia Llombart

“Jurist and Euro-enthusiast by conviction. She was born in Valencia, Spain and did her master’s degrees in international trade and European studies. Llombart has more than 20 years of experience in the areas of international relations and foreign policy in the European Union. She has worked in the directorates for Latin America and the Middle East and oversaw Mercosur countries, Iran and Iraq; Gulf and Yemen Cooperation. The Ambassador was also part of the Cabinet of the Vice-President of the Commission and of the European Commissioner in charge of external relations. In her most recent position, before being appointed Ambassador in Colombia, she was Director of Infrastructure, Budget and Security at the headquarters of the European External Action Service (EEAS). Source: Embassy of the European Union in Colombia.

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Medellín comparte lecciones aprendidas en urbanismo con ciudades asiáticas y africanas

Medellín shares Lessons Learned in Urban Planning with Asian and African cities

Medellín – ACI Medellín and the World Bank will develop the second version of the Medellín Lab, a two-way knowledge exchange methodology.

Between October 27 and November 2, 10 cities from Africa and Asia will visit Medellín to participate in the Medellín Lab. They will address issues such as urban regeneration, municipal funding mechanisms and sustainable mobility.

Experiences such as Integrated Urban Projects and Comprehensive Improvement of Neighborhoods, the Metro’s comprehensive actions and the funding mechanisms of the municipality of Medellín will be some of the successful experiences to be presented at the event. These experiences will be addressed from Medellín’s DNA, which was conceived by the base work group as the sum of: resilience, articulation, continuity, sense of belonging, working with the community, tradition of planning, public management, dignity and aesthetics.

By the end of the event, the organization expects Medellín to become a reference for concrete knowledge exchanges between cities and to share experiences that improve their contexts.

The World Bank and ACI Medellín have worked together in the event, guaranteeing a comprehensive vision of the public, private and academic aspects as key elements for the success and materialization of many realities in Medellín.

“There are many cities in the world that would like to learn from Medellín’s experience. This year we are working together with ACI Medellín in the second Medellín Lab. This time, Asian and African cities will participate on the event. It will be an excellent opportunity for the city to present these international delegations with its experiences in urban planning, mobility and funding instruments.” said Philip Karp, Lead Knowledge Management Officer in the World Bank.

“The Medellín Lab is one of the most notable events for ACI Medellín and thus for the city. It is a unique experience in Colombia, in which Medellín becomes a living laboratory for the knowledge and learnings exchange. This time, the presence of representatives from Africa and Asia will greatly enrich this experience. It undoubtedly consolidates the city as a benchmark for urban planning and transformation,” said Catalina Restrepo Carvajal, Executive Director of ACI Medellín.  


Medellín Lab is a knowledge and learning exchange methodology aimed to cooperation towards development designed by Medellín through its Agency for Cooperation and Investment – ACI Medellín.

Under this methodology, the city is understood as a “living laboratory of experiences” which make up an innovative model of public management and governance. Also, multi-actor and multi-level cooperation actions are carried out through visits, academic sessions and co-creation exercises, allowing other cities to study the solutions Medellín has found to its problems, identify meeting points for its replicability and find common answers to the challenges we face as cities.

Chongqing (China), Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo), Mumbai (India), Jakarta (Indonesia), Nairobi (Kenya), Kigali (Rwanda), Johannesburg, Cape Town and Johannesburg (South Africa), Dar es-Salaam, (Tanzania), Dakar (Senegal), Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam); will be the cities participating in the second version of the event from October 27 to November 2, 2018.

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Invertir en Medellín

Medellín succeeded in San Francisco

After participating in the Global Climate Action Summit – C40 in San Francisco, mayor Federico Gutiérrez spoke in the event Why Medellín? and in a meeting of the Sos Paisa Network to strengthen relations of investment and cooperation.

