Distrito Creativo de Medellín Perpetuo Socorro

Medellín Works to Boost Orange Economy

Orange Economy refers to all those economic activities related to the cultural industry, art, and creativity. In a stricter definition: “It is the set of activities that, linked, allow ideas to be transformed into cultural goods and services, whose value … Read More

La Red C40 prestará apoyo técnico al Plan de Acción Climático de Medellín

The C40 Network will Provide Technical Support to Medellín’s Climate Action Plan

Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga, Mayor of Medellín, accompanied by Manuel Olivera, regional director for Latin America of C40 presented the planning framework to develop the Climate Action Plan of Medellín to the members of the Metropolitan Environmental Council – CAM. This … Read More

Gestión de Cooperación Internacional

ACI Medellín Works in Six Lines of International Cooperation

The Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area – ACI Medellín- manages and oversees international cooperation opportunities for public initiatives and programs of social impact. According to the origin of the resources for international cooperation, there … Read More

Cooperación en Medellín

The Public Policy for International Cooperation, a roadmap towards development

The Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area, ACI Medellín carried out the lectures: “Let’s talk about the public policy of international cooperation in Medellín.” More than 14 civil society organizations attended the conference on “Public … Read More

Rutas aéreas internacionales de Medellín

Two new direct Air Routes connect Medellín and North America

Starting in November, Orlando (United States) and Cancun (Mexico) join the international air routes that bring Medellín closer to the world and strengthen bilateral tourism. The city already has 22 national and 12 international air routes. “Greater air connectivity increases … Read More

Medellín será la sede de la 49 Asamblea General de la OEA

Medellín will host the 49th OAS General Assembly

For the second time, Medellín is chosen to host the General Assembly of the Organization of American States – OAS. The decision was made by Resolution of that same entity, after Colombia stated its intention to host the meeting between … Read More

Memoria y reflexión en Medellín

Medellín Builds a new Future

Although Medellín has opened other public calls which have earned it worldwide recognition for its social and urban progress, this architectural design contest symbolizes not only transformation but the beginning of a space for memory, reflection, and reconciliation. On October … Read More

Mercados campesinos una estrategia que vincula el desarrollo económico y la seguridad alimentaria

Mercados Campesinos, a Strategy to link Economic Development and Food Security

With 30 years of operation, Mercados Campesinos is a government strategy which has managed to benefit more than 500 peasant families in the capital of Antioquia, through 21 selling points around the city. Mercados Campesinos [Peasant Markets] is a strategy … Read More

Medellín, Ciudad del aprendizaje

Medellín Reaffirms its Position as a Learning City

Medellín becomes a worldwide example of best practices on education issues with the lowest dropout rate in its history reaching 2.9%. This is a result of policies and programs which seek to train citizens throughout their life cycle. This is … Read More

Medellín promueve oportunidades de inversión y cooperación en Londres

Medellín Explores Investment and Cooperation Opportunities in London

ACI Medellín carried out a work agenda in the capital of the United Kingdom after the announcement of their interest in investing in Colombia. The United States and Spain have also demonstrated their interest in this issue. The agenda included … Read More

Summit Trampoline Park Medellín

Summit Opens its Second Indoor Trampoline Park in Colombia

In November, Medellín will have a new space for healthy indoor entertainment with 100 trampolines and a wide range of activities for children, young people, and adults. In a 2,900 mt2 area, the park has a capacity for more than … Read More

Semilleros Infantiles de Participación Ciudadana reciben premio en Portugal

The Child Workshops for Citizen Participation Program was Awarded in Portugal

The XV Congress of Educating Cities: “The city belongs to the people,” was held in Portugal, from November 13 to 16. Medellín participated with the project Child Workshops for Citizen Participation of the Medellín Mayor’s Office and managed by the … Read More

Learnings from the Medellín Lab 2018

There is no doubt that the reflections, analyses and learnings left by the Medellín Lab 2018 will be of great use for the growth of the participating cities in this second edition of the laboratory of living experiences of Medellín. This … Read More

InicioEl Gobierno Nacional, Medellín y el Foro Económico Mundial trabajan para la creación de un centro regional para la Cuarta Revolución Industrial. El Gobierno Nacional, Medellín y el Foro Económico Mundial trabajan para la creación de un centro regional para la Cuarta Revolución Industrial

The National Government, Medellín and the World Economic Forum work in the creation of a Regional Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Medellín continues to demonstrate its progress in terms of innovation and leadership in new technologies for Colombia and the region. A priority also being driven by the National Government. The Center will support the development of policy frameworks for the … Read More

Red de Escuelas de Música de Medellín

The Music Schools Network of Medellín will tour in the United States

A delegation of 80 students from Medellín will travel to the United States on the tour called Medellín Canción Viva to interpret the repertoire with the same name. They will visit Boston, Baltimore, New York and Washington and, in the … Read More

