Guided by the Presidential Agency for Cooperation of Colombia – APC Colombia, and under Colombia’s South-South Cooperation strategy with Africa, a delegation made up of delegates from Kenya, Ghana, and Ethiopia visited Medellín.
A delegation made up of 3 officials from national and local governments of African countries visits Colombia to learn about best practices related to the use of bicycles as a means of urban transport.
The mission was interested in knowing the implementation process of bicycles as a means of transportation, and how Medellín managed to promote healthy lifestyle habits through this program. The delegation held meetings in which the EnCicla public bicycle system, the Metro System, and INDER’s Healthy and Active Roads strategy were the main focus.
“I want to see what happens here in Medellin and how the city managed to do it. Our purpose is to implement similar programs in our city, and make cycling a form of transport and healthy training,” said Kejela Mekonen, leader of the pedestrians and cyclists strategy in the Office of Transportation Administration of Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia.
ACI Medellín participated in the visit as the guarantor of the South-South cooperation exercise between the capital of Antioquia and the African cities.
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