sophia, la robot humanoide en Medellín

The Medellín Mayor’s Office supported UPB’s Summer School and Sophia’s visit since the event shows an element of development on a world scale. The presence of Sophia in Medellín and Colombia, creates a sense of certainty and curiosity at the same time because it motivates young people to open their minds and encourages companies in the sector and universities to learn, work together in proposing projects which solve human needs through artificial intelligence.

The event organizers chose Medellín for its commitment to innovation, science and technology. In 2014, the city signed the pact for innovation and by 2017 has invested $ 1.2 trillion – about 2.14% of GDP – in activities related to the city, technology and innovation.

Sophia is the first human-like robot with a high-level A.I. brain. She was created in 2016 by David Hanson founder of Hanson Robotics. She can process unstructured language, in other words, instead of programmed answers, Sophia has the ability to learn new answers and increase her knowledge base every time she interacts with humans, which is a basic example of Artificial Intelligence and autonomous learning.

Sophia’s appearance was developed in the image of Audrey Hepburn, Hollywood actress and model. She is humanoid, meaning, she has a face, arms, hands and can gesture, which add a different element when interacting with her.


Why did Sophia visit Medellín?

Medellín is Colombia’s leader in technology and innovation issues. Also, the first Center of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence was recently opened thanks to the agreement signed between Ruta N and the Institute for Automation of Processes and Artificial Intelligence (IRPA AI). In the upcoming years, the center will train local talent with new capacities to achieve global quality standards and generate innovative and advanced services of automation, artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, RPA, cognitive technologies and deep learning.

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