On May 2nd, the mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga, met with the Paisa community in New York. The event was held at the Consulate of Colombia and was attended by the consul María Isabel Nieto Jaramillo.
The Sos Paisa Network of the Medellín Mayor’s Office gathered more than 80 Paisas in New York.
Federico Gutiérrez started the meeting by talking to the attendees about the transformation of Medellín. How the city moved on from a past that marked it and how today it reflects another reality, a story that we, Paisas, must tell others which shows us a new path.
The Mayor highlighted spaces such as the House of Memory Museum and the Memorial for Victims that will be built on the ground of the Monaco building. Also, he shared information on Medellín’s progress in education, sustainable mobility, integral security, culture, citizen trust and economic development. “The true heroes and the stories that must be highlighted are those of the victims,” explained the Mayor.
In his speech, he talked about the power of education as a transforming axis of Medellín: “Education is the hardest blow we can deal to criminal structures, this is how we get our children back. To do this, we have programs like: We count on you at school, Good Start, the Saberes strategy, the 21 alliances for you in the educational quality, among others,” remarked Gutierrez.
Mayor Gutierrez also talked about the 30 green corridors, the 100 parks for you plan, and the transformation of the city center.
These Paisas had the opportunity to talk with the mayor and learn first-hand about the changes the city has undergone. The event was attended by designers, businessmen, architects, community leaders, journalists, all talented and successful Paisas whom have lived for many years in the United States.
“I think the mission of the SOS Paisa program is beautiful. Coming here and contacting us, the Paisas, in New York where there is such a strong community… and where many people, for migratory reasons, have not been able to return to their homeland. The idea of telling the community of Paisas living outside Colombia what is happening in Medellín, seems to me very important,” said Diana Franco, entrepreneur and co-founder of www.corewoman.org
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