More than 30 representatives of companies in San Francisco attended the event Why Medellín? last September 12, 2018 held at the Chamber of Commerce of the city and organized in partnership with Latin San Francisco and Procolombia’s office on the West Coast of the United States. Important companies such as Accel-KKR, Admios, Consejo Balero, Dissigno, Electronic Arts, Fist Republic Bank, Maker City Project, Tech Bay Area Advocates, Terra Incognita Capital and TIBCO Loyalty Lab, among others, listened to the reasons why in our city “we make good things happen” in terms of investment.

ACI Medellín organized both meetings with institutions in the territory, achieving a satisfactory participation of potential investors and people from Antioquia living in this city.

Invertir en Medellín

Presentation by the mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga, to representatives of companies interested in knowing the attributes of Medellín in terms of investment.

Likewise, the entrepreneur and founding CEO of Kiwi Campus , Felipe Chávez, exposed his experience settling his company in Ruta N’s innovation district: “Medellín is an incredible city, we are very happy to be in the innovation district and having the human talent suitable for the development of our activities.”

Also, during the Mayor’s stay in San Francisco, a meeting of the Network of Paisas living abroad Sos Paisa was held at the Consulate of Colombia, and about 60 Paisas and Colombians attended the meeting. They learned first-hand about the progress made by Medellín, the work of the Network and how they can participate in the development of the city.

Attendees at the Sos Paisa meeting in San Francisco with Mayor Federico Gutiérrez.

Sos Paisa

“The Mayor’s Office and ACI Medellín consider these spaces a powerful scenario for the relationship and promotion of the city in terms of cooperation and investment. We look forward to working hard in consolidating development opportunities for Medellín. I am sure our work will bear fruit and will help our city to continue to be an attractive destination for cooperation and foreign investment,” said Catalina Restrepo Carvajal, ACI Medellín Executive Director.

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avances de la ciudad frente a la acción climática

Mayor of Medellín talked about the progress made by the city towards the Climate Action Goals

The mayor, Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga, presented the initiatives of Medellín related to the protection of the environment at the Global Summit on Climate Action (GCAS) and the C40 Steering Committee. Among these initiatives, the Mayor highlighted the Pact for Air Quality, which brings together 83 public and private stakeholders, including the C40 Network, around 446 commitments with goals set to 2030.

The local leader explained that the project is currently working on a pilot with 1,500 electric taxis which, in addition to contributing to improve air quality, are paid through a concerted plan with the taxi drivers, so it is also a social project.

Today Medellin has 20 eco stations and the Metro of Medellín continues its expansion plan with electric mobility projects such as Metrocable Picacho. The actions aim to mitigate and adapt to climate change, in the search to reduce or avoid Greenhouse Gases emissions.

The Pact for Air Quality was signed in Medellín in February this year, which links 83 public and private actors, including the C40 Network. In addition, the Mayor talked about the 20 eco stations located around the city and the expansion plan of the Metro with electric mobility projects such as the Metrocable Picacho.

There is an air decontamination plan for the city and its metropolitan area with goals set by 2030 – PIGECA. It seeks to reduce PM2.5 up to 23 in the year 2030 (it is currently at 33). Medellín went from 8 to 21 air quality monitoring devices in the metropolitan area that correspond to 50% of the stations in the country.

“Taking action against climate change is no longer an option. there might be political and cultural differences – but I know we share the love for our cities and for our people. I also know that we are committed to give our children a friendlier world in every way,” said the Mayor.

Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga thanked the recognition given to Medellín by appointing him as Vice President of the C40 Steering Committee and one of the representatives for Latin America, along with the Mayor of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile, Karla Rubilar. He also thanked Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris and President of the Steering Committee of C40 and Michael Bloomberg, founder of C40, for his determined and constant work for the development of cities facing climate change and the creation of sustainable and innovative spaces.

Medellín also accepted and joined the Letter of Commitment to ‘Deadline 2020,’ in November 2017. This project aims to support the implementation of the Paris Agreement. “As a member of this committee, and in the framework of the Paris Agreement, we committed ourselves to become a neutral city in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and resilient to the climate by 2050,” said Gutierrez.