Medellín se prepara para la segunda edición del MedellínLab

Medellín Prepares for the Second Edition of the Medellín Lab

Between October 28 and November 2, Medellín will be the stage for the largest city laboratory of living experiences, Medellín Lab 2018. It seeks to generate a dynamic exchange of experiences and learnings on successful solutions to problems shared among … Read More


Decathlon opens the largest store in the country

Decathlon, the French chain dedicated to sale and distribute sports accessories and equipment, will provide Medellín and the metropolitan area with the most complete inventory and innovative spaces for testing products also referred to as “testing areas.” In this store, … Read More

New Zealand’s Economic Capital and Medellín will Exchange Planning Experiences

Mr. Ludo Campbell-Reid, general manager of the Design Office of Auckland -economic capital of New Zealand- will visit Medellín. In 2016, Auckland, Vienna, Sidney, Medellin and Toronto were the nominees to receive the Lee Kuan Yew Award, which was awarded … Read More

Conferencia Internacional de Ciudades del Aprendizaje de la Unesco

Medellín will host the IV UNESCO International Conference on Learning Cities in 2019

Medellín was selected by UNESCO to host the International Conference on Learning Cities in 2019. In addition to this recognition, the World Cities Summit 2019 will be held in the city as a result of the Lee Kuan Yew Award … Read More


ACI Medellín is a Model for La Guajira

A delegation from the department of La Guajira, located in northern Colombia, visited the facilities of the Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area – ACI Medellín. Their purpose was to approach ACI Medellín’s work methodology, … Read More

La Embajadora de la Unión Europea estrecha relaciones con Medellín y Antioquia

The Ambassador of the European Union strengthens relations with Medellín and Antioquia

Between October 4 to 5, the Ambassador of the European Union in Colombia, Patricia Llombart, visits Medellín for the first time to deepening relations with the city and the department of Antioquia. They will focus on analyzing business opportunities and … Read More

Medellín comparte lecciones aprendidas en urbanismo con ciudades asiáticas y africanas

Medellín shares Lessons Learned in Urban Planning with Asian and African cities

Medellín – ACI Medellín and the World Bank will develop the second version of the Medellín Lab, a two-way knowledge exchange methodology. Between October 27 and November 2, 10 cities from Africa and Asia will visit Medellín to participate in … Read More

Invertir en Medellín

Medellín succeeded in San Francisco

After participating in the Global Climate Action Summit – C40 in San Francisco, mayor Federico Gutiérrez spoke in the event Why Medellín? and in a meeting of the Sos Paisa Network to strengthen relations of investment and cooperation. More than … Read More

avances de la ciudad frente a la acción climática

Mayor of Medellín talked about the progress made by the city towards the Climate Action Goals

The mayor, Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga, presented the initiatives of Medellín related to the protection of the environment at the Global Summit on Climate Action (GCAS) and the C40 Steering Committee. Among these initiatives, the Mayor highlighted the Pact for Air … Read More

Inclusión social

More than 50 mayors from 17 countries met in Medellín to discuss social inclusion

Medellin, Colombia. More than 50 mayors from 17 different countries from Latin America, the Caribbean and Spain met in Medellin, Colombia to exchange experiences and knowledge around social inclusion. This annual meeting is part of the Network of Cities promoted … Read More

Medellín, una ciudad a contraluz

Medellín, a Backlit City

Medellín and its inhabitants’ resilience is one of the four stories in the documentary Ciudades a Contraluz. It shows the profound essence of Beirut, Sarajevo, Medellín and Kigali, cities affected by violence that have healed their wounds to continue the … Read More

Red Sos Paisa en San Francisco

Sos paisa arrives in San Francisco by the hand of the Mayor of Medellín!

The mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga, will join the Sos Paisa meeting to share the progress made in all projects of Medellín. It will take place on September 13 at 6:00 pm in the Colombian Consulate in San Francisco … Read More

Medellín plays a strategic role in the Global Climate Action Summit – C40

The Global Climate Action Summit C40), aims to raise awareness around a reality affecting all countries of the world regarding the emission of polluting gases, the management of waste, the protection of water and the promotion of a life in … Read More

Feria del Libro de Medellín

Mexico is the guest country for the Book and Culture Festival in Medellín

Medellín is getting ready for the opening of the 12th Book and Culture Festival to be held between September 6 and 17 in Carabobo Norte. It is one of the five most important literary events in Latin America. This year’s … Read More

Por qué Medellín en San Francisco

Medellín aims to attract investment from San Francisco, United States

To capture the interest of potential investors operating in San Francisco, the mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez and the Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area – ACI Medellín, supported by ProColombia and Latin San Francisco, … Read More