Regarding the adaptation to climate change, the Municipal Administration has projects such as the 30 green corridors, the green walls and the Payment for Environmental Services.

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Inclusión social

More than 50 mayors from 17 countries met in Medellín to discuss social inclusion

Medellin, Colombia. More than 50 mayors from 17 different countries from Latin America, the Caribbean and Spain met in Medellin, Colombia to exchange experiences and knowledge around social inclusion. This annual meeting is part of the Network of Cities promoted by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to enhance the work of subnational governments in the region.

At the opening event of the Annual Meeting and Seminar “Inclusive Cities: Learning from Medellín” Luis Alberto Moreno, President of the IDB; Federico Gutiérrez, mayor of Medellín and Juan Luis Mejía Arango, president of EAFIT University, had a space to talk about the context and the expected results of the meeting. After the opening, the Mayor of Medellin made his presentation “Transformation of Medellin: progress and challenges of the city towards inclusion”, followed by a conversation with representatives of the University-Private Sector- State Committee (CUEE in Spanish) of Medellín.

“The Mayors’ Forum in Medellín is the ideal scenario to exchange experiences and knowledge among cities and discuss topics which are relevant to all mayors and the IDB. As Mayor of Medellín, I would like to express our interest and enthusiasm in participating in this important decision-making space which allows us to advance towards the objectives we share with other territories. We believe that we are able to connect with cities that face challenges similar to ours, in order to create sustainable changes in local environments,” Gutierrez said.

On the other hand, EAFIT’s President said: “EAFIT University is honored to be the center of such important meeting on inclusive cities as well as IDB’s Annual Meeting of Mayors. We consider it to be an opportunity, not just to offer our customary hospitality, but to show how this city has evolved and how EAFIT has contributed to its transformation and change. The creation of our Center for Urban and Environmental Studies and the generation of studies which positively impact and generate well-being in society confirms this effort. It is a way to highlight how a university can be linked to the transformation of a city. So, we are very happy to host this event. We hope the meeting will be a success and that attendees will keep an indelible memory of Medellín and EAFIT. ”

From September 17 to 19, the event will feature presentations and discussions of mayors, technical officers, experts and directors of the IDB on urban security, social inclusion in neighborhoods, sustainable mobility, and effective and efficient fiscal management. The seminars were organized in collaboration with the Santander City Council, the University of Cantabria and the Menéndez Pelayo International University, both universities are Spanish.

“The Mayors’ meeting is one of IDB’s initiatives which represents our commitment to advancing towards a sustainable development agenda for the region. This is a way to support our countries and their local governments in the efforts to improve the quality of life of its citizens through the acceleration of economic growth and the reduction of poverty and inequality, ” said Juan Pablo Bonilla, Manager of the Climate Change and Sustainable Development Sector of IDB.

The issues to be addressed in the Meeting were identified in line with the main demands that mayors face in their cities. For instance, from 2005 to 2015, the region doubled its total vehicle fleet, adding 100 million vehicles to its roads, increasing the demand for transportation services and the problems of pollution and traffic congestion.

One out every five people living in urban areas live in informal settlements, without property title and minimal access to basic services, exacerbating inequality. On the other hand, insecurity is one of the main concerns of the citizens of the region and one of the greatest challenges for the competitiveness of companies. According to an IDB study, crime costs 3.5% of the region’s GDP. The levels of violence are higher in poor urban neighborhoods and in peripheral areas of the city.

Despite the above, there are many positive and innovative experiences on how local governments are overcoming these challenges. This is why, IDB promotes the Network of Cities – in which 150 cities participate – as a mean to facilitate exchange spaces between cities and to have a platform to share knowledge and best practices on issues related to improving the quality of life, always focused in achieving sustainable and more inclusive cities.

About IDB

The mission of the Inter-American Development Bank is to improve lives. Founded in 1959, IDB is one of the main sources of long-term financing for economic, social and institutional development in Latin America and the Caribbean. It also conducts cutting-edge research projects and offers policy advice, technical assistance and training to public and private clients throughout the region.

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Medellín, una ciudad a contraluz

Medellín, a Backlit City

Medellín and its inhabitants’ resilience is one of the four stories in the documentary Ciudades a Contraluz. It shows the profound essence of Beirut, Sarajevo, Medellín and Kigali, cities affected by violence that have healed their wounds to continue the path of social transformation.

The capital of Antioquia is one of the cities highlighted in the documentary filmed by the Spanish filmmaker Francesc Relea. Ciudades a Contraluz (Backlit Cities) has been awarded around the world, such as, Best Documentary and Best Editor in the last 34th version of the India Catalina Awards.

According to Francesc Relea, director of the documentary, the four cities have experienced urban and social transformations which show a resilient, conciliatory and optimistic spirit in their inhabitants, which in time, have allowed profound changes that reveal the construction of new imaginaries and realities.

Medellín bets on culture and hip hop to fight violence

In Ciudades a Contraluz, how the commitment to efficient public transport has allowed mobility and citizen development becomes evident. Also, viewers can appreciate how education and culture, through artistic expressions such as hip hop, have reduced violence to create new spaces for meeting and coexistence.

[ more info. ]

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Red Sos Paisa en San Francisco

Sos paisa arrives in San Francisco by the hand of the Mayor of Medellín!

The mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga, will join the Sos Paisa meeting to share the progress made in all projects of Medellín. It will take place on September 13 at 6:00 pm in the Colombian Consulate in San Francisco at 595 Market St. Suit 1190 San Francisco, California, 94105.

There will be updated information about Medellín and its city projects. Also, it is an opportunity for the Mayor to interact with the Paisas living in San Francisco, to know a little about their life stories and for them to receive souvenirs from their hometown.

This is the seventh time this meeting is held 2018. Sos Paisa has reached more than 100 countries among which Mexico, the United States, Ecuador, Chile, Thailand and Peru stand out.

The Sos Paisa meeting aims to show the Colombian community living abroad the progress made by Medellín, get them close to the city’s development proposals and tell them how they can contribute to the Network, which was created from the 2004 by the Medellín Mayor’s Office and is coordinated by the Agency of Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area, ACI Medellín.

“This network is lovely. It appeals to the love people have for their hometown and it keeps the Paisa community updated about what is happening in Medellín. It is a wonderful opportunity to contribute to the city and connect with other countries in the world,” explains Catalina Restrepo Carvajal, Executive Director of ACI Medellín.

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Medellín plays a strategic role in the Global Climate Action Summit – C40

The Global Climate Action Summit C40), aims to raise awareness around a reality affecting all countries of the world regarding the emission of polluting gases, the management of waste, the protection of water and the promotion of a life in harmony with the environment.

Cities are key to fight damages caused by climate change. In this sense, C40 is a group made up by 96 cities (12 Latin American) representing 700 million people, working towards the creation of a knowledge and public policies platform which allow the implementation of the historic Paris agreement.

The mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga is a member of the C40 Steering Committee and representative of the Latin America chapter together with the Intendant of Santiago de Chile, Karla Rubilar. Medellín stands out as a city determined to fight climate change through strategic actions for sustainable mobility.

Medellín, in addition to actively participate in the general activities of C40, is part of the Deadline 2020 Declaration and the subnets of: 1) mobility, pedestrians and bicycles; 2) territorial planning; 3) air quality; 4) climate change and; 5) solid waste management. Also, in February 2018, the city joined the Declaration of Green and Healthy Streets, free of fossil fuels.

This year, as a member of the C40 Steering Committee, Medellín has three fundamental objectives:

    1. To look over the challenges for Latin America.
    2. To create an academic space about C40 at the World Cities Summit 2019 to be held in Medellín from July 10 to 12.
    3. To commit with two C40 statements:
      • Carbon-free buildings: committing to be a neutral city in the greenhouse gases emission by 2050.
      • Equity commitment: To distribute the environmental, social and economic benefits derived from the C40 plans implemented in Medellin throughout the population.


Which actions has Medellín developed supported by C40?

  1. The following stand out:
    1. To make an inventory of the greenhouse gases under the global protocol for community-scale Greenhouse gas emission inventories, fulfilling this commitment for the C40 cities.
    2. To support and enrollment of the C40 Network into the “Pact for air quality of Medellín.”
    3. To strengthen the electric mobility strategy.

The key role of the Mayor of Medellín in C40

On September 12 at the Steering Committee meeting in the San Francisco City Hall, the Mayor will have the opportunity to show the progress made by Medellín in terms of environmental protection and, also, will support the C40 expansion strategy to reach more cities in the world.

During the press conference on September 13, the Mayor will briefly present the initiatives of Medellin related to the environmental protection. Later, in the same day at 1:30 pm, he will join the presentation Green and Healthy Streets: a transition to zero-emissions transport , there, he will be part of the panel New signatory cities of the Green and Healthy Streets Declaration in which he will speak together with the mayor of Rotterdam, Ahmed Aboutaleb and the mayor of Warsaw, Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, about the pollution-free public transport systems and the actions taken by the current administration in sustainable mobility as the integrated transport system, human mobility (bicycles and pedestrians) and green corridors.

The Green Corridors, the construction of new bike paths, the acquisition of electric buses and the comprehensive management of solid waste are some key projects of the local administration.

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Feria del Libro de Medellín

Mexico is the guest country for the Book and Culture Festival in Medellín

Medellín is getting ready for the opening of the 12th Book and Culture Festival to be held between September 6 and 17 in Carabobo Norte. It is one of the five most important literary events in Latin America. This year’s guest country will be Mexico, which will cover all the venues of the Festival with its colors and flavors.

More than 50 Mexican guests among writers, artists and chefs, are expected in the twelfth version of the Book Festival. More than 400,000 visitors are expected.

The central theme of the event will be the forms of memory, a reflection on what we remember and forget taking into account the similarities or differences of what we live as a citizen collective in Medellín and Colombia, and how we process it through literary, visual, musical and plastic.

This event brings together prominent writers, photographers, artists and scientists from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Spain, the United States, Ireland, the Netherlands, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. They will exchange knowledge and thoughts about memory, literary creation, reality and fiction in different talks and events.

Juan Villoro, María Baranda and Francisco Hinojosa, Mexican writers with a vast experience, will share with the attendees in different spaces and conversations. We invite you to check the schedule at [ Click here ]

Colombia-Mexico Year

Both countries celebrate 187 years of their diplomatic relations with a series of activities that have been extended throughout 2017 and 2018. Culture, mobility for students, commercial exchange and sports are some of the axis in which both countries have focused on, seeking to strengthen the ties of friendship between them. Mexico, as a special guest at the Book and Culture Festival of Medellín, is an opportunity for knowledge and integration of Mexican and Colombian cultural wealth.

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Por qué Medellín en San Francisco

Medellín aims to attract investment from San Francisco, United States

To capture the interest of potential investors operating in San Francisco, the mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez and the Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area – ACI Medellín, supported by ProColombia and Latin San Francisco, will hold a meeting with investors called Why Medellin?. It will take place on September 13, at the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce Boardroom, located in 235 Montgomery Street, Suite 706, San Francisco, CA 94104.

The mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez, will preside over the meeting Why Medellín? In which Medellín is shown as an attractive scenario for the growth of technological and innovative companies.

The Mayor will present the most important advantages of Medellín as a business destination, its investment climate, its innovation ecosystem and its growth as a hub of technological development. Also, mayor Gutierrez will address some success stories of American companies based in Medellin and the competitive advantages of the city: its qualified human talent, quality of life and its entrepreneurial capacity.

After lunch, the attendees will have a space for conversation and making relations to explore the possibilities of working together.

Por qué Medellín en San Francisco

Photography: Telemundo

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South American Hotel & Tourism Investment Conference –SAHIC

Medellín will host SAHIC, the most important event of the hotel sector in the continent

Medellín will host the South American Hotel & Tourism Investment Conference -SAHIC, the most important investment promotion event for the tourism and hotel industry. As a result of the arrival of new hotel chains in Medellín, investment in hotel infrastructure in the last two years exceeds 100 million dollars.

Juliana Villegas Restrepo, ProColombia’s Vice President of Exports; Alba Cristina Suárez, Director of Tourism of the Government of Antioquia; María Fernanda Galeano, Secretary of Economic Development of the Medellín Mayor’s Office and the President and founder of SAHIC, Arturo García Rosa, officially announced Medellín as the host of the Conference which brings together the most important exponents of the hotel, tourism and real estate industries in the region.

We are very grateful and satisfied with this edition of SAHIC in Medellín. The effort of all the entities which have actively participated during this process shows us that we made the best decision,” said Arturo García Rosa, president of SAHIC.

More than 400 participants, among investors, funds, financial institutions, hoteliers and public officials are expected to attend this new edition of SAHIC South America. The meeting will be held at the Intercontinental Hotel between September 24 and 25 and will feature more than 60 lecturers, 6 thematic tables, 1 express networking session and 4 main speakers.

This event is expected to generate an economic income of more than US $300,000 for Medellín

“This type of events are strategic in the city. We want you to see a destination full of opportunities, with the capacity to grow and a great potential for business and investments. In the last year, Medellín received more than 100 million dollars in new hotel openings. The Mayor’s Office is committed to investing and developing this sector,” said María Fernanda Galeano Rojo, Secretary of Economic Development.

In the last two years, the investment in the hotel industry in Medellín has shown a significant growth which reflects in the arrival of international companies such as Marriott, City Express, Oxo Hotel, Hilton, Viaggio and Atton. New openings are also highlighted, as it is the case of two new suite hotels of the Estelar chain, which already has five hotels in the city and the three new hotel projects of the Accor group.

Medellín continues to consolidate itself as a benchmark for business and recreational tourism at a national and international level. Its social and urban transformation, the originality and versatility of its tourism experiences, the infrastructure of services and the warmth and hospitality of its people, are some characteristics that mark Medellín as an international benchmark in this sector.



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Línea 1,2,3 Mujer

Women’s Emergency Hotline of Medellín receives an International Award for its Innovation in citizenship attention

The Hotline 1, 2, 3 Mujer is an innovative mechanism of the Medellín Mayor’s Office attached to the Women’s Secretariat. Today, it is highlighted in Spain by the NovaGob Excellence 2018 Awards in the category: Gender Equality, as an innovative municipal project which has achieved an impact on the care and protection of violence against women.   

The NovaGob awards, from the Iberoamerican Social Network of Public Administration, aim to highlight best practices and efforts made by public administrations in their procedures of citizenship attention.

Since its implementation, this mechanism has helped to reduce physical domestic violence by 37%, this is due to the effectiveness of its process, the faster it is, the greater the effect on reducing violence against women. In 2016, the Hotline 1, 2, 3 Mujer attended 3,760 events and in 2017, 3,897.

The Hotline 1, 2, 3 Mujer works 24 hours a day, seven days a week, provides timely attention to people who report cases of violence against women or when the woman is at risk of being female.

The female professionals in this Hotline, implement a model of psycho-legal attention to ensure comprehensive accompaniment and provide protection, legal assistance and health services to all women who suffer violence (Law 1257). Subsequently, under the umbrella of projects and mechanisms of the Women’s Secretariat, the victim is referred to the foster homes which offer them protection and immediate support.

“Receiving this award is a recognition to the work of a group of female professionals who are committed on the prevention and treatment of violence against women; as well as the institutional commitment of the Medellín Mayor’s Office to eradicate violence .This award becomes both an opportunity to visualize this best practice and a challenge to generate new synergies in terms of eliminating barriers in the access of women to attention services,” said Valeria Molina Gómez, Women’s Secretary of Medellín.

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Parque Arví de Medellín

An International Seal of Sustainability for the Ecotourism Park Arví

The mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga, received the Rainforest Alliance certification in Sustainable Tourism awarded to  Arví Park Corporation for its best practices in decreasing the environmental footprint and its commitment to the communities of interest.

The Rainforest Alliance is an international non-governmental organization working for the conservation of biodiversity and ensuring sustainable livelihoods. In addition to the Rainforest Alliance Certification (green frog) the Arví Park Corporation will be included in the tourism offer search system where it will appear in the Shop The Frog section and in the new interactive map of the Rainforest Alliance website. The corporation will also make part of Trip Advisor’s Green Leaders Program.

The Arví Park Corporation is the first Colombian organization to be certificated by the Rainforest Alliance in Sustainable Tourism. In addition to Arví, this seal has been awarded to other tour operators from all around the world, such as Lima Tours (Peru), Careli Tours (Nicaragua), Explore, ecotourism and adventure (Mexico), among others.

“We acknowledge the efforts of the Arví Park team and the leadership the company has assumed in the implementation of sustainability practices. Today, this has allowed them to become the first Rainforest Alliance Certified tourism company in Colombia,”said Freddy Peña, Certification Manager of the Rainforest Alliance for South America.

Its teamwork, commitment to neighboring communities and the social impact of the model of human and sustainable development are some of the actions which grant them this certification.

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Red de Escuelas de Música de Medellín

The Music Schools Network of Medellín, a study case for Harvard

A group of MSc students from the John F. Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University recently visited Medellín to learn about the government’s management of the city and its examples of cultural re-engineering, social inclusion and overcoming violence. This visit was set after the invitation of one of its members of Colombian origin, Colombia’s former Secretary of Transparency, Camilo Encizo.

The delegation, made up of 22 students from different nationalities, exchanged knowledge with the members and directors of the Music Schools Network of Medellín.They even had the opportunity to listen to the Music Schools Network play a Colombian musical repertoire and in retribution, one of the students of the Masters, the Chinese pianist Jie Chen , played a couple of songs for them.

“Being part of the Music Schools Network and receiving a visit from Harvard students, shows that Medellín has more to offer to the world. Peace instead of violence, ” said Emmanuel Moreno, mandolin player and one of the beneficiaries of the Network.

The Music Schools Network of Medellín plans to make a tour in United States on November, so this scenario was a prelude to what they will present in the North American country.

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sophia, la robot humanoide en Medellín

The humanoid robot, Sophia, visited Medellín

The Medellín Mayor’s Office supported UPB’s Summer School and Sophia’s visit since the event shows an element of development on a world scale. The presence of Sophia in Medellín and Colombia, creates a sense of certainty and curiosity at the same time because it motivates young people to open their minds and encourages companies in the sector and universities to learn, work together in proposing projects which solve human needs through artificial intelligence.

The event organizers chose Medellín for its commitment to innovation, science and technology. In 2014, the city signed the pact for innovation and by 2017 has invested $ 1.2 trillion – about 2.14% of GDP – in activities related to the city, technology and innovation.

Sophia is the first human-like robot with a high-level A.I. brain. She was created in 2016 by David Hanson founder of Hanson Robotics. She can process unstructured language, in other words, instead of programmed answers, Sophia has the ability to learn new answers and increase her knowledge base every time she interacts with humans, which is a basic example of Artificial Intelligence and autonomous learning.

Sophia’s appearance was developed in the image of Audrey Hepburn, Hollywood actress and model. She is humanoid, meaning, she has a face, arms, hands and can gesture, which add a different element when interacting with her.


Why did Sophia visit Medellín?

Medellín is Colombia’s leader in technology and innovation issues. Also, the first Center of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence was recently opened thanks to the agreement signed between Ruta N and the Institute for Automation of Processes and Artificial Intelligence (IRPA AI). In the upcoming years, the center will train local talent with new capacities to achieve global quality standards and generate innovative and advanced services of automation, artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, RPA, cognitive technologies and deep learning.